God is the best planner

September 2, 2015 | 21 comments

Life goes so much smoother when you let God do the planning.

This does not always feel easy.

Do you ever wake up in the morning and plan out your day? You figure out the errands you need to run, the jobs you need to do, the people you need to call, and soon you’re so busy doing what you planned to do that you forget there is even a God in the first place?

I have found that a more helpful approach is to get up in the morning and say, “Okay God, what’s the plan for today?” I know that there are specific jobs and activities I need to do. People will call me for help. I need to be there to answer their call. There are always demands around the house to keep home life running smoothly. And then unexpected diversions often jump up and require attention. But there is always a higher point of view that I can adopt that brings greater joy and peace to the day.

God’s plan is for fresh inspiration, new views of spiritual reality, and spiritual growth.

Success is not about the to-do items you check off your list. It’s about the closeness to God you feel and the spiritual realities you demonstrate. This is God’s Plan with a capital P!

To consult God first to discern the divine Plan is not to ignore human tasks requiring attention. It’s to set spiritual priorities that make the human tasks much easier.

When led by spiritual inspiration, the flow chart for the day will flow with efficiency and productivity. Events will run with fewer glitches. Solutions will be solved quicker. Progress will be the norm.

God’s Plan is for more and more heavenly good to be understood and experienced in concrete tangible ways that demonstrate more of God’s will done on earth as it is in heaven.

Let God’s Plan lead the way, and enjoy a beautiful day.

21 thoughts on “God is the best planner”

  1. Thanks for this message! I’m coming out of a situation where what I’d planned did not come about how I thought it should – at all. Now I see that it was so I could be fully prepared to assume new responsibilities, shedding all the limitations in thought that might have kept me back. I see God’s plan was better than mine all along! I did know the end result, but had not appreciated the process that had to happen to bring it about. Everyone involved had to grow.

    I’m looking forward to what God has in store for me today!

  2. A dear friend of mine gave me a quote from her mother’s book where she had printed quotes from Sentinels and Journal articles over her life-time studying Christian Science
    Here’s what it says “The plan of Divine Love for all its children is in constant operation, and no material thought or condition can obstruct, reverse, limit or delay it’s perfect, harmonious unfoldment”

    1. This quote is perfect for my day ahead of me and actually everyday. Thank you for passing this on to us.

    2. FYI… The above quote is from the June 7, 1947 Sentinel article entitled “The Joy of Trusting God’s Plan”. What a great quote. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks, Evan, and thanks Bid for your wonderful prayer! God’s law is progress as we are taught in Christian Science. I used to think this meant human progress but I’m learning it’s spiritual progress that is the law in operation. Learning more and more of our spiritual structure and being. A wonderful reminder to “let go and let God.” Blessings all…..

  4. Yes, totally different more effective approach. I plan and track my day in 15 minute intervals 24/7 and have done so for years. But as soon as you mentioned that you would pray all day long Evan, I started to follow that advice, my whole day changed for better. Sure I still list the things I would like to do, but I let God direct what I actually do. It is completely different in how the day manifest itself for the better. Whenever God is doing the guiding those things that I would want to do are done and those things that I had no idea needed to be done at the beginning of the day are also done that’s how I know that my directing wasn’t nearly effective as God’s directing. Oh, there is also the bonus of joy entering the experience through out the day. I think that because there is less fighting with one’s self of the thought of what should be done and just the doing of it. Wonderful message, thank you.

  5. Humanly we plan our priorities for the day. But if we lean on God’s way of planning we find the tasks much easier to accomplish. It’s not that human planning is wrong to do but to do it with God being our backup. In the morning we wash ourselves, clean our teeth but we forget to cleanse our mind of all falsities. We do that by doing our Bible Lesson in the morning.

  6. Taking a cue from Bid and sharing from collected quotes/notes/poems:


    I got up early one morning
    And rushed right into the day:
    I had so much to accomplish
    That I didn’t take time to pray.

    Problems just tumbling about me
    And heavier came each task:
    “Why doesn’t God help me?” I wondered
    He answered “You didn’t ask.”

    I wanted to see joy and beauty,
    But the day toiled on grey and bleak:
    I wondered why God didn’t show me,
    He said, “But you didn’t seek.”

    I tried to come into God’s presence
    I used all my keys at the lock:
    God gently and lovingly chided,
    “My child, you didn’t knock.”

    I woke up early this morning
    And paused before entering the day:
    I had so much to accomplish
    That I had to take time to pray.

  7. This is an excellent post and the comments really good. They are just what I’ve needed. “Success is not about the ‘to do’ items you check off your list, “really hit home. Thank you Evan, thank you everyone, and most of all thank you, God!

  8. I’d like to add an inspiring poem I start my day with by Kardine Flad Steacy, (Sentinel, December 8, 1997):

    “Morning start-up”

    Praying to God each morning
    And listening for His plan
    We’ll hear his angel messages
    Before we talk with man.

    Acknowledging His power
    And ever-present Love
    We’ll feel His care surrounding us
    “Beneath, around, above”*

    Trusting God to guide us
    In everything we do
    With joy we’ll start each morning
    By knowing what is true.
    *Hymn 53

  9. “All of the above” with Evan’s message are wonderful thoughts for each day. A few months ago a communique from God halted my “busy-ness.” I had awakened and put my mortal mind into overload in the early AM and began to write out my “To Do” list. “How will I ever get all these things done today?” whispered human planning…………….then, a quiet voice said, “My child, I have a message for you today. I am going to speak directly to you. Will you listen?” Mystified, I stopped writing and thought “Who?? What was just said?” The answer came immediately. “My daily talk to you is waiting for you.”
    Of course, God talks to us each and every day when we read the lesson. Now, each morning, my former procrastinating thought says, “God is going to say something wonderful to you today. It’s ready and waiting.” And, I hurry to the Bible and S & H to hear what his loving message is for me on this glorious God’s day. The days since that revelation have been much calmer, less hurried, fall into line properly and many times, bless others. My gratitude for this unfoldment grows daily.

  10. Thank you Margaret for giving us the source of that quote . I always felt it was from a Sentinel.
    Now I know exactly which one.
    I was so happy to share.

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