Find peace in spiritual sense

July 19, 2022 | 15 comments

Spirit’s senses are without pain, and they are forever at peace. Nothing can hide from them the harmony of all things and the might and permanence of Truth.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 214

Spiritual sense is the ticket out of suffering, for in spiritual sense there is no suffering. Spiritual sense knows only the peace and harmony of God.

God created you with spiritual sense. You have it! No pain, fear, or false belief of mortal mind can hide it or remove it from your awareness.

It’s natural for you to think and feel spiritual. Claim this truth vigorously and enjoy its benefits.

15 thoughts on “Find peace in spiritual sense”

  1. Perfect Evan. I’ve read this passage many times but with your added thoughts it has made me concentrate more fully on the message being put across. Thank you so much , this is a ‘ keeper’.❣️

  2. Fully agree with Barbara’s comment : Evan your message brought me to a fresh view on this well known passage, thank you : ” who am I to try to hide God’s perfection and reflection ? ”

  3. Thank you for your daily inspirations.
    “who am I to try to hide God’s perfection and reflection” really popped out to me.
    Also for fun, I like to note the timelines of these posts because it tells me these thoughts we already affirmed around the world while I was yet sleeping❣️
    SpiritView is a community of Love ❤️

    1. I love what you said Jan, “Spiritview is a community of Love.” So true and wonderful to acknowledge this.

      The quote from MBE says that nothing can hide from us the harmony of all things. I had an experience of this yesterday. My husband and I had been bickering and it was turning into a big argument. I was seeing him as the “problem” and he was seeing me as the “problem.” It was getting very unpleasant. I wasn’t specifically praying (too caught up in the emotion of the moment) but suddenly everything began to calm down and I saw that error (the enemy, satan, devil, material sense, mortal mind ) had been trying to come between us, trying to make us see each other as bad or wrong. I said out loud, “We can’t let error trick us and come between us. We can’t let it turn us against each other.” My husband also saw what was happening and agreed. That was it, calm and harmony were present again, never really gone, just hidden for a while as error tried to personalize itself as me and my husband. Very grateful to God for revealing this. Spiritual sense wins.

      1. Thank you Rose for an insightful example of how darkness tries to break down family ties—it is not the people who are dark but the arguing (tools of error) which need destroying…well done! Thank you Evan for taking the gems of truth and polishing them up for us. Thank you SpiritView community for enriching us all with great examples of these powerful truths put into action and for the daily links to CS literature—I appreciatively read them all.

  4. This post was particularly inspiring to me, Evan! Contemplating life in Spirit sweeps away the mortal tendency to ruminate over past mistakes and to move forward with confidence that one’s thoughts and actions are guided and protected by God. Happy, fresh, original ideas thus abound from the deep knowledge that we are all spiritual beings moving in harmony with God, our creator, and that this spiritual oneness is constantly at work in our lives.

  5. Angie, thank you for your wonderful contributions to this blog with your articles you recommend. They are always “spot on.” And of course, a daily thank you to Evan for your fresh and thoughtful direction.

  6. Thank you, Martine, for the very powerful, “who am I to TRY to hide God’s perfection and reflection?”

  7. I had some fresh inspiration on the very familiar “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” I have always stressed “shall” not “might” as most important. The thought that came to me was that we must “know” the truth, not just “declare” it, which is what I’ve been doing a lot of lately.
    Thanks to all who have shared their inspirations and to Evan for his steadfast dedication in leading us on the right path.

  8. At first, when reading the last paragraph of Evan’s post today, I thought that word should read ‘spiritually’ not spiritual. But I went back to it as written, and it has encouraged me to, in particular, ‘feel spiritual’ and acknowledge in a new direction in broadening my identity as a spiritual idea of God.
    Many thanks to you, Evan.

  9. Thank you very much, dear Evan that you chose this topic “spiritual sense” up here!
    I remember that you included this topic in your lectures, which I interestingly listened to!
    You said vehemently “you all have spiritual sense, you a l l have it”, and you looked all around your audience in your church, where you held the lecture. It was very loving and equally powerful for me and very asuring that we all have spiritual sense. Then you said vigorously ” u s e it, u s e it!°”
    Yes, I understand that we use it when we study the weekly lesson sermon or when we pray or when we reading CS literature – simply when we do anything with Christian Science Truths in mind.
    Thanks for your wonderful SpiritualView Blog, Evan – so so comforting and healing! 🙂

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