Expect spontaneous good

January 13, 2012 | 5 comments

I was reading a blog by editor John Yemma in The Christian Science Monitor, January 2, 2012, where he mentioned the difficulty of making predictions about the future.
“Experts” often get it wrong because they base their projections on what they know today. But along the way, totally unexpected events occur that change everything. New technology is discovered, leaders with visionary ideas appear on the scene, economies tank or rise. The point being, it’s very hard for the human mind to predict far ahead because the future is not necessarily the product of today. It’s the outcome of what happens tomorrow.
This made me think about individual expectations.
When you form expectations about the New Year, do you base predictions on what you expect to happen next month on what you are experiencing right now?
For instance, if you have little money in your pocket today, do you expect to struggle financially the rest of the year? If you are unemployed, do you expect to stay unemployed? If you feel overweight, do you expect to remain overweight?
If so, there’s a better way!
Instead of projecting your future based on material observations today, drop the matter-based conclusions and reason out from Spirit.
In Spirit, good happens spontaneously. There is no material lead-up to it. It just happens.
God is spontaneous good. God is causing good things to happen all the time. He knows our needs before we think we have a need. And the need is always supplied. The more we recognize this truth, the more we see it happen in our lives, and often in unexpected ways.
A man reported to me recently that he was unemployed and without money to pay his bills. He attended my “Living in Abundance,” lecture and readily took in my explanation of all supply coming from God and present here and now. He believed it and prayed with it. A few days later, a neighbor, without any warning whatsoever, took out her checkbook and wrote him a $2000 check. She explained to him that she felt compelled to do it and was able to do it. No strings attached.
The funds were sufficient to pay all the man’s bills and bring him current. Spontaneous good!
Expect it in your life. Don’t look for it materially. Know it is present spiritually, and trust the outward form it takes to be perfect for the moment in which it arrives.
God’s spontaneous good is a wonderful gift to welcome into your life.

5 thoughts on “Expect spontaneous good”

  1. Starting with God as our model in thought, like you are saying here – starting from a different stangpoint than the human, gets you OFF THE HUMAN road to have to put in the time, effort, human struggle and fight and gives you what God knows you need instantly! i had the same thing happen with a check writer when I needed money; it’s a touch stone I will never forget! Thank you for your blog!

  2. I did too … someone wrote my family a check for a new roof … $15,000. It was set up as a loan and then forgiven. I never forgot it.

    The next lesson was important … I regretted my needing that help. I wanted to do it on my own. But do we ever do anything on our own? Since that time, I has spend a few years working with volunteers… many are wealthy. They love to give their time and their money. Giving is so satisfying for them. And I see now, that the woman who gave us our roof, LOVED giving it to us. I see that now.

  3. How nice this would be to send to all Branch Church Boards. Less fear for some and more support for the fearless!

  4. Roof receiver here again … I want to say that I have earnestly tried to pay it forward … looking for ways I could be generous with my time, talents, money.

  5. Thanks Evan!

    This blog is good meeting a need, even though a few days after you posted it. I recently had a conversation with a personal coach who I am working with since I am currently looking for a job, and she said something to me that I wasn’t quite grasping and here in your words is what she was saying. I get it now – starting with good, not the past, not the wrong, because starting with those we never get anywhere; but starting with the good, we get everything and can go to amazing places!

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