Eliminate blame, and focus on resolution

September 10, 2019 | 16 comments

“Blaming is pointing out there, rather than in here, into your own mind, when you find yourself in a painful or uncomfortable experience. Blame means shifting the responsibility for where you are onto someone or something else, rather than accepting responsibility for your role in the experience.”

~ Iyanla Vanzant

16 thoughts on “Eliminate blame, and focus on resolution”

  1. Blame is a denial of omnipresent Mind, divine Love. It is a temporal severance imposed on one’s spiritual sense (defined by Mary Baker Eddy as “the conscious constant capacity to know and understand [Good]- which manifests as bondage to the one who accepts it as reality. Bitterness and sorrow overshadow the individual’s perception of life, thereby shutting one off from the confidence in well being, Life, — that is innately and permanently Man’s true state of Being [health holiness (wholeness), harmony, happiness, heaven].

    Allowing Truth, Love, to permeate one’s thought totally washes away the false sense (and false trusts) in material sense and one awakes with the conviction that only Love is and was and ever could be Man’s conscious state of Being.

    One learns to be Love to any suggestion of hatred, resentment, and seeming condition that appears as something so unlike divine Love’s likeness. In this harmonious activity one finds satisfaction, well being, health, and rest- “unspeakable peace.”

    Thank you Evan!

  2. Thanks for the thoughts on blaming others or something besides erroneous conceptions inherent in mortal mind. Cleaning house is required to make room for God’s presence in our universe of consciousness
    A very wise India/Arab told me once if we point a finger at someone there’s three pointed back at YOU.
    An example of remaining humble, mist the challenge of defining error as an external power.
    Yesterday a wonderful friend told me she was a sinner. I asked her if she had time for a poem. She responded that she did. I recited Savior by our leader. Peace came over all of us as I declared her innocence and purity as we are taught to see other’s. Later yesterday evening I felt decades younger. Knowing I was listening to God’s direction.
    She requested a copy of Science and Health. She is a doctor’s wife…..

    1. Thank you David for sharing that God-directed response to your friend.It certainly illustrates Evan’s introduction… illuminating resolution…the cleansing of divine Love, of Christ, Truth.

    2. Aaah, the 3 Fingers!! Great timely reminder for me that “what you think of me is none of my business but what I think of you is everything”: manifestation is the reflection and effect, not cause. That my experience in any moment – and my emotional response – is my guide to how clearly I am being a channel of life, love and beauty, but as the image and likeness of Good I have both intelligence and volition to choose again!

      1. Here you go Rebecca.It’s hymn 298 in the Christian Science Hymnal.
        Saw ye my Saviour? Heard ye the glad sound?
        Felt ye the power of the Word?
        ‘Twas the Truth that made us free,
        And was found by you and me
        In the life and the love of our Lord.

        Mourner, it calls you, — “Come to my bosom,
        Love wipes your tears all away,
        And will lift the shade of gloom,
        And for you make radiant room
        Midst the glories of one endless day.”

        Sinner, it calls you, — “Come to this fountain,
        Cleanse the foul senses within;
        ‘Tis the Spirit that makes pure,
        That exalts thee, and will cure
        All thy sorrow and sickness and sin.”

        Strongest deliverer, friend of the friendless,
        Life of all being divine:
        Thou the Christ, and not the creed;

        1. Sorry…the last line didn’t copy so here it is again. It’s called
          Communion Hymn

          Saw ye my Saviour? Heard ye the
          glad sound?
          Felt ye the power of the Word?
          ‘Twas the Truth that made us free,
          And was found by you and me
          In the life and the love of our Lord.

          Mourner, it calls you, — “Come to my
          Love wipes your tears all away,
          And will lift the shade of gloom,
          And for you make radiant room
          Midst the glories of one endless day.”

          Sinner, it calls you, — “Come to this fountain,
          Cleanse the foul senses within;
          ‘Tis the Spirit that makes pure,
          That exalts thee, and will cure
          All thy sorrow and sickness and sin.”

          Strongest deliverer, friend of the friendless,
          Life of all being divine:
          Thou the Christ, and not the creed;
          Thou the Truth in thought and deed;
          Thou the water, the bread, and the wine.

  3. Emilie, excellent ideas!
    David, beautiful outreach to use Mrs.Eddy’s poem Savior. 🙂 You were truly listening! Thanks,Evan for getting the conversation started! Have a beautiful DAY, everyone,

    DAY as defined In the glossary of Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy:
    …”Mind measures time according to the good that is unfolded.” May our day be full of the unfolding of good!

  4. All the comments above were a lift up, to a new revelation about TODAY. Loved the ideas shared, and I feel my eyes are opened to new ideas and an awareness of sore spots begging for resolution, as I start my day preparing for a church meeting.

  5. One of the most freeing ideas that I am reminded of daily is there is only ONE MIND, not many minds battling one another. Searching your consciousness for error should be blameless and one more window to freedom.

  6. Thank You Father-Mother Love and all who have shared so far, and all who will, for this healing message. Perfect complement to today’s Daily Lift about angels. Love and blessings to all this beautiful day!

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