God is easy to find if you look

February 18, 2016 | 15 comments

Here’s a short video that reminds us how easy God’s presence is to find when one is willing to get far enough out of self to notice.

“God whispers”

15 thoughts on “God is easy to find if you look”

  1. Watching this video I’m reminded of the words in one of our hymns : “If we look to God in prayer, God is present everywhere.”

  2. very beautiful, Evan, thanks a lot – such a nice reminder to be still and listen to God, open mental eyes and see Gods wonders and feel His Love!

  3. God’s love, beauty and presence is always with us in numerous ways. Our joy is to see it and express it ourselves. Think of the kindness of helping one another, smiling and greeting people as we walk down the street, yielding to another car to change lanes, sharing a hug, calling a friend with encouragement etc. Giving from the heart of love, reflecting God’s love provides an example to others too. Pass it forward! There is no limit on the good we can express!

  4. The material things that we see are really symbols of God’s actual presence. That is why God appointed JESUS to be his spokesperson since Jesus’s mentality was the closest to spiritual reality. What better human could teach what God’s relationship to man is?

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