God is speaking to you. Are you listening?

October 19, 2020 | 29 comments

People often wonder whether God is speaking to them. Or they listen for what they think God’s voice should sound like, hear nothing, and then decide that God is not speaking to them.

I’ve learned from experience that God is always speaking to us. The big question is, “Are we listening?”

God’s voice does not come to us necessarily like a human voice, either verbally or inaudibly. More often, it speaks quietly in consciousness and comes in the form of impressions, intuition, inklings, ideas, and inspirations that guide our thought to a better place.

To hear these whisperings of divine Mind, it helps to focus, pay attention, and listen. It can be like standing in a crowded room of people talking loudly, and a person on the other side of the room looks in your direction and tells you something, but you can’t hear what they say because of all the noise around you. To hear, you may have to specifically focus your attention on what they are saying or draw closer to them.

It’s easier to hear God’s direction when you are specifically listening for it.

For instance, if we’re listening to fear, anxiety, worry or doubt, we’re not listening to God. If we’re listening to self, ego, pride, self-righteousness, and self-concern, we’re not listening to God. If we’re preoccupied with sensual indulgences that please the senses, but exclude spiritual sense, we’re not listening to God.

To hear God better, shut off the competition! Mentally turn away from the distracting noise and din of mortal beliefs, wants and temptations, and zero in with laser focus to what divine Mind is revealing to you. The voice of Truth will break through and be heard. You’ll hear what God has to say, and you’ll be blessed.

God is speaking to you. Listen, and hear!

29 thoughts on “God is speaking to you. Are you listening?”

    1. Thank you very much Angie for the link to that wonderful article. It is very sweet and inspiring; and it really has a healing effect!♡

      1. Am very grateful to you Evan for this wonderful SpiritView and the utmost lovely foto. Thank you!
        To listen to God is most important for our well being and progress. God is our Life and only God gives us all we need – thank you God!
        And thanks a lot for all the wonderful comments! ♡♡♡

  1. Evan, Angie, thank you both for the blessing message and the article, both are wonderful and spot on for me today !

  2. So grateful for this today Evan and the article is inspiring Angie. Thank you. The daily lift also encourages us to ‘think new thoughts’, not dwell on a rehash of concerns but open up our consciousness to what God wants us to think , do and be as His manifestation. Looking forward to a productive day for myself and everyone.❣️

  3. Thank you Evan, and Angie, a wonderful article! Living in Scotland, it is one which I can readily associate with regarding sheep and shepherds! Our Cumbrian SpiritViewers will be the same ♡

    How comforting to know God is always “talking” to us and if we just stop the inner chatter we will be blessed by the assurances of Love divine guiding us.

    1. Shelagh,
      I looked up Cumbrian. Learned it related to your English friends from Cumbria. Once Cumbria was a Celtic kingdom is northwestern England. Still the name given to those in that region.
      Another lesson from Spirit View’s diverse contributors. Many thanks.

  4. Wonderful! It reminded me of Samuel “Speak Lord for thy servant heareth”. I remember someone saying that too often we are fond of saying “Listen Lord for thy servant speaketh” because we do so much talking that we forget to listen! Also loved the article Angie. In his early days my Welsh father-in-law was a shepherd in charge of large flocks of sheep and he could recognise every one of them even though to others they all looked the same. They could each recognise his voice too. A lovely thoughtful blog to start the week Evan. Thank you.

    1. This really hit home this morning. I’m one who speaks much, too. Listening more, thank you all very much. Got a chuckle out of your offering, Linda. Thanks very much.
      An old saying in construction, make sure your mind is turned on before you put your mouth into gear!
      Have the greatest week ever!

  5. Wonderful, helpful thoughts on the forms hearing God’s voice may take.
    I like to keep in mind that the present tense is used in this sentence: “Christ is the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to man speaking to the human consciousness.”
    That means the Christ is always speaking to me. Always. I only need to listen.

  6. Evan your insights were so beautifully expressed and so comforting.. I find as I turn away from the chatter of a busy world I hear and feel that still small voice guiding me.

  7. Listening to the calming voice of Truth when the clamor of erroneous distractions can seem so loud, keeps us on the path to harmony and peace as depicted so sweetly in the photo above, like being held in the gentle arms of our Father/Mother, God.

  8. Thank you so much Evan- this has solved a problem I have been dealing with and now I have a wonderful answer. It seems we do let thoughts cloud our thinking and this blog today has given me courage to cast out those thoughts that were troubling to me . Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health, p446: 27-30 the following; “The exercise of will brings on a hypnotic state, detrimental to health and integrity of thought. This must therefore be watched and guarded against”. Sometimes I seem to be very willful so I am grateful for your blog today. Also, thank you Linda from the UK, I really like what you wrote “Listen Lord, for thy servant speaketh.” Often I struggle to quiet thought so I can listen to our Father-Mother God, so I shall remember this and what you wrote and Evan’s blog for today. Thank you both!

  9. EVAN, Ty as always and fellow listeners, you are so helpful.
    Speaking is never my problem, listening is a whole other subject. “Shepherd show me how to go…lest my footsteps stray, I will follow & rejoice… “Be still & know…”
    Appreciate all the thought lifting comments
    Blessings to all

  10. Dear Evan, I love the picture in today’s blog which shows us our tender relationship with God. I was thinking of another blog you posted on September 26, 2018 titled No Stuffy Nose. There was a sweet picture of a baby snuggled in a blanket on your blog that day as well of one with your grandbaby. I was reminded of this when | was out walking the other day which is my prayer time with God. I was asking God what I could hold to in prayer for others who are fearful and suffering and what He told me I was to know they were safe in the secret place of the Most High and then this blog about your grandbaby came to me. She had a stuffy nose as I remember and you described a walk you took her on. I remember being struck with a mental impression of you both as you described your walk. She rode in her baby carrier strapped to your chest, next to your heart, enveloped in your love. As you walked with her you quietly and gently talked to her voicing spiritual truths in a comforting way and by the time the walk was over she was healed. This meant so much to me because you drew a picture for each of us to see our relationship to God showing us we are held in His love, next to His heart, gently speaking to us as He carries us along. So in my walk the other day God brought this blog back to mind and told me I should remember this when thinking of others who may be struggling. I was to remember each individual’s relationship with Him and know they were safe and well in the secret place of the Most High listening, hearing and responding to His messages of love. I’m so grateful for these messages you share with the world each day and for the how they come back to bless us again and again.

    1. Thank you Karen. Below is a link to the blog you mentioned. One of my earliest childhood memories is crawling up in my mom’s lap in a rocking chair and her rocking me while singing “Mother’s Evening Prayer” when I was upset or sick. That would cure anything! I still mentally do that when feeling troubled about something.


  11. How do we “know” the things we know—ideas, solutions, inspirations, what to do next, each moment. Because God is always talking to us, directing us, showing us the Way. How do we know to turn to the left or turn to the right? How do we know anything: we are one with God—“ I and my Father are one”John 10:30. One with God, divine Mind. God governs—it’s all God. “God is All-in-all.” SH 113:16; 331:11 . So much of this weeks BL from the Golden Text, responsive reading to many citations, are all on this topic—of course! One Mind! Thank you, Evan, always. Also grateful for the comments and for the provision you have set up, Evan, for all of us to share! Much love to all!

  12. Having read your posting of 2018 on the insert, I
    noticed how timely your comment to your granddaughter
    That only the goodness of God was floating around in her
    Atmosphere. Certainly a present treatment for us all.
    Thanks so much.

  13. A very wise, very spiritual individual said to me once,
    many years ago, “Don’t give up your goat. Your peace is your goat.”

    I’ve thought of her words thousands of times over the years, attempting to follow this sage advice, and too often failing.
    But I/we all stand at the point of opportunity every moment (Thank You, God.) so I/we struggle on!

    Tonight after dinner, my husband (not a student of CS, but a good man) was feeling upset (as usual, lately) about the world situation. I told him what my friend said about his goat. This began a long discussion about how and why we all (know anyone who doesn’t?) give up our goat, our peace, time and again. All it seems to take is yet another Covid Stat, or a politician “on the other side,” making some remark….you name it! ….and:
    Goat Gone!! Peace Gone!!

    God has GIVEN us ALL blessed peace! A free gift from divine Love! Why do we not so value it, like the Pearl that it is,
    and REFUSE to sacrifice it… often with the slightest provocation!!?!!

    Waking up to one’s mistakes is hard, even painful, but every chance we get to Hold On To Our Divine Gift of Peace
    Is worth the effort!

    Well, dear SV Family, thank you so much for letting me “ven
    about this. All out of love and …wakefulness!!
    I yearn for Peace to Prevail!! Individual and collective.
    I believe it is how we can truly do away with the fear and conflict so prevalent in our world today. All of God’s precious love is behind our every effort,

    Join me in raising…peaceful goats??


  14. This was lovely as are always the comments by readers. I try each day to focus on understanding more and more the Truth of our being and not worry about what seems to not be healing.
    thank you for these daily blogs.

  15. So glad I came back to this column…I love the “goat” reminder about staying with Principle, divine government & healthy universe, not a pandemic picture. I’ll treasure the goat reference.
    Many thanks, SV Fan!

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