Find health in Spirit

December 8, 2017 | 23 comments

“We must not attribute more and more intelligence to matter, but less and less, if we would be wise and healthy.”

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 62

Mortal mind has been on a rampage the last few decades attributing more and more intelligence to matter.

People are taught to fear food, worry about calories, watch their fat intake, check their cholesterol level, monitor their sodium consumption, and more, all part of the belief system that what you put in your mouth is the bottom-line determinant of your state of health.

People are taught to fear bacteria and viruses, panic about flu seasons, take extra precautionary efforts against germs, and to stress out about catching diseases from others.

Medical theory teaches people to constantly monitor the body, to exam every little fluctuation in its condition for fear that a disease may be developing, to measure it, weigh it, manipulate it, sanitize it, soak it in lotions, and drug it with endless prescriptions all in the belief that that state of matter is the state of a person’s health.

Yet, for all this matter-thought-taking, people are having more health problems than ever. Medical facilities and healthcare clinics are multiplying to accommodate the ever-growing number of people who are sick and not finding true health. For all the attention given to food, more people than ever are obese. People are taking more and more drugs when they should be taking fewer if the drugs worked. The matter model approach to healthcare is broken. It is not working.

It’s time for a change! And Christian Science leads the way.

Health comes from God and is found in Spirit.

If people would give more attention to finding health in Spirit, and spend less time examining, prodding, and fretting over the body, they would find more reliable health.

God created man healthy. Health is our natural and normal status as a child of God. But God is Spirit, not matter. Health is spiritual and is found in Spirit.

Go to Spirit and find health! It’s the wiser and healthier way to live.

23 thoughts on “Find health in Spirit”

  1. Excellent as always Evan – especially as the health care system is collapsing under overload.
    Thanks – and have a good and healthy weekend.

  2. Again, my thanks. Conversation by non-Chrisian Scientists is often overloaded with health issues. It’s good to be alert to REAL health. I look forward to each blog

  3. Am very thankful, dear Evan for another very clear and helpful SpiritView.

    It wakes us up, if we are not already awake to the spiritual Truth.

    Yes, it is a good idea, lets go to Spirit and find health there as the only wise and healthy way!
    This morning I made the first big step studying the CS lesson sermon, so extremely helpful and way leading.

    I am like all of us very grateful for your inspiring and loving and healing blog 😉

  4. Good morning dear Evan and loving group. Since I was a child I was wondering: Can a piece of meat think? Can a bone, a nerve, an arm, a foot think, feel? And with time I was understanding that they can not do it. It is the carnal mind that says: I grieve this or that, I feel “x” thing, I suffer such pain or illness. Well, then, little by little, with hard work and incessant we must empty the mortal mind and go occupying it with the Truth, colonize it until the Truth fills it and … it overflows. What will be the effect on the body then of that mind colonized by the Truth: Health, well-being, happiness, love … That is the effect of the Truth on our carnal body. Evan, or commentators, please, I am a disciple, I try to be a disciple, so if in a comment or it seems I am wrong, I would appreciate it if you let me know. Excellent weekend to all. Let’s not forget, that beyond our individualities, we are all One reflecting the Mind.

  5. I wanted to make a clarification. Each individual is free to choose the health system he or she considers appropriate. Christian Science does not prohibit medical treatment. Everyone chooses their welfare as they see fit. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Gustavo,

      its right what you say and inspiring; and I think we are all disciples, as the teachings and healing ministry of Christ Jesus is timeless.

      Mrs. Eddy says in SH somewhere, that one who thinks that medcine helps him more, he shall choose what he thinks is better for him.
      But if a person is once healed through Christian Science, he knows what is best for him, because he has the proof.

      We really can be grateful for Christian Science and its healing Church.

      Good weekend to all – with Love 😉

  6. Very inspiring, Evan and commenters. We listen for God’s direction in all we do as well as in who we are. As reflections of principle, our bodies fit together and function perfectly. Love to all.

  7. All health can be found in the spiritual understanding and acceptance of a humble patient divine principle of love which would include oneself to the whole of divine love. Wonderful comments and post. Thank you all.

  8. Merry Christmas, dear Evan and Kathy!

    Evan, today’s message is truly in God’s perfect timing– matter is yelling in our home at this time. Today’s message is a loving reminder “go to Spirit to find health” … Thank you!!

  9. Something about this doesn’t make sense.
    I know people who put everything and anything in their mouths and are very unhealthy as a result…
    Our thoughts and attunement to the idea of what we are, in Truth, definitely effects the bodies health…
    in this sense MBE was incomplete in her understanding and as a result many have a misconception about what their body is… what it’s purpose is…

    1. Maximo, hi. I know what you are saying, mortally speaking. I think it might help to understand if we choose foods more wisely as they are originally, without mankind’s help to “improve” them, we would be eating a more natural, wholesome and pure product. gmo’s, highly processed, factory food (i.e. manmade) interpretations of what food should be, with man-made chemicals all are not what God’s nature intended, like how our ancestors ate. This is how I interpret it anyway.
      Thank you, Evan, for a great topic and everyone for your loving comments

    2. Hi Maximo,

      You make an interesting observation. Actually, it’s not what people put in their mouth that is the primary culprit. It’s the thinking the motivates them to eat what they eat. That’s were the troubles starts. If desire is self-absorbed, looking only to please the senses, to eat whatever “feels good,” and to let sugar and salt takeover reason, for example, the choices will likely be poor and have a negative effect in the body. But if one is finding genuine happiness and contentment within first, feeling close to God, and not looking to food for comfort, but to Truth and Love, they likely will make better choices. Eddy understood this. Healthy thinking leads to healthy living, and the healthiest thinking is always going to be spiritual thinking–actions and habits governed by God, not by selfish wants. Lots to think about and learn on this subject…

      1. Oh, Evan, thank you so much for your clearing facts of Truth and Love, bringing us to the only true place we want to be, very close to God, and then we get everything we need, health and joy and also the right food.
        “Look first to the things of God and everything else will be given unto you”, so about says the Bible.

        How do I love this very lively, interesting, loving and inspiring blog of you, Evan!

        And thanks to Daphne below for the true words Christ Jesus said to his followers, and so he would say also to us today.

  10. Since the potter (God) made us of His clay (divine Love). Then we are Love. That means that all the basic ingredients in this wonderful clay includes health, kindness, gratitude etc etc. How on earth could we SERIOUSLY be anything but that divine clay? ALL SPACE is overfilled with this clay, divine Love, ALL SPACE!!! Me and you and the rocks, trees and this endless, infinite universe is and was and will always be only DIVINE LOVE……….
    Thank heavens, whew!

  11. Body is Spirit/spiritual. MBE got it. But MBE says..we can only demonstrate what we understand and understand what we demonstrate, She gives us the relative as well as the absolute statements. Have to handle universal beliefs,
    Thank you, Evan.

  12. Amen!! Perfect reminder Evan. A real keeper front and center. Maximo, I did not understand what you were saying in last paragraph.

  13. Thanks! Great post—and something we can share with others. Health is our natural state as we are the reflection of the perfect Mind, God. Checking the thoughts we accept into our consciousness is what we need to do more than watching what we put into our mouths. I think of what Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Our only real “bread” is His word. That’s our real sustenance. Love to all!

  14. Thank you for posting this – so true and a wake up call, not to be mesmerized by commercials, either on TV, the radio or in print.

  15. Evan,
    Thank you for another wake up call.
    I want to share an experience I had on Thursday night. I was working in a small group workout at the gym with a new trainer and before the workout, the trainer said, “I have something for you to drink.” I asked, “What is it?” And she said, “something to help you perform. This is going to be a hard workout.” I asked, “What is in it?” She listed off caffeine and a B vitamin. Although the way she said it implied I did not have a choice, I had to realize I did. The gal beside me drank what had been poured for her. She never asked a question. This is where I am so thankful for Mrs Eddy’s writings. “The time for thinkers has come.” It seems pretty harmless to drink caffeine and/or a B vitamin but what is really going on here? I am being tempted to say strength and endurance comes from vitamins or a liquid instead of Mind. What happens if in the future i don’t have those things? What happens if I get tired on my way up a mountain and I don’t have caffeine or a B vitamin? Can I make it? (I say that with a smile). Strength and endurance are non-tangible qualities and yet there is substance to them. They are given freely to all, not just those with access to caffeine and or a B vitamin. For those who believe they are material it makes sense to go to the doctor. But, when you realize you are spiritual, it doesn’t make sense anymore. I believe we search and find our way out in the desert following Truth and Love. We can listen to other’s observations and opinions and sometimes find them helpful but ultimately the answers come from within, Truth and Love guiding us. It has to make sense though. You move in the direction where there is light. If there is no light, I have to do some work. And, like Christ coming to us just past our darkest hour (funny how he came to us just after winter solstice), a breakthrough. Will that seed fall on fertile soil that is receptive and humble to the new idea or will it be choked out or crucified by envy and pride?

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