Go to new places

June 15, 2023 | 15 comments

If you’re headed out on a car trip, and you’d like to see something new, you drive to places you’ve never been before. You look for something new.

Likewise, with spiritual healing. If you’d like your experience to go to new and better places, thought needs to go there first.

Build on spiritual truth you know, but don’t stay there. Launch into higher, more expansive views of reality. Seek fresh inspiration!

As thought ventures into new and better places, experience follows.

15 thoughts on “Go to new places”

  1. What a perfect message Evan, thank you.
    There can be no boundaries to spiritual revelation and our experience of Love filled Life❣️

  2. In the days of vinyl records and wind-up gramophones, sometimes the needle would get stuck in a groove. However beautiful the music was, and that particular passage of music, it became boring listening to the same passage over and over again. because it wasn’t going anywhere – the development of the music had been halted by an error. in the gramophone.

    So even if we are loving the experience of spiritual beauty and harmony we have so far discovered, having progressed somewhat out of the monotony of material false beliefs, we need to continue to progress and find even higher views. There is so much more to discover of spiritual reality. If we stay in the groove of what we are enjoying at present, that will become unsatisfying after a while, because Spirit is never static, but is continually unfolding new views of divine goodness and beauty for us.

    As Evan says, we must “launch into higher, more expansive views of reality” We must. “seek fresh inspiration”.. Just like the children of Israel were told to gather their fresh manna every morning, and not to hold onto what God had provided for them on that particular day..

    1. Yes! Dear Maggie, I remember a wind up “record player” my Grandfather had. When it
      started to wind down, and the tune started to get slower and slower, it needed to be
      wound up again to hear the music intended. Thank you and Evan for that delightful and
      warm memory.
      Moving forward in God’s nudging and guidance … is like a person sitting on a rocking
      chair. They are moving, but not getting anywhere. Our thoughts, ever increasing in
      divine Love’s direction, takes us to heights of refreshing, new places where our view,
      our Spiritual View is, like the hymn, John qualtrough mentions, (Thank you, John),
      turns us “from earth to Spirit and from self have won release, Then we see the risen
      Saviour; Then we know his promised peace.”
      Have an adventurous day in Spirit, everyone!

    2. Good analogy Maggie about the manna given to the Israelites. It was fresh every day. Even though it supposedly looked the same it was likely giving them exactly what they needed for that particular day so they could keep moving forward on their journey (thought journey). If they tried to hoard extra manna out of fear of lack or scarcity, it turned bad and became unconsumable. So they had to stay in the moment and accept the new nourishment with trust in God’s constant provision of good.

      Yesterday on leaving work I had a definite impulse to walk a different way than usual through the city streets toward the bus I take to go home. I just started wandering and went down different streets and even just a different side of the street than usual. It took twice as long as the usual route but I was seeing the city and buildings and views in a completely new way with fresh eyes, from new angles and perspectives. It felt freeing and exciting, almost like I was in a different city. In the same way thought can always find new perspectives and avenue of growth.

      It’s wonderful to know that even though we’ve gained so much from our spiritual studies that it can just keep getting better and better, higher and higher.

  3. I love the simple truth found in hymn 171. “Every day will be an Easter filled with benedictions new”.

  4. At Annual Mtg, a reference to Mrs. Eddy’s statement in Misc 92 and Ret 84 was made: ” Centuries will intervene before the inexhaustible topics of that book will be fully understood. ” The encouraging Star Trek theme of “to boldly go where no man has gone before”, comes to mind….. 🙂

  5. A favorite passage from Science and Health page 258:
    “God expresses in man the infinite idea forever developing itself, broadening and rising higher and higher from a boundless basis.”
    A further down on the page,-
    “The human capacities are enlarged and perfected in proportion as humanity gains the true conception of man and God.”

  6. Thank you Evan. Thank you all. Truth continues to unfold into new and healthy channels. As we think deeply on a thought we always get new inspirations which guide us.
    I have this experience. Before I went for class instruction, I thought I knew it all and wondered why one had to go for class. Behold, during and after class I realized that I was just starting,. Everything seamed new to me.

  7. I had the same experience, Grace. I had class in ’76 and with the tools learned and Spirit’s guidance have continued learning every day. We never stop learning. Love to all.

  8. Ditto to Grace for her comment about class. I too I too started growing after class I thought I knew it all I was raised in Christian science and it’s all I know and wanted to know because it’s true ful and right and comforting, it just works it solves every problem and talking to God everyday and my teacher who has passed away while still teaching us from a resume and resumes plural and things we remember she said during the 12 Days of session and I think she was the best teacher that ever lived other than Mary Baker Eddie or Christ Jesus or my mother and Margaret Berry another human being that was perfect at walked this earth.anyway Thank you Grace and I totally agree with you about class instruction it seems to have started there what a step so glad I made it Thank you all Love you all

  9. Coming here is like a wonderful adventure with always
    something new to learn and explore with divine Love
    as teacher. I look so much forward to it and gain so
    much from you all, spiritually. Much appreciation and

  10. A beautiful message to read as we landed in the UK to see relatives we haven’t seen in 10 years. We misplaced a wallet and cash on a flight but everything is working out. It’s so wonderful to know that for every problem there is a solution. Thanks for your inspiration Evan.

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