God never holds anything against you

November 8, 2016 | 20 comments

If you are one of those people who constantly hear a berating voice in the back of your consciousness telling you what a bad person you are or how you can never get anything right, it’s time to learn more about infinite Love.

God is infinite Love. There are no bounds to God’s love, no qualifications, no conditions, no exceptions. Like the earth keeps turning, God keeps loving. God loves you no matter what.

If you made a big mistake in the past, God still loves you and will give you another opportunity in some form to prove you can get it right. If you exercised poor judgment, God still loves you and will create another opportunity to exercise good sound judgment. If you did the right thing but was misunderstood, God still loves you and will make sure your good deeds receive their proper reward in one form or another. No matter what you did or didn’t do, God keeps on loving you and will never stop supporting and prospering you until you realize your full perfection in Truth and overcome all the evils of the world.

That berating voice in the background of thought that wants to mentally beat you up is called in Christian Science, malicious animal magnetism. It is the suppositional desire of the carnal mind to stop and destroy all good in your life. And you must be wise to it. It is not generated by you. It is not your voice. It is to be shut down and silenced with spiritual truth. And you can shut it down by understanding how big, how encompassing, and how all-inclusive God’s love is for you. It is without limits!

This same understanding of love you must extend to your neighbor. You must as readily forgive them as God forgives you. Then you’ll really feel God’s forgiveness and care, and that berating voice will shut down and disappear forever. You will feel genuinely loved and free. And it feels great!

20 thoughts on “God never holds anything against you”

  1. Thank you so much Evan. I read so many articles on Christian Science helping us to forgive others, and the wrong done to us. Rarely do we read how to confront the wrong we have done to others, and the deep regrets we may have , particularly when those we have hurt are no longer with us, so unable to forgive us.
    Your thoughts today have helped me understand a little more how to deal with all those moments of past unkindnesses and selfishness that can seem to hold us back.

  2. I have been struggling with this for years, thanks for sharing this! It is most helpful, a way to finally turn off the voice that says ‘the am not good enough.” Thanks for such a clear explanation! What does one do when one has difficulty forgiving?

  3. Thanks, Evan, for this! Learning to Love ourselves the way God Loves us is probably one of the biggest challenges we face on our journey! In this week’s C.S. Bible Lesson…..one of my favorite metaphysical truths is: “The eternal Truth destroys what mortals seem to have learned from error, and man’s real existence as a child of God comes to light”. WOW!! Is that ever cool or what! Happy Voting Day to all U.S. Voters and much Gratitude for Prayers of Love, Truth and Peace from our Neighbors around the Planet!

  4. Another healing post for me Evan. I could have said, “been there done that,” as many of us have. I don’t think that there is a person here on earth who isn’t challenged by that issue to one extent or another. Forgiving myself for those ignorant moments was a very tough hurdle to cross, but without accomplishing that forgiveness, it is very hard to love others in a divine sense. In a way forgiving oneself is an act of humility because the focus is no longer on the ‘ignorance of self’ but released from that state to allow us to grow spiritually. In this state of release we can be free to help others which in turn help us to continuously grow higher in the state of a divine community in spirit.

  5. Thank you Evan!

    Another vital topic: God’s infinite love for us!
    Who can’t relate to the deep human need to really feel this love?

    Yesterday I was led to a Sentinel Radio program from March 2, 1996 entitled, “What is divine Love and how can we feel it?”
    The first speaker, Barbara Cook, shared some wonderfully helpful insights on this subject.
    The other speakers had great ideas also.

    You can access this Sentinel archive at:
    http://Sentinel.christianscience.com/shared view/17jlgsrpswn?s=r

    (Hope I got the URL right.)

    Love our SpiritView Family!


  6. Evan, thank you. One definition of grace is the appropriate word ornaction at the rightbmoment. This post is exactlybthe grace needed for a friend of mine being tormented with berating thoughts.

  7. Here is a thought a friend gave to me today…
    “God does not ‘do’ anything for you, me or anyone else. God is, not ‘will be.’ God is finished, whole and complete, one and omnipresent. All is already done.”

  8. Here is a poem that I pray with daily and find so comforting
    by Ginny Luedeman
    (Sentinel, July 18, 2005)

    No moments of failure,
    when something is lost.

    No foolish decisions,
    when treasures were tossed.

    I didn’t mess up,
    and forget God is here.

    I didn’t make choices,
    that made good disappear.

    I live in the care
    and the love of God’s grace.

    There’s no way I can move
    to a lesser loved place.

    My keeping is not
    in the wisdom of man.

    But always secure,
    in God’s spiritual plan.

    I forgive all my yesterday’s
    visions, unclear.

    And hear my God telling me,
    “Child, you are dear.”

  9. Such a special thank you for this encompassing ( and yet demanding) message; Thanks also to Lori for this beautiful Poem from Ginny Luedemann.
    Even though this Truth is not really new, the message of today was the right thing at the right moment, and it will stay for many days .
    Monique, France

  10. Thank-you for this cogent, down-to-earth explaining of God’s perfect love for everyone; which never ceases no matter what we think or have done. God’s Love shines upon every one of His/Her children, and is indescribable in words for its magnificence, constancy, and acceptability by the Christian Scientist. and non-Christian Scientist as has been depicted here. Humbly grateful for the inspiration, Evan.

  11. Thanks, Brian, for giving us the correct link to the Sentinel Radio program. I also listened to the Thanksgiving program and saved the link to listen to some of the others.

  12. Lori and Brian deserve a big thanks.
    I so appreciate your help Brian. I always think that all my screw ups are really wonderful learning experiences. ” Trials are proofs of Gpd’s care” MBE.

  13. Thank you Evan! So relevant to my past few days…this morning I came to my senses (spiritual, that is) and said, ” oh yeah, that’s malicious am, a suggestion that I’m horrible and can’t do anything about it.” Wrong! Spiritual growth is the releasing of material thinking. This corrects the thought, and enables us to move to better “corrective” (again, spiritual, true) action.

    Thank you Josef for putting what I’ve been thinking about into a lucid example. Perfect!

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