God makes your environment

August 22, 2011 | 5 comments

Do you ever complain that other people around you give you grief, bother you, irritate you, or make your life difficult?  If so, there’s a way to change that for the better.
We take our environment with us.
Yep, that’s right.  Wherever you go, your thoughts precede you.
Certainly, this is not absolutely the case.  When we travel through daily life and meet new people, we encounter thoughts different than ours, varying attitudes, and even challenging personalities.  So, from this vantage point, we don’t take our environment with us.
But, yet we do.
We don’t control our neighbor and what they think, but we do control our thought and how we respond to other people.  And this is the part that doesn’t change.
We take our environment with us to the extent that we keep our thought aligned with God and not let other people’s negative attitudes influence our attitude.
The apostle Paul taught, “In him we live and move and have our being.”
Here is a prescription for maintaining sanity, peace and harmony.
Live, move and be in God!  Keep your thinking firmly grounded in spiritual Truth and you will not be sideswiped by downward tending attitudes.
God is divine Mind, a Mind of love, peace, wisdom, spiritual perspective, dominion and authority.  This Mind rightfully belongs to every child of God.  It’s yours!  You have it.
Stay in the peace of divine Mind wherever you go, and you will take your peace with you.  Others will not disturb you.  Others will not irritate you.  Others will not take your joy away.  It will remain yours permanently, in Spirit, where no human will, ingratitude or ignorance can enter.

5 thoughts on “God makes your environment”

  1. I needed this today. People at work are worried about losing their jobs and it is hard to stay positive. I pray to know that God provides for all his children, but there is a lot of discouragement,

  2. Your prescription is going to be posted on my bathroom mirror—A great reminder that God is not only Mother, Father, Husband, but also Physician meeting all my needs.

  3. This morning it was my mental environment that needed adjustment. Thank you for your timely ideas so I could improve my thought and hopefully the environment around me.

  4. It’s interesting that you should address this subject as I am currently reading the book THE GENTLE ART OF BLESSING by Pierre Pradervand, and he covers this very thing. He relates a story (pages 66 – 68) about a Holocaust survivor that refused to get wrapped up into the ugly, hateful, and dispondent circumstances he found himself and others in. The individual had plenty to be bitter about because his entire family had been murdered in front of him. At the end of the war when the camps were liberated, he was found to be robust and in great health, no sign of deterioration. The liberators figured that he must have been there a very short time, but in fact, had been there at the death camps since 1939! He had been busy blessing his surroundings the entire time instead of wallowing in his misfortune and this attitude had saved him. Thanks, Evan, for sharing the importance of living in Spirit, instead of the chaos of material so-called being.

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