Finding peace and calm

November 2, 2022 | 30 comments

Would you like to feel more peace of mind throughout the day? As a child of God, it’s natural for you to feel calm.

I tell how to find this peace in this video that was filmed in the Bruneau Dunes State Park in Idaho, when my wife and I visited the area in August 2022.

30 thoughts on “Finding peace and calm”

    1. Peter, well said. You make a good point in that life can be an uphill battle..
      Saying a truth can be a beginning, But, living and grasping that truth is a journey..
      I’ve found it helpful to picture that not only can I know what is true, but Truth is knowing me…embracing me, and comforting me…
      Only as I immerse myself in Christianity can I feel that holy peace..

      1. “Truth is knowing me… embracing me, and comforting me.
        How great is that….
        “I AM a God at hand, not far off.”
        I appreciate that answer to “flipping your mind” …. it’s a journey.
        Thank you John.

      2. Thank you John, “Truth is knowing me…embracing me, and comforting me…” how wonderful! I am so glad you were inspired to share.

      3. Pondering todays topic this passage was very helpful to me.
        “The nature of Christianity is peaceful and blessed, but in order to enter the kingdom, the anchor of hope must be cast beyond the veil of matter into the Shekinah into which Jesus has passed before us; and this advance beyond matter must come through the joys and triumphs of the righteous as well as through their sorrows and afflictions. Like our Master, we must depart from material sense into the spiritual sense of being.” S&H 40:31

  1. What is to be Meek?

    Having the ability to listen
    With confidence to that still small voice with grace
    Yet, not weak in Mind
    Yet, serene
    Yet no one’s fool
    But not painfully trite
    the power of Spirit is carrying that knowledge in Truth
    Consistent, bold and steadfast
    Yet, active in long suffering of other’s follies
    Not angry
    Whole and complete

  2. Every thought of peace and calm is a balm to the Soul of which we all strive for. This is ours by reflection. Thank you Evan for the video shot of the lake very inspiring. This is a take away.

  3. The peace of divine Mind, is the joy of infinite Love, the securely confident faith in Truth, the clarity and safe foundation of Principle’s merciful grace. In the very moment and place that a mistaken perception would try to attempt to disturb me, I can ask God what is all powerful grace here, right now? How can I express and experience and celebrate God’s grace?

    That gracious gratitude and generous giving is secure, serene, undisturbed. It is invincible love. It is equipoise because there is only God and no opposite or lack.

    So each moment I can look for specific, detailed, appropriate examples to manifest the equipoise that no person and no thing or circumstance or belief can disturb. The unconditional love , the perseverance regardless. The unshaken inspiration. The undistracted focus. The trustworthy integrity. Balance. A stable mind that is never stagnant or stuck. Persistent and resilient joy. The surety in the inspiration being complete in follow-through. “Undisturbed amid the jarring testimony of material sense.”

  4. I am still in a place where I need to do something physical to establish that calm state (swimming, yoga) but I keep striving to become more spiritually minded.

    1. ah yes.. i love my swimming and pilaties too Susan. Are they not an active expression of Soul and Life rather than a passive expression! You go girl! Build up your repetoir of living Life !

    2. I find that the more we are aware that all substance (and activity) is actually spiritual (sourced in God’s immortal, undecaying, tangible thoughts), the easier it is to see that all so-called physical activity is an expression of thought. So my standing goal is that whatever activity I do, I do “standing under” the thought that everything true, without exception, is spiritual–even when I don’t seem to fully comprehend it.

  5. The Serenity Prayer — original full version

    God, give us grace to accept with serenity
    the things that cannot be changed,
    Courage to change the things
    which should be changed,
    and the Wisdom to distinguish
    the one from the other.

    Living one day at a time,
    Enjoying one moment at a time,
    Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
    Taking, as Jesus did,
    This sinful world as it is,
    Not as I would have it,
    Trusting that You will make all things right,
    If I surrender to Your will,
    So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
    And supremely happy with You forever in the next.

  6. Thank you Evan for this compelling and vital topic. As we seek and find through prayer more of this mental serenity it ripples out to calm and correct the troubled waters of world thought.
    So many inspired comments today. Carolyn, this original version of the Serenity Prayer is beautiful. Edith, I love your beautiful description of equipoise.
    Peace and Blessings to all.

  7. What beautiful enduring thoughts you have provoked today Evan. A true feast of the one Mind!
    Remembering the time Jesus stilled the storm when all were so frightened around him. He just said ‘Peace, be still’. Knowing that ` Gods peace leads to all answers and leads to all harmony,❣️

  8. Thank you SO MUCH! I believe this message with my whole heart. There have been times however, that I really get fooled by the agitation you spoke of which tempts me to indulge in a chaotic sense of things. But today your reminder of what’s REAL will be a major tool in times of such temptation. Just deny the reality of an agitated picture before me. So much better to think about and look forward to!

  9. This subject of our natural state of mind/being, and the serenity and calm associated to me could be something needing daily/hourly attention and possibly even treatment. It’s of utmost importance, especially in this age of seeming high emotional injection that different facets of society is feeding its public. Very important subject to take account of often, daily. Thank you for standing in the clarity of Truth here Evan!!!!

  10. Good to hear that my natural state is calmness. So if I seem to lack calmness, I can know that I’m perceiving something false and unnatural to me as God’s expression. I can return to rest in my natural state of being, calm and still as the lake.

  11. Dear Evan, am very grateful for your comforting and healing SpiritView blog!! It s always wonderfully lovely and inspiring!♡

    It is always good to be reminded to stay spiritually minder, to have the Mind of God, the eternal Good! which brings progress and healing!♡

  12. Quotes by others:
    – God’s truth and peace just is. Not in the future – Truth does not need a time process. (Ruth Jenks)
    – Peace isn’t something that you strive to get or that you have to restore. Peace is there first. When you start with peace, you have the answer.
    – Healing is accepting the peace that God has created and given us. Starting prayer with acknowledging and beholding God’s creation as spiritual, always whole, functioning in perfect harmony – at peace.

  13. Thank you, Evan for this beautiful reminder that we must return to Peace, which is our natural state of being as reflections of God/Spirit. For the past 12 days I was in a turmoil due to a big mistake I made in signing up for a new heating system from a company that grossly overcharges. I was upset with them for all of the lies I heard from all of the ever-so-polite employees, but even more I was mad at myself for making that mistake.

    I turned back to page one of Science and Health with Key to The Scriptures. By the time I reached page 80 I was at Peace. I know that God forgives us. We must also forgive ourselves. I found the help I needed by returning to “page one.”

    Interesting that my nearest and dearest asked me how many times I have read that book. My response was “not enough!” That copy was a gift from a Christian Scientist friend over 40 years ago. It is precious to me.

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