I had a woman call and ask whether I would pray for her because she was in the hospital. She had taken a bad fall and broken some bones.
“Of course,” I said. “God is with you as much in the hospital as anywhere else.” She explained her situation so I knew best how to help her, but it was heartwarming to hear her voice perk up, become much more positive and expectant of good as she was reminded of her unbroken being in Spirit that had never been touched by the temporal sensation of a fall.
No one wants to end up in the hospital, but if it happens, it’s a time when we need to know God’s presence more than ever.
God is with you and able to help no matter where you happen to be or what you’re facing. Love finds a way, even in a hospital.
A HUGE Thank You Evan! So clearly stated.
Oh How wonderful to hear this Evan! It is so refreshing to know that We can know that Love is present where ever we are. Whether the depths of Sheol or in the hospital. I’ve know so many Christian Scientists who have felt they couldn’t call on a practitioner or even tell other church members when they’ve had a stint in hospital often not even from their own choosing. God is no respect or of persons or places and the heart of the matter has to be where the heart of the person is and not where the body ends up.
Thank you for mentioning this as so many have felt that way. And thank you Evan clearly stating the Truth and Love are with us everywhere. And meeting the woman right where she was at to feel God’s presence.
Since renewing my study of Christian Science over the last 8 years or so I’ve discovered with the help of Evan and Spirit View what ..’ and underneath the everlasting arms ‘ really means . My limited study so many years ago left me afraid of doctors , hospitals and various related issues. My spiritual understanding of myself and everyone as true expressions of God , Love has healed me of this fear. ( which is also very helpful as I spend so much time now in and out of such situations to support my husband ). How grateful I am to read Evan’s guidance today. How grateful I am to study Christian Science teaching to gain knowledge of such an encompassing , non judgmental and inclusive thought basis which is benefitting all mankind continually. It seems so simple, but as God is All in all, there is no place outwith His presence. One thing I do remember from all those years ago…God, good, guides guards and governs..at least I’m listening and trusting rather more now! Love and thanks to all❣️
And warm thanks to YOU and your HUSBAND Too!
Thank you for your ❤️ Sally and your treasured message Joy. Spirit View is such a lovely and inspirational site for us all to make contact and share …❣️
Thank you! I had called another practitioner who told me she would NOT pray for me because I was taking medication. I felt I did not want to be part of a religion that refused prayer when needed. It is heartening to realize this may just have been an individual point of view, rather than an official position.
i think there must have been some misunderstanding there, BJB. A practitioner
cannot pray scientifically with spiritual truths, and impart these into the mind of
anyone if they have chosen to rely on material means. The patient has to be left
to the beliefs of that decision. A C.S. Practitioner works ONLY with the spiritual
facts of being, and they are opposite to the ways and means of material medicine –
they are antagonistic to each other. It is a Practitioner’s decision whether he takes
on such a case or not – but if he does, the prayer must be just knowing the Truth
clearly in His own thoughts and perhaps helping the patient to understand more about
God and His means of healing until the patients gives up the medical, and turns
wholly to the spiritual. Then healing can be realised. It has to be one or the other –
material means or spiritual.
I hope I have managed to make this understandable. I am glad to hear you are
now on the right path with the Christ, Truth and Love..
I am trying to understand the truth of what I am learning in Christian Science, and I am confused by your statement “practitioner cannot pray scientifically with spiritual truths, and impart these into the mind of anyone if they…” How many minds are there? Does the practitioner have a mind which is imparting these spiritual truths into another mind, or choosing to withhold imparting these spiritual truths into the mind of anyone? If there is only one mind, and this mind is God, and God is All-in-all, how can there be a separate mind that is outside of All, that needs healing? God, Mind is all. And God is good. Therefore all is good, perfect, harmonious,.. whatever and only what God is. It seems like this is the spiritual truth of being that must be understood and thereby demonstrated. If understanding this truth is demonstrating Christian Science, how could where a person is (in or outside of a hospital) affect the demonstration of this truth of being? One God, one Mind, and this Mind knowing itself which includes everyone, everywhere, always, is all the practitioner (every one of us) is knowing. So how can any one, any place, any mind, be outside of All, and have this truth withheld from them? I guess what I’m asking is, how can a practitioner know this truth, and yet deny claiming it for anyone, regardless of where they are or what they seem to be thinking? And if you say they can claim it for this person, but not take the case… what’s the difference?
Please know I am not trying to be combative, but really yearning to understand this issue!
Sorry to have not made it clear enough, SP. I will try again. You are right, there is only one (true) Mind, which is God, the divine Mind. The real man is the expression of this one Mind, God. But there is a seeming mind, that Mrs. Eddy
calls mortal mind, which is not mind, but a lot of false beliefs that would try and tempt us to believe in another mind and accept the discords and fears and sicknesses which this false mind suggests are the reality. But they are not of God, therefore they are not a part of our thinking or true being – all our thoughts come from God and are completely good and spiritual, not material and faulty.
So the Practitioner must not interfere with a patient who is already taking in and believing in a material remedy – they conflict – they are opposites which do not work together but conflict with each other. But the Practitioner can treat His own mind about the condition troubling the patient, (knowing he has, and that we all have in fact the mind of Christ,)_ with the scientific facts that he knows are true, and this can bring healing as the Truth and Love he is letting His thoughts be filled with, can shine forth and outshine the material beliefs, and communicate itself. If the patient turns away completely from the material picture, and wholly turns to and wholly trusts in God as ever-present and ready to help us, as the Bible tells us, then we see results in healing.
We read in S&H “It is the spiritual idea, the Holy Ghost and Christ which enable
you to demonstrate with scientific certainty the rule of healing, based upon its
Divine Principle, Love, underlying, overlying and encompassing all true being”.
(Sorry I can’t remember the page number)
I have done my best to explain, I hope this is clearer, but Evan might like to help here.
There is a distinction to be understood and appreciated between Christian Science treatment and medical treatment. Christian Science treatment is based on the reality of Spirit. Medical treatment is typically focused on matter. Perhaps a topic for another post. But the point for today is, that Love knows no bounds. Love finds a way.
SP. It can be a very difficult concept to understand from a human perspective as if the individual is some separate distinct orb from the one creator another separate distinct orb only much larger. But, that from a spiritual sense cannot be true. There is only one mind, one creator, one environ which has many expressions. We are not trying to fix matter with spirit, we are unfolding truth of the oneness of spiritual creation. That was never anything less than truth. There is no magic wand that correct the human condition, the human condition is a perspective, thought that wanders into missconception and is corrected in experience when truth is realized. That’s what I get out of scientific understanding of our relation to God and our fellow mankind.
I had a similar experience with anxiety medication. Practitioner would not take the case so I felt abandoned. Left to just me and God. I realized he did not abandon me, and pretty good company to be with. The Truth is the Truth. It took a while but we were able to eliminate it. I was left alone with All.
Many practitioners will not take yr case if you are on any medication
For 21 years I have encountered this problem since my thyroid was removed and I was given a daily hormone apparently to keep me alive. One day I may be able to do without but at this present understanding my family would be very afraid for me if I gave up the hormone. Taking it has caused me much anguish over the years and I have had many rejections from practitioners. I have even suggested giving it up for a while!!! However it gives me hope when I hear of amazing healings of people in hospital. All things are possible to God.
Thank you for these honest shares. Early on as a student of Christian Science I contacted a CS Journal listed practitioner because my child was ill and medication was prescribed. I was in conflict about that and also lived with my parents who were not Christian Scientists. They were fearful if I did not give my child medication. The practitioner told me that the main goal was to alleviate the environment of fear and if that was to medicate then it was best for the situation. I could pray and go forward knowing that elimination of fear would be the basis of healing.
Hi caz I have been in a similar position. I was raised in Christian Science and at the age of 21y came out as being Gay. I was expected to give up my membership from the Mother Church ,refused membership in my local church, and when I needed help from a practitioner I wrote to two explaining my position and never had a reply from them. This left me with having to turn to the medical, I gave up my study of Science for many years,I would return to it but guilt over took me and I would give it up again. about 8 yrs ago I returned and have continued with my studies, how ever after being on medication for so long I now find it difficult to stop taking them. I know that Christian Science is the truth and that one day I will have gained the understanding to see that there really isn’t any power in those tablets, only the power I am giving them. I know that God is continually guiding me through my studies to the point were I will naturally give them up.
Hi Caz. I grew up in CS and have had wonderful healings of broken bones, childbirth etc, however last year I had cancer and had the most amazing practitioner helping me. She was with me all the way and I’m still in daily contact with her despite getting the all clear a few months ago.
With her help, I broke every medical time line they predicted and the medics are astounded at how fast I recovered and my continued strength and energy throughout a treatment that was brutal. I could not have done that without the help of my practitioner.
I’d also like to add that every practitioner I’ve had since childhood was prepared to help me should I need medical assistance.
Thank you, Evan – this is really good to be reminded of.
Our Practitioner of years ago used to say when someone had been taken to hospital
that hospital expresses “God’s hospitality” That tells me that our all-loving
Father-Mother God is with us, as Evan states, wherever we are, and we are
always in the total care of God, divine Principle, Love. I always think of this and
find it a very helpful thought when needed. There is so much love expressed
in a hospital, and that is where the healing lies. There is no power against Love,
and we can depend upon it, and let it enlighten us in our prayers for someone
in hospital.
You may be right however there are practitioners who will help people on meds or in hospital. Fujiko’s amazing healing has been cited. For people like me who take a hormone pill daily because of an organ being removed it can be a rocky road! It feels like a rejection.
I heard a practitioner say that God’s love doesn’t stop at the hospital door.
Love fills all space. I’m learning we can know that for each and every one no matter the circumstance .
I found myself in a hospital situation and looking at surgery which I went ahead with after many years with various practitioners praying with me for healing and dealing with pain off and on for five years with only temporary results. My practitioner stated she could not pray for me while I was hospitalized but that she could share ideas with me. I dismissed her thinking the medical and the spiritual don’t mix well, one being matter based and the other spiritual based as we are taught in CS
What was uncovered in my thinking during my hospital stay was I had been harbouring unkind, distrustful and high minded thoughts against the medical field doctors and nurses.
I found only kindness, care and patience during my stay and follow-up sessions. I felt God’s presence with me the whole time I was there. The most rewarding part was being able to share with my fellow medical nurses what a CS nurse does and even had one nurse come and ask more in depth questions and loving the idea of prayer based nursing and spiritual healing.
The best example of staying in prayer for a patient was Mrs. Eddy staying with a patient who was suffering even while taking medication and the patient was healed of the problem and the medicine. God works in many ways to help turn us to higher thinking.
As Evan states, God is with us everywhere even in the hospital or any setting we find we don’t want to be in. There is always a spiritual lesson to be had. Nothing can stop the Truth from being known and practiced.
Thank you Evan for opening up this topic, I feel chains of doubt and guilt for using the medical route temporarily have turned into inspiration and hope.
Christian Science teahes that we can never be separated from God’s love, wherever we may be, whether it be in hspital or anywhere else. However, my Christian Science teacher, who is no longer with us, taught us that treatment by the use of medication and the practice of Christian Science treatment, are incompatible. Essentially, as I understand it, to treat a case using medication is making a reality of something which Christian Science denies the existence of in the first place. In the case of Evan’s patient, Mrs Eddy stated that it is perfectly acceptable for broken bones to be set by a surgeon, although we know, of course, there have been many wonderful healings of broken bones without the use of surgery. Thank you, Evan for your wonderful daily inspiring thoughts and to all who contribute.
God bless you, Evan! You’re a breath of fresh air for for our Movement
Thank you, Evan! As many of you have recorded, being in the hospital has been a remarkable way to see the love expressed by doctors and nurses, who work tirelessly to care for those in need of healing. The hospital I wound up in had their mission statement painted on every hall and room wall: We provide exceptional healthcare services in order to reveal the healing presence of God. While I was hospitalized and later went through chemotherapy, I continued my own practice of Christian Science, but chose not to engage my practitioner because I didn’t want to have her feel like she was taking away from the integrity of her own practice. I knew that God was there with me, and we all have a direct relationship with Her, whether or not we have a practitioner helping us. They entire experience strengthened my reliance and appreciation for CS, as well as my admiration for the nurses and doctors who expressed so much love.
I’ve found this to be true about any door, even a hospital door. https://sentinel.christianscience.com/issues/1977/6/79-25/security?_gl=1*o2miq0*_ga*MTM1NDE0MjI2Mi4xNzIwNzAzNjY2*_ga_82T1KK2N0J*MTcyMDcwMzY2NS4xLjEuMTcyMDcwMzcyOS4wLjAuMA..
I like that! Thank you.
Fujiko Signs gives that beautiful instance of healing when she, at the request of his children, visits a man in the hospital who was dying. I’m assuming he was medicated and had been treated with drugs and material means but she didn’t hesitate to go to his side. So it is an entirely individual decision on the part of the practitioner. Thank goodness there are those willing to go to hospitals and work with and for those in the hospital.
From Christianscience.com under “How is it Christian and Science”:
Excerpt: “Those who practice Christian Science do their best to live the bold, generous, and compassionate love that Christ Jesus laid out in his Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7). This is the heart of its Christianity.”
Key words to me in this sentence are “do their best”. This woman was doing the best she could under her circumstances and Evan was demonstrating compassion and pure truth and love – which is what Christian Science is all about.
Thank you Evan for your response to the individual who called you from a hospital and your agreed to assist her. Many years ago I suffered a miscarriage and after several visits to my baby Dr. he did determine the child was no longer viable and sent me to the hospital. It was not a great experience and after dismissal there were many at the CS Church where I was a member we not very helpful when they found out the pregnancy was no longer viable. One individual made a very unloving comment about my not protecting the pregnancy; Well it was not possible to hide the protruding tummy when asked by members if I was expecting. . I will say the hospital staff where I was were caring, and there was even a nurse that asked if she could have my pocket copy of Science and Health, one I received when I was in the military – she begged me several times for the book which I didn’t want to give up but eventually did. I don’t know if she read the book or anything after that. It was difficult because I had asked for help from a practitioner after release from the medical because I never stopped bleeding, and the only response I received was “reach out and touch the garment like the women who touched His garment and her bleeding stopped. So I am grateful you were able to give that individual some reassurance of her place and care from divine Love. I know you both were blessed. Because the bleeding never stopped, my baby Dr. suggested an exploratory operation which I did have. The bleeding did stop finally after that but It wasn’t what I wanted.
I am happy to say, things were a lot better and several years after that experience I was able to join The Mother Church and four years later had Class Instruction . It was a wonderful experience.
Never give up even if one must seek medical help and I am grateful Mrs. Eddy has written on page 464 in Science and Health in regards to seeking medical help for something and didn’t receive help from a practitioner; we can still handle our own case mentally .even though it wasn’t what we wanted at the time, it brought some relief, quieted mortal mind in order to carry on and put this experience behind us. Thank you again Evan for your loving response to this individual you helped.
Suzie H
I know of a CS Practitioner (will not give the name out), privacy and confidentiality.
They visit the patient in hospital. And that is a Loving gesture.
September 4th, 2009
VIA Evan:
This unfortunate notion that “Christian Scientists are those people who don’t go to doctors,” is harmful not only for the public to hold in thought, but for any student of Christian Science who may heed to it. It does not characterize the practice of Christian Science.
Christian Science is about living the laws of spiritual harmony. It‘s a purely spiritual practice of keeping thought in harmony with truth and love, and working out the problem of being to the best of one’s understanding at the time. It’s not a human-willed position of “I don’t…,” but a spiritually inspired position of “I do….”
Many students of Christian Science, over years of practice, have taken a “suffer it to be so now,” medical step to alleviate extreme material circumstances. Perhaps they had a broken bone set by a surgeon, or some medical intervention during delivery of a child, or visited a dentist, an optometrist, or had heart surgery, or, who knows… They did what they thought was best under the pressing circumstances of the moment in order to keep going and growing. If they held in thought the mortal weight of “Christian Scientists don’t go to doctors,” they might find themselves unnecessarily struggling with feelings of guilt and condemnation about such temporal steps. And that would be totally unfair to them and to the world.
Christian Science is not about not going to doctors. It’s about living in harmony with God’s laws. And the laws of God are always in operation. No one is ever separated from them, ever.
Via Mary Baker Eddy:
A genuine Christian Scientist loves Protestant and Catholic, D.D. and M.D., — loves all who love God, good; and he loves his enemies. It will be found that, instead of opposing, such an individual subserves the interests of both medical faculty and Christianity, and they thrive together, learning that Mind-power is good will towards men.
I say be ‘Loving & Kind’, but wise.
Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
God does take care of things, people, situations, and healing happens in God’s way. And listening to God and following God will Bless one and all.
Thank you Gita for posting this. Thank you for everyone’s comments too. With any organized religion there is good and bad, and there can be a drift toward all things human…being judgmental, shunning others, rigidity, guilt, inflexibility, control, etc. which can lead to feelings of anxiety, self-esteem issues, isolation, fear, and much more. Yikes!!! That’s why I especially cherish SpiritView on this spiritual journey. Loving and learning from Jesus’ teachings and continually learning more about our relationship to God and feeling our innate drift toward all things good, which includes much needed prayers for our world family. I very much appreciate that Christian Science has no human priests/preachers, dogma, and is exactly what Evan very intelligently describes it to be.
Thank you very much, Gita – that is an excellent collection of spiritual truths that
all should be able to understand, and supports all that Evan has said and proved.
Well, I have been declined treatment by a practitioner due to using medication. Also denied membership in the local church for the same reason. But I know God does not exclude me as, how can I be when being “alone “with ALL.
Which method of treatment that is chosen (spiritual or medical), is entirely up to the individual requesting treatment. There is no place for dogma in Christian Science.
The Truth is always true no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. Why would we ever think that God would not answer the prayers/petitions of all of his precious children throughout this whole world, not just those who know and use Christian Science only?
Mrs, Eddy states in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures on page 143, “Mind is the grand creator, and there can be no power except that which is derived from Mind. If Mind was first chronologically, is first potentially, and must be first eternally, then give to Mind the glory, honor, dominion, and power everlastingly due its holy name. Inferior and unspiritual methods of healing may try to make Mind and drugs coalesce, but the two cannot mingle scientifically. Why should we wish to make them do so, since no good can come of it? If Mind is foremost and superior, let us rely upon Mind, which needs no cooperation from lower powers, even if these so-called powers are real.” Christian Science healing is radial reliance. If someone chooses to or is taken to a hospital, that is their choice to make and no judgement, We are all working out our own salvations with God. And yes, He is everywhere all the time, no matter what. God doesn’t know anything but Good. If I was a practitioner and someone called me and they were in the hospital, then yes I would help them. It’s about knowing and seeing the perfect man, regardless of location. God heals, not a person, not medicine, not time. It’s about knowing the specific thought that needs to be changed. What we think matters. Our thoughts come from God.
Dear … Everyone. Whew! What an Enormous Topic we’ve been given to … handle/deal with/challenge/grope-with/understand scientifically/etc, today. We must be equipped! We ARE equipped! Thank You, Truth!
So, I am scheduled to have an operation on my backbone, and I am feeling no fear. God is, has, always will be caring for me in every way, always, and forever. Divine Fact.
Annd, f my car was out of alignment and I had been driving it all…wonky…for years, I would take it into the Body Shop for “alignment.” You get the analogy. I would not condemn my car, myself, or … God! for not fixing my car in a more …spiritual way.
It’s where I am, in thought, in belief, about my body (and my other “cart,” (body)! And yes, I have tried to be “healed” of this belief about “old” backs! But I feel no self-condemnation about this decision, hard as it has been. I choose to know that there is only ONE Operation, that of divine Principle. (I know this while at the Dentist, too, fyi.)
You know where I am going with this: Folks, let us relax and let God care for us in the perfect way She/He has to so do, and cease with the condemnation of ourselves or others!! God is guiding each and every one of us, specific to our present needs. “Divine Love Always Has Met and Always Will Meet Every Human Need.”
We know that the belief around doctors and hospitals as being “evil” is all about: that God is limited and unable to care for us in some circumstances, etc., etc. Wrong! God is Everywhere, All-Power! In prisons, in homeless camps, in the White House (!) and in hospitals!!! Whether our unfoldment is to…use a tourniquet to stop profuse bleeding, or to sit and pray~while~bleeding, is our individual choice, individual unfoldment. Not anyone’s business! “Judge Not!” ~Christ Jesus.
Oh, and btw, dear Maggie: I read and re-read, and RE-read our dear Leader’s words in the Preface of S&H: “…the human mind…is not a factor in the Principle of Christian Science.”
(Pg. x 7) Humans are not healers; Truth is the Healer. Period. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” ~Christ Jesus Wording is so important. We all know what you meant, but in case some may be confused about Who and What is the healing agent….It is GOD, divine Mind, Who is All!
With great love and gratitude for every glimpse of divine Truth and Love,
Exactly right, SV Reader/appreciator. The only Mind is God, and there is no human mind,
which I have tried to explain in a clearer way subsequently. It is not easy to answer spiritual questions with the means we have. It is the spiritual senses which convey to us what we need to
understand. As you say, “Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free” – and
this is what we need to seek from following Christ, by demonstrating what we are learning,
and finding that truth for ourselves. “Seek and ye shall find”. The Truth is already present
and perfect, – and Christian Science shows us how to unveil it.
I have always had a problem with this point.
If you are under the illusion of a broken arm, the practitioner will help. But if under the illusion that three Aspirin a day will help your head ache– no-you’re using drugs. If a drug addict comes to you for healing, does the practitioner say, I’ll treat you after you get off your addition?
Note Luke 8 43 to 48. The women had been /was under the care of physicians. Is there any indication that Jesus said, ‘ are you still taking that potion for your problem– you are– ok forget it. ”
I think some practitioners have missed the point of Spiritual healing. Heal them of the belief they need medication!
Great points!
I recall listening to a Christian Science teacher tell on a Sentinel audio program ( on JSH ) about visiting an experienced Christian Science practitioner friend in a hospital , who had helped many during her years of practice. She told him she was not going to live . The teacher , like Evan, did not condemn her, but viewed her with compassion and prayed for her while she was in the hospital. She ended up being released and continuing her practice for several decades afterwards.
Raising three children, and having a husband who is not a Christian Scientist, I have called practitioners that will not work for one who has gone to a doctor or hospital but there are many that will , like Evan . Feeling condemned and left out of God’s care is the worst feeling one can have. Thank you Evan.
Thank you all for this wonderful and much needed discussion. Thank you, Evan, for your initiation of the topic and your love and devotion to Christian Science and all mankind. Isn’t Love the primary factor to be considered? Is it loving for a practitioner or a fellow Christian Scientist to deny aid or spiritual support to someone requesting it? Aren’t we all on a spiritual journey and working towards greater understanding of God and our relationship to Him/Her? Thank you again, Evan, and also much love to you all.
I love to recall that if we believe God fills all space, then He really is present everywhere. Unless one believes that God says: “I can’t go in there…it’s a hospital!”
We can pray everywhere. God will awaken thought to what is appropriate.
While I was a Reading Room Librarian a man called from the hospital and asked for a Bible and Science and Health. After he received them he called and thanked us for getting the books so soon. He was content and asked for a Science and Health for a nurse. No practitioner was present. We only need Science.
Thank you, Evan.
The biggest takeaway I cherish from this wonderful sharing of ideas – is .. Not to Judge….
We are all striving for the Truth and God is with us Everywhere, regardless where we
are….. Love is Here, There, Everywhere!
When a child, (according to mortal “law”), I was forced to be dragged by my parents
to various specialists, all well-intentioned, but none helped, with some prescribing
interventions which later they found out were actually harmful. Whoops….sorry!
The outcome, years later, when being old enough to choose my own path ( – I chose
God’s ever presence along my journey) and never looked back at the prognosis of
what they thought I needed to do. My entire life in employment and hobbies, proved
these predictions wrong, for which I am very grateful. I still continue to defy limitations
that mortal viewpoints would set and believe.
We are all with God – “working our purpose out” and who are we to judge others?
We are all individuals, reflections of God’s strength and glory and our True identity fulfills
this promise of our at-one-ment with divine Love.
It is with much thought and prayer that I post this. I’ll be brief as possible. In 2017, I had massive saddle pulmonary embolism. Stopped my heart for 12 1/2 minutes. It happened in an emergency room that my wife had driven 30 miles at 120 mph to get me too. After 4 nurses taking 3 minute shifts got my heart started my EEG showed I was brain dead. I was placed in a in a NICU and after 4 days had a resurrection. My family, wife and even my best friend, who is a Dr. kissed my forehead and said goodbye, in addition to the hospital staff, were astounded. They said I would never be right, that my brain was damaged and my body had turned to mush. Well, after surviving and thriving for almost 7 years, I race sailboats again and work in the same hospital I “died” in. I am a PSA, patient safety assistant, someone who sits with patients for an eight hour shift to keep them from pulling tubes out and committing suicide. I have saved lives. My prayers work for them. In fact the medical community understands when I tell my story about what happened. When I was dead, on 0 medication. That is for another post. Christian Scientist generally do not believe my story, so I have stopped talking to them about it. Remember, folks, it’s not the religion. It’s how we live our lives in this world, spiritually everyday. Evan gets it. I hope and pray that you do/will too. Oh, Mrs. eddy took morphine to aid her in healing kidney stones. O don’t deal with pracs who don’t treat people on medication.
I submitted this comment this afternoon but it has disappeared along with many others. There were almost 50 comments when I submitted this one in late afternoon, Now it says only 29 comments.
Anyway, I googled did Mary Baker Eddy use morphine. Info on Calvyn Frye’s Diaries came up. He was MBE Secretary etc for many many years. He recorded the happenings of her household everyday. Several entries refer to her injections of morphine to help pain of kidney stones. She had others pray for her also but needed more help evidently. His diaries were authenticated just a few years ago and they were found to be in his writing etc. Other household workers also seemed to be aware of this.
Many of us also may need other temporary help from time to time.
Thank you for this testimony!
Thank you, Evan, for this today. I seem to be under the belief of what might be called a common claim and I found this (taken from your writing here) very helpful: “my spiritual being is untouched by temporal sensation” this is a universal truth and it applies to any claim or so-called place (as it really is all thought, and at that, thoughts of God.) For me, the way this is phrased handles the false notion of pain or discomfort we may be seeming to have in reality (though it’s not in Reality.)
If God is all in all, everywhere and spirit can accompany us wherever we find challenge, then I must conclude that God is clearly with us – including students of CS – while in a hospital, on a trail, on a plane, at the sight of a collision of cars when aid is called for or wherever man can imagine.
I leave shortly today to a local hospital to have a large kidney stone removed from my body. I have my readings, my verses and hymns which will be my guide. I don’t believe for one minute I will not be under the protective wing of God’s presence. Neither does my practitioner.
Can anyone elaborate on the situation where Mrs. Eddy used morphine? I have heard that she did but never heard the complete story and why she did not employ the prayers of those around her etc. Maybe she did. Is there anywhere where this account is in print for us to read about it?
Its a sad day when a practitioner refuses to help because someone has to take a tablet to ease the mind of the family as much as anything else. It could turn anyone away. Yet we know how comforting CS is and turning people away does not help the movement of CS quite the opposite in fact.
The reason there is no mixing of Christian Science treatment and medical treatment is not because of some stubborn standard on the part of the practitioner but for the protection of the patient.
Certainly anybody who’s going through any kind of a difficult physical experience, or any other problem often naturally prays. But they don’t understand that having both in the case of Christian Science means having neither.
Christian Science treatment is a specific kind of prayer that is designed to remove a person’s reliance on and belief in material systems. In fact, it challenges and destroys in human thought the belief that you and I are created to be material organisms and are captive to material laws. It shows that really, Life, Truth, and intelligence are entirely spiritual, and that our existence as God’s child is spiritual.
So if a person were having medical treatment, and then wanted Christian Science treatment, that specific kind of prayer designed to remove those impositions from the thought, you would end up with no treatment, because the Christian Science treatment would be counteracting your faith in the medical treatment. So it really is important for the patient to have made a choice of which kind of treatment they’re going to rely on, and then the treatment will be effective.
And of course, if you’re going to have medical treatment, you want to cooperate with the medical procedures and so forth. The same, of course, is true with Christian Science treatment. One cannot walk north and south at the same time. So the patient needs to make that choice in order to have the right kind of results.
Meanwhile, visits to the hospital, encouraging, loving thoughts and words and support are always appropriate and acceptable. This is the Christly way that truly blesses.
I have prayed for family members who were not Christian scientists in the hospital but I have found that there is a difference between Christianity scientific treatment for a specific individual and an impersonal prayer which is stating the Truth of man and clears one’s own thought about a situation.
For example, my father- in- law was in the hospital receiving medical treatment- not a CS and they said he was failing and the doctors didn’t know why. The family was gathering to say their good- byes. I asked God what I could do as a CS about the situation. It came to me to know that man is not a material Blob of matter but that man is spiritual and perfect right where matter seems to be. It was a simple but clear knowing that man’s identity was spiritual and perfect. Then I let it go. The next thing I knew the whole situation had changed. The doctors found the issue ( a reaction to the medication) and there was a complete recovery. In fact he was home in 24 hours.
Another time my ex-husband was in the hospital with a serious infection- he was receiving antibiotics . I decided to give him cs treatment for the situation. The condition remained unchanged. The antibiotics were not working. They tried to grow a culture to determine which type of antibiotics to use and it would not grow in the lab. The doctors were baffled . I realized that my cs treatments were actually neutralizing the doctors efforts and medication. I stopped the prayerful treatment . The medication began to take effect. He recovered in a few days. This taught me an important lesson! CS treatment that personally treats an individuals specific problem neutralizes any medication. If the patient is trusting in medication for healing- you don’t want to work against it! But you can always know that God’s love is present in the hospital guiding all to the right solution. You can also clear your own thought by knowing that disease of any kind is unreal- untrue and that man reflects God. It’s not the place a patient is in – but the form of treatment he has requested and is trusting in. Setting bones, getting nursing care, etc. does not interfere with CS treatment.
This is my 2nd attempt to comment, and I hope that it loads this time. I am a ballroom dancer, needing to have beautiful, graceful arm movement which is requisite in dance. While I had graceful arm/shoulder movement on my right side, my left shoulder was becoming more and more of a problem. The contrast between the one to the other was becoming painful to look at in the reflected image in the mirrors that surround the dance studio. I had been praying along with practitioners for about two years about this. Finally, it came to the point that I was having difficulty raising my left arm high enough to blow dry my hair, and this was the last straw! My husband had been to a physical therapist for a shoulder injury that he had had, and the therapist had him do shoulder stretching exercises, This worked beautifully for my husband, who is also a Christian Scientist. He suggested that I try some sessions with this therapist. At the time, I was working with yet another C.S. Practitioner for help with this matter. When I told her that I was going to make an appointment with this therapist, she had a complete MELTDOWN! She really, really bawled me out over the phone and said that she would not continue praying for me, that I would have to choose, and she could only hope that I WOULD MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE! You can imagine how I felt when I hug up the phone. This actually pushed me into choosing the therapist, which unfortunately did not help me at all. So I then booked an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon who was very into Sports Medicine. He was so very kind and loving. He took X-rays and then immediately told me that he could see exactly why I was having so much difficulty. He did a total shoulder joint replacement on me. The surgery went seamlessly and quickly. I had been praying both before the surgery, the day of the surgery and post/op knowing that I and everyone involved was expressing the ONE Mind, and that we were all enveloped in God’s great Love. Everyone at the hospital relating to this procedure was so kind and loving to me; I felt so fully loved and cared for the entire time. As a result of this surgery, I now again have beautiful, fully functioning, absolutely perfect left hand/arm/shoulder movement exhibiting the desired perfection of Soul, which is another name for God. I am so grateful that divine Love meets us right where we are at any given moment, We are not required to do more than we can do. God is divine, infinite, all-encompassing Love, and I certainly saw this made manifest in this experience.
Thank you for explaining what I’ve been taught al of my life.
I’m gratefulness because wisdom continues to unfold itself to those willing to listen and obey.
Omni Present is everywhere Presence at the SAME TIME!!!
CS either works or it does not work. In the end it is as simple as that. Unhelpful practitioners do not help the cause.
Thank you, dear Evan for your today’s loving SpiritView full of compassion!
Long ago I asked a practitioner to help me, after I was at a doktor with an issue because I was working in a townhall, and I needed an attest for my boss. The doktor prescribed pills . The practitioner said, yes I will help you but please leave the pills away. That Was alright for me, and healing occurred!♡
Thanks, Evan for this theme today to clarify fals understandings about practitioners cannot or are not allowed to work and pray for a Christian Scientist who is in Hospital. Wonderful and true, the everpresent God, divine Love is also with us in Hospital!-♡
Thank you all for your interesting and inspiring, loving comments!♡
In adding to the comment that someone posted alluding to Mrs. Eddy taking morphine for illusion of pain, I googled, ” Did Mary Baker Eddy take morphine,” and found the Diaries of Calvyn Frye, Mrs. Eddy’s Secretary etc for many many years, and these diaries kept a daily record of things that occurred in her household. They state that Mrs. Eddy had to have injections of morphine on a number of occasions to quiet the illusion of pain from kidney stones etc. She had also had prayer from other Christian Scientists but evidently needed more to be done. It is interesting to read. These records have been authenticated to have been written by Mr. Frye. We all may need another form of temporary help in some circumstances.
In adding to the comment that someone posted alluding to Mrs. Eddy taking morphine for illusion of pain I had asked if anyone knew the circumstances. But then I googled, ” Did Mary Baker Eddy take morphine,” and found the Diaries of Calvyn Frye, Mrs. Eddy’s Secretary etc for many many years, and these diaries kept a daily record of things that occurred in her household. They state that Mrs. Eddy had to have injections of morphine on a number of occasions to quiet the illusion of pain from kidney stones etc. She had also had prayer from other Christian Scientists but evidently needed more to be done. It is interesting to read. These records have been authenticated to have been written by Mr. Frye. We all may need another form of temporary help in some circumstances.
Sorry! My comment did not post at all this morning and then I redid it and both of them posted. But then they both disappeared until late this evening.. Then they both came back. Earlier today there were about 50 comments but now only about 29 or thereabouts. ????
Now the number is back to 64 comments.
Don’t know what is going on.
“Love is reflected in Love”. Thank you Mrs Eddy, Evan and all❣️❣️❣️
Thank you dear Evan for this Spiritview ! With love and Thanks Sheree McPeak
I have really enjoyed this topic. This February on a road trip we stopped at a hotel for an overnight stay . I wanted to shower. I wasn’t sure if the hot water was properly working . I called my fiend for help.
With in seconds I had flipped into the air and landed very vigorously on the tile floor. I was in severe pain. and rushed to a nearby hospital. I remember thinking how could this have happened. Where was God?
I had broken my femur bone the strongest bone in my body. The next day I had surgery. My friend was able to find a place to take me where I could recover and I could get physical therapy so I could eventually recover and journey back home. My original thoughts were why had God let this happen. I felt that God had let me down. I felt a real spiritual emptiness and disappointment. My trip was over. My friend was stuck with me. I felt nothing! But that turned around as I realized God had never left me. God had placed me in a beautiful community that was located in a gated community. Everywhere I looked I saw God’s goodness shining all around me. My friend found a place to stay at the facility and was with me every day. I daily prayed to feel God’s presence and strength
as I strived to increase my ability to move. I was pushed in a wheelchair around the magnificent grounds. God is good and He did uplift my soul and body.. My friend and I were embraced by this loving community. In 4 weeks I recovered enough to drive back home. I actually felt so much of God’s tender care
my friend and I want to return there in the future but under different circumstances. I’m healing every day and I’m so grateful that I never turned away from.God.
The important thing is to feel and know God is with us every step of the way. I continue to study my daily lesson and never miss a SpiritView. I’m always expressing gratitude for all that He does and is constantly doing to help me an all . Love is constant no matter where you find yourself.
This discussion today was incredibly refreshing and necessary. It is rarely talked about in the open, but often I think between close friends in private. So much guilt and worry and anguish about making a choice to use medical means is a waste of time – trust God to show the way, the path you need to take, and sometimes it’s the best choice we’re able to make in order to on with life and live to fight – GROW – another day!
yes Marcia!!!❣️
Marvelous, reassuring message that is consistent with all I’ve ever been taught about God’s love. Thank you!
I have been having terrible knee pain for some months and am getting no relief thru CS. I am torn between going to the medical as I feel so guilty having been CS all my life. My practitioner says she can’t help me if I turn to the medical.
Christian Science is all about discovering spiritual reality. Sometimes people are tempted to think Christian Science is all about physical healing, and they get focused on physical outcomes. But physical outcomes are effects, not cause.
Healing is about discovering spiritual reality. Keep doing that no matter what! It’s what truly heals because what we see in Spirit reforms us humanly, and brings the human into line with the divine.
Spiritual truth is always present, supporting you, empowering you, giving you what you need to be well. You never walk away from it. You never leave it. Truth is always with you! You and Truth are one like a circle is round. Inseparable!
Wisdom in human action begins with what is nearest
right under the circumstances, and thence achieves the
absolute. MIs 288:13
My web site had a tech problem with all the comments coming in yesterday. Sorry about that. I think it’s all cleared up now. Thanks for all your compassionate thinking on this subject.
Thank you Evan. The large number of comments posted show what an important issue it is to people and I’m grateful for all the ideas expressed. Linda x
Thank you so grateful for all!
Thank You, infinite Divine Intelligence, Mind, divine Love for caring for us in this
precious SpiritView Family, and all mankind, wherever they “are” in thought and life!
The Law of God, divine infinite Truth, is doing the Enforcement of Its Laws!
Onward and Upward, with Love!!
That book has helped me❣️
I can only say thanks everyone for their comments and experiences. No one should be “dropped” from a CS church or be considered unfaithful to Christian Science if they needed to have medical treatment. We do have a lot to overcome in the medicalized world we seem to be living in at present and whether our problem is physical or mental, we do have the tools to overcome the issue and give God the thanks for the healing. I find the biggest challenge is overcoming “Aggressive Mental Suggestions” mainly because it attempts to overtake our ability to think clearly and Mrs. Eddy knew this to be the culprit needing dismissal immediately from thought. Stand Porter at the door of thought….and this is the challenge today. I have gained a lot from reading all the postings from this particular blog. Thank you Evan and all who commented.
Blessings to all,
Suzie H
You are so right, Suzie, with aggressive mental suggestions that seem to be
everywhere – online, on tv shows, in advertisements, in life. Material sense.
be it through pain, posing as material struggles, pretending as Truth, posing a
God, as real, can Seem very aggressive, especially if in the “past” there seemed
to be issues that seemed to hurt emotionally or physically, but in Reality, these
attempts of blood, bones or other material elements to try to control our
thinking and actions, is not what our True identity is – but only feigning
deceptions of matter. Divine Love is everlasting in it’s Spirit and Power, despite
what human pretensions appear to be and trust in God,
although sometimes not easy, is so necessary in understanding our own
identity as children of God.
I just finished reading all of the comments. Some thoughts…
– If a practitioner isn’t meeting your needs (being loving, supportive, kind, respectful, non-judgmental) find one that does.
– All religions have their issues; however, feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety, condemnation, fear, etc. should have no place. Feelings of resentment toward anyone/anything just negatively impacts and side-tracks our spiritual journey and relationship with God – which is our most important relationship and is above and beyond anything else.
– Keeping the focus on God and addressing a couple of physical issues, I like how Mark Swinney prayed: “Instead of asking God what caused my suffering, I asked God to point out the direction that my prayers should take.” Excerpt from:
“The continuity of God’s goodness”:
This was wonderful. Thank you, Evan, for providing a forum for this thoughtful needed discussion.
Much Love to all.
I’m pleased this blog has carried on over the weekend. It’s given us all more time to absorb the comments and maybe really seek out our individual understanding…at this point in time .. of how we can deal with animal magnetism as it tries to influence our spiritual journey.
Reading through Science and Health from cover to cover last winter, I came across this para..
‘If from an injury, or from any cause a Christian Scientist we’re seized with pain so violent that he couldn’t treat himself mentally-and the Scientists had failed to relive him- the sufferer could call a surgeon, who,would give him a hypodermic injection, then, when the belief,of pain was lulled, he could handle his case mentally. Thus,it is that ‘ we prove all things (and) hold fast to that which is good.’ S and H page 464 ;13.
For me this explains any report of Mrs Eddy taking morphine. It also underlines my initial comments that the result of the study of Christian Science is left at the door of the individual and their relationship with God solely. (This must also include Practitioners with their practice ideal.) As Evan stated , it’s all about Love finding the way into our lives, not dogma , nor recriminations. Indeed, MBE saw the path of putting into words, for all to read, of how the Christ, Love is the working presence we all seek to faithfully express. B x.
I am thankful, too, dear Barbara and Evan, that this wonderful wealth of message
and comments is here over the weekend, to peruse and digest again, such helpful
insights. With the current happenings, it is proof of God’s ever presence in being
there with protection and divine Love, and as one person had summarized .. “God’s
armour” was there … is here in seeing us through whatever may be perceived as human
challenges. God is in control. Sometimes we have to be adamant in our declaration
of the Truth that awakens us to the pulls into believing mortal mind with it’s sometimes
subtle, sometimes in-your-face lulls of temptations – to believe in the mortal –
trying to be in control.