Good is happening now!

July 15, 2015 | 11 comments

Do you ever spend time waiting around for something good to happen in the future? Well, you don’t need to wait any longer. All the good you could ever possibly need to thrive and prosper is happening right now!

That’s right. Good doesn’t happen in the future. It always happens in the now. And the purpose of prayer is to discern that good here and now.

God is all good, and God is now. God is not more of a presence tomorrow than today. God is all the good there could ever possibly be—right now! It doesn’t get any better tomorrow.

This is an incredibly liberating truth for those times when thought is tempted to sit around and wait for events to turn more favorable in the future. Likely, that thought will be sitting around and waiting for a long time because it has automatically put its good on hold by believing it is not present now. And if it keeps clinging to the belief that it lacks something good, it keeps experiencing the effects of that belief—delayed goodness.

So, no more waiting! You don’t need to. All the good you could ever possibly have comes in a spiritual form. God blesses you with spiritual insight, understanding, wisdom, intelligence, creative outlook, ability, capacity, strength and health to be the 100% man or woman you are designed to be—in the now! As you seek your goodness in God first, what you find in God translates into improved human living conditions. This is how God meets human needs. First to God, then the rest follows.

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need” Jesus Christ, Matthew 6:33, NLT.

11 thoughts on “Good is happening now!”

  1. Thanks Evan. What a lovely promise “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”
    “If we seek the kingdom of God above all else”, means that no worldly attraction, position or power is more important to us than being upright, honest and Godlike and
    secondly “if we live righteously”, then we will have everything that we need all the time. Good will be happening in our life right now. No waiting period. God is always with the Good.

  2. This message you send us is so true, Evan. I have proved it often.For instance,I began studying Christian Science after I married. I married a school teacher. In those days,here in New Zealand, young teachers needed to do what was called country service.
    After moving from an area we loved we moved up a step in the education system by moving to a new school. After living in an old school house the authorities built us a new house which we cherished.
    Four years later we moved again. Each move was a progressive step. We hadn’t been there very long when we were moved into another brand new home.
    I always felt these progressive steps happened because of my love of Christian Science in those early days
    After six years in that lovely country area we moved to the city and I was able to join a Christian Science church and my husband progressed in his career serving as the head teacher in three more schools..

  3. a perfect message for me this morning, thank you. I was just thinking the weather was not cooperating for what I needed to get done today. Wow, I just changed my thought about that and I realize this is the day the Lord hath made and it will be fulfilling and beautiful starting right now as I listen for the messages from God today.

  4. Thank God for the teaching that C/S gives that Good is happening now and not at a future time. Time is a mortal measurement. Now has nothing to do with time. That’s the prime reason to expect Good. I think that’s wonderful.

  5. Thanks so much for this timely message on time. I have appreciated what Laurance Doyle has said on time: “TIME MASTERS” Sentinel, August 3, 2009. He states that “Mary Baker Eddy recognized that time is a falsity. It’s a delusion. You don’t want more of it – you want to get rid of it. Getting rid of time is one of the things that relates directly to Christian Science healing…”

  6. Your wonderful post today reminded me of my graduate years when we use to talk about time and progression. The example we used then was established on looking into a mirror. The explanation went something like this. Every time you looked into the mirror you were essentially seeing yourself in the past. Even though that was a very not very distant past, it was still the past that was wrapped up in the current moment and the near future. Couple that with the idea that your can never run so far as to run away from yourself and you have solid basis for why today’s post is so important. Whatever is challenging you now, you carry with you until you renew your thought about it and yourself. Christian Science helps us to free ourselves from the error of perspective and opens our lives to the real future intended for us.

  7. At the risk of sounding like a broken record – I just love the way the Daily Lift and this blog dovetail into a beautiful frame for my day!!

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