Expect something good

March 6, 2025 | 22 comments

Do you expect something good to happen today?  I hope so, because it can!

God is good, and God is happening all the time.  Which means, something good is happening all the time!

How do we find this good?  Through spiritual sense.

Spiritual sense is our connection to God.  It’s our ability to see the good that God is causing to happen.

When we reason out from spiritual sense, we see what God sees.  We learn what God knows and is causing to happen.

God is always causing something good to happen whether we expect it or not.  The more we expect it, the easier it is to find it when it pops up in front of us.

Be open to something good happening.  It is already!  And you have spiritual eyes to see it.

22 thoughts on “Expect something good”

  1. Thanks Evan for spiritual encouragement each to a troubled world.
    But if each day we see the goodness of God and trust His ominopetent care, all seeming
    fear, discouragement and other errors will finally disappear from our thoughts, and real reality will be seen.

    1. Hi Lorna, your comment about the world made me think of this article:

      “Living in God’s world” Progress in seeing spiritually rather than accepting a material sense of being was my ticket to freedom from suffering. By Robert Tokheim, from the January 31, 2022 issue of The Christian Science Sentinel:
      **Sorry, I’m not able to attach a shareable article, but it may open up as a free article since it’s the beginning of the month.

  2. I have been unable to open SpiritView until now – not this one or any for over a month. That’s probably why there is only one comment.

    1. There was a glitch today that took my website offline for a few hours. But it is fixed now. Sorry about that.

      I’m not sure why you haven’t been opening them for “over a month.” That would be an issue on your end. Thanks,

      1. I knew it would return!

        A glitch won’t stop the truth coming through loud and clear!!
        So grateful I’m patient and you’re diligent Evan.

  3. Have only just managed to get this – it said it was trying to maintain a data base.

    I love the picture of the dog anticipating good things to appear.. a lovely message –
    thank you Evan. Thank you Lorna for your input. I will think more about this and look forward to more sharing of inspiration. .

  4. So wonderful to see the site back again, Evan! Thank you so much, as always!
    I expected This good (the site being open) today to happen and it did. Yay!!!!
    Knowing that behind the scenes, spiritual good was/is happening, even if
    not “seen” through mortal eyes, is a very comforting thought. The inspiration
    shared here sure is a plus, though.
    Love the photo and canine expectation with loving anticipation and loyalty.
    Very sweet. Oh, and Thank you, too, tech person for getting the site back
    up again. : )

  5. So happy to have SV back again ,Evan. I think I’m a bit like that happy pooch looking for something good to come along…only I’m waiting for your next spiritual uplift on Spirit View! It always amazes me that even occasionally seeing the similar thoughts and reasonings , there are times I’m awakened to another level or angle to explore. It just proves that Mind is inexhaustible.❣️
    Looking forward to reading the article J…thank you so much.B.x

  6. Evan to clarify, I just went to previous SpiritViews that I had read but not deleted from my Inbox. Now none of them could be opened either. J, thank you for the links to both very helpful articles.

    1. Thank you, Harmony – the article you shared of a world of infinite Love
      follows through with the theme of expecting something good and also the
      sweet anticipating of something the precious pup in the photo is experiencing …
      and the unconditional love that will be given. From the article, “The inhabitants
      of Love’s world are not classified as nation or races divided against each other,
      but rather as one harmonious family, having one nature, language and country,
      one God and with the collective purpose of reflecting the infinitude of Love.”
      The entire world would be so united if harmony and peace were the goal to
      be achieved. Spiritual sense does connect and tie us together in this God-
      given Love and what a wonderful something to look forward to … all Good!

      1. Yes thank you dear Blessed, and I am very glad that Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health that God gives to whole mankind and at every hour a l l Good ! 🙂 That is for sure!

  7. My sister, Sandy, used to share her favorite quote from you whenever we would be having any type of negative feelings, She would say, “As Evan says, Love, Love, Love!” Thank you, Evan, for the wonderful spiritual guidance you send every day in these posts, It does make a difference.

  8. Thanks dear Maggie and I too love the sweet dog awaiting good, his people coming home.

    To me this morning happened the same what you say in your first paragraph, Maggie. But interestingly very early in the morning in Germany, I got today’s SpiritView by clicking on the button “newer” of the last SV and I could read that wonderful spiritual truth, before I got it in the late afternoon again.
    God knows no glich, just only His perfect harmony!

    Dear Evan and SV-Team, thank you very much for your diligence to fix it . I’m very thankful and happy that we can read today’s very comforting and healing SpiritView! From that time I read it I opened my thoughts for the good God has prepared to give us. As I had a helper in my house, we reached the goal of needed arrends together in abt. 5 hours. It was a lot to do and we managed to complete everything. I often listened for guidance according to today’s SpiritView – thank you very very much, dear Evan! And thank you very very much all dear SpiritView friends for your inspired comments and all the articles, which I’m looking forward to read! ❤️

  9. Thank you, dear Uta, for your always loving and inspiring
    comments and sharing. That was a good idea to click on
    “newer”. I will bear that in mind if ever the need arises
    again, which I don’t anticipate.

    Thank you everyone for your inspiring contributions,
    and the articles. I found Elise Moore’s article very helpful.

  10. Thank you, Evan. God is unconditional love and provides unconditional good 24/7 and we enjoy that love and good as His reflection. There is no outside to God and His reflection — They are self-contained, whole and complete.

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