God as head above all

July 16, 2024 | 27 comments

At a time of political turmoil in the highest echelons of government in my own country, I daily pray, “The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; he will save us” (Isaiah 33:22).

It’s easy to get swept up into heated opinion and fear about what government officials and aspiring leaders are doing or not doing.  But it’s more helpful to stay calm and remember that a higher power than any political figure of the moment is in control.  

The time human officials serve in office is very short compared to the span of divine Principle, God, which is ever in place enforcing inevitable moral and spiritual outcomes.  

I find comfort in knowing that the law of God is active throughout humanity’s experience, demanding that thought rise to divine Principle’s standards for Truth, standards which include honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, clarity, wisdom and actions that bless one and all.

In God’s hands, the future of the country is safe and secure.  Our collective prayers to see God as head above all, helps citizens realize the same.

27 thoughts on “God as head above all”

  1. “When the illusion of sense tempts you, cling steadfastly to God and his Idea”
    “The real jurisdiction of the world is in Mind controlling every effect …”
    “The Christian Scientist is alone with his own being and the reality of things”
    Quoting from memory, so hopefully I’ve correctly stated.

  2. …one Mind, not minds many..
    The picture above expresses the wonderful feeling when a known truth becomes the understood Truth! No power apart from God.
    Thank you Evan…happy day all❣️

  3. Thank you Evan:
    in explaing to the world the powder of Divine mind. He rules the uiverse. Therefore, therecan only be one powder, whicb is God!!

    1. Thanks Lorna, your comment, “He rules the universe” made me think of this verse from Hymn 417 (Joy to the World), 3rd verse:
      “He rules the world with truth and grace,
      And makes the nations prove
      The glories of his righteousness
      And wonders of his love.
      And wonders of his love.
      And wonders of his love.”

      And Evan than you so much for being a voice of spiritual calm and Truth, in the midst of material appearances of a world gone mad. It’s important to remind ourselves often that we are ALL under the absolute direction, guidance and influence of the One, most high, Almighty God. Love to you all!

  4. Evan thanks for bringing in the rule of divine Principle.. So many governments around the world have been become ineffective due to personal sense..the idea that a person rather than Principle is governing.
    We can turn to the source of all true government when recalling Christ as being described in part as having “the government upon his shoulders.”

    1. The First Commandment is the most important. “Thou shalt have no other gods before me. ”
      In our political arena we do not have two supitious gods looming before us.

      Our duty is to see every man as a child of God…especially now in the political arena.

      Science and Health, p 340
      One infinite God, good, unifies men and nations; constitutes the brotherhood of man; end wars, fulfills the scripture ” Love thy neighbor as thyself”……

  5. Dear Evan,

    This is one of the most impactful spiritual treatments I have ever read, possibly because I have been so overwhelmed about the need to pray for our country as we approach the U.S. presidential elections. There is a need to obey Mrs. Eddy’s admonition to “hold crime in check,” but also a need to trust God’s ever presence and to know that we can never be outside of it, that divine law will always assert itself in the highest order. Thanks ever so much.

  6. It is difficult at times as it seems so many people seemed seduced. But I have seen miracles happen in surprising ways when we align ourselves with only power that always Is
    Keep praying

  7. I found peace with this world-wide issue a few weeks ago when recognizing that we are all the innocent, immortal children of our Father-Mother God in whom “we live and move and have our being” as Love’s reflection. Then there never was a mortal man saying or doing unwise, unkind, ignorant, hateful, unjust, confusing, irresponsible, damaging things. As God’s “image and likeness”, we are all in our right Mind, expressing infinite wisdom, vitality, justice, strength, integrity, morality, ability and love. We are “one nation (kingdom) under God with liberty and justice for all”, or as a familiar hymn says, “We are not divided. All one body we”. Mary Baker Eddy wisely wrote in the chapter “Peace and War” in Miscellany: “The revered President and Congress of our favored land are in God’s hands”, as are we all… well, satisfied and safe.

  8. Let us never forget what Jesus did for mankind while the Romans were at the pinnacle of their worldly power. Christianity is forever; Ancient Rome fell.

  9. Thanks Evan and all for their comments. I am grateful to everyone who is turning to Spirtual Power and praying for our country and the world.

  10. Amen brothers and sisters in Christ; all of the statements were so wisely made for today’s world and forever

  11. Thank you, Evan! I will be sharing your inspired message today with friends. And thank you to all for many helpful ideas to know and claim. I heard a podcast a few weeks ago that helped calm my thought. CSer James Early, The Bible Speaks to You, episode titled “How would Jesus heal political division” Love to all.

  12. In lock step with you Evan. Thank you for your daily posts of heavenly inspiration. Working alongside of you “Spiritview”ers in cherishing a more united sense of divine government.

  13. I am very grateful for this post and the comments. I am somewhat new to Christian Science (little over a year), and finding this all a very helpful addition to whats available on JSH-Online.

    Evan’s work has been a major blessing helping me in an incredibly difficult situation (which is an experience of a past pattern), especially the audio chat on a Spiritual Response to Bullying, and the Sentinel Watch on What is Animal Magnetism.

  14. Wow, all you dear SpiritView friends, thank you very much for the inspired and very helpful comments, articles and poems!
    And I will pray together with you all for your wonderful America and for the whole world, and as Evan advises, to collectively pray to see God as head above all and know, in God’s hands the future of the countty is safe and secure!
    Thank you, dear Evan for today’s wonderful treatment for America’s, even for the whole world’s governments, that God is King above a l l ! ❤️

  15. I do not even live in America and have been very concerned about this issue, as have many Australians, but what Evan has written is very helpful….and everyone else’s comments too ,

    “Science shows that material, conflicting mortal opinions and beliefs emit the effects of error at all times, but this atmosphere of mortal mind cannot be destructive to morals and health when it is opposed promptly and persistently by Christian Science. Truth and Love antidote this mental miasma, and thus invigorate and sustain existence.”
    S&H p. 273:29–3)

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