Don’t worry about tomorrow

November 13, 2020 | 10 comments

Don’t worry about tomorrow. God is already there! He already has a plan figured out, a supply in place, and health to enjoy.

Prepare for tomorrow by making the most of today.

10 thoughts on “Don’t worry about tomorrow”

  1. The child wrapping his arms around his dad, a wonderful feeling of security and happiness.
    A great feeling for anyone. No apprehension there. Only gladness.
    The future belongs to God, yesterday belongs to God, we all belong to God in the present. That’s God’s gift to us, The “present”.
    Thank you Evan for this picture of security and trusting adherence to our Father. We cling to Him and He will provide for us the same security as the this little child.
    Have a wonderful weekend my SpiritView Family…

    1. David it is
      beautiful to hear your view of the boy and his father.
      I recall some years ago hearing Allen Young sharing how he was out for a walk with his young son. A msn sitting on a bench asked the young boy where he was going and his response was “I’m going with my father”.

  2. I can relate to this picture! As a very little child my family took a long hike in the Sierras. It started to pour down rain as we were heading back and I was very tired and uncomfortable and crying. I remember my dad just putting me on his shoulders and hiking me all the way out. It was the most wonderful relief. What a gift to just let our loving Father take care of us!

  3. How did you know? How did you know I’ve been bothered by something happening tomorrow, Saturday? I had a bad dream the other night because I went to bed thinking about something that is now happening tomorrow. This is exactly the reminder I needed! Thank you!

  4. Thank you for the reminder that God is always present – we live in the now – so every moment is already filled with all the goodness of God. Each step of the way has been already secured – divine Love is always embracing us – caring for us, all we need to do is accept the Love that God has for each of us and live each moment to the fullest. No worries mate!

  5. Thanks for this inspiration Evan, and for the loving, comforting comments. When we realize we’re with our father, we don’t have to know or plan or strive or figure things out, we hold his hand and
    innocently trust and sense that we’re cared for and all is well.

    When I today’s topic it reminded me of a poster I have that says:

    Good Morning, this is God!
    I will be handling all your problems today,
    I will not need your help.
    So, have a good day!

    Love to all SpiritViewers, have a joyous weekend!

    1. Thank you, Rose, for that saying from the poster. I have read that before, but it needs to be reiterated often. And thank you, Evan, for this and all your helpful posts.

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