Finding the right path to take

November 10, 2017 | 11 comments

Seek truth and you will find a path.

~ Frank Slaughter

Are you confused, uncertain about what to do next, not sure which way to go or where to turn? Seek a deeper understanding of Truth, and the mist will lift.

Truth is what you seek.

If faced with illness, the truth about health as a permanent gift from God can heal that sickness.

If faced with lack, the truth about God’s abundant supply will lead to provision.

If embroiled in conflict, the truth about Love’s mighty power and presence will bring peace.

Truth is the answer to any problem, quandary or challenge you face.

God is the ultimate Truth.

Seek Truth and find resolution.

11 thoughts on “Finding the right path to take”

  1. Thank you for this helpful message, Truth does indeed meet all our needs.

    It made me think of Hymn 85:
    God of Truth, eternal good, lift out hearts to revelation,
    that Thou may be understood, Thou the rock of our salvation.
    All Thy love we have for loving; all Thy truth is ours for proving.

  2. The picture is beautiful!
    Truth is God’s remedy for error of every kind, and Truth destroys only what is untrue.
    SH 142:31-2
    From Concord Express – A Christian Science Study Resource: The King James Version of the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy’s published writings

  3. Yes! Prov 3:5,6 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

    1. Hi Daphine,
      The Proverbs are Old Testament wisdom and are still profitable. However in some of the Proverbs, as in this one Proverbs 3:5, “our own understanding” has been infused with the Holy Spirit of the New Testament. So I think we can rely on our own understanding in most cases – for our own wisdom is now, hopefully, the still small voice of Christ thinking within or through us. This is my trusting opinion.
      Best wishes.

  4. I’m so grateful for the timeliness of this blogpost. Last night I went to bed feeling very uncertain about “what’s next.” Today I am reminded that of course it’s God, Truth that is “next” or what I need to look to. We are never stuck, we always have the perfect answet right at hand. I will seek Truth and let Truth guide me along the perfect path. What a genuine relief. Thank you God for taking care of me right now. Thank you Evan for listening to God’s inspiration and for sharing it with us. Thank you SV family for all the lovely posts all the time. ♡

  5. This reminder has met a need, reminding me to “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” I have always waited for that angel message before making major decisions or moves and they all went so smooth. Had forgotten that for a bit, Thank you all for your comments.

  6. Thank you Evan, for this thought provoking SpiritView. What is Truth, that is a revolutionary question Mrs. Eddy says in some other words. But we know Truth is God, or Christ Truth, the divine idea of God.

    This S/V requests us to go deeper into divine Truth – that could be done for instance through studying the weekly lesson sermon, that can bring us healing and the ideas we need for a successful day with God.

    Very helpfull Evan, “If embroiled in conflict, the Truth about Love`s mighty power and presence will bring peace.” Thank you!

    Thank you Anne Daly for Hymn 85 – I love that Hymn very much.

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