Happy New Year

December 31, 2021 | 52 comments

A New Year is upon us! The year 2021 is fast fading into the twilight, and 2022 is shining bright before us with an open expanse of new possibility and fresh opportunity for progress.

The passing of time is of no consequence to our reality with God, for God is unchanging good. However, our outlook is of consequence.

May your New Year be filled with an inspired spiritual outlook that beholds God’s omnipresent good supporting, sustaining, supplying, and blessing you wherever you are and in whatever you do.

Every year is a good year when lived with God.

Wishing you all the best.

Happy New Year!

52 thoughts on “Happy New Year”

  1. Happy New Year to all. – It is twilight here in Australia. Thank you Evan and everyone else who has contributed this year. May we all feel and add to the collective thought of hope for the New Year. Your articles and posts have helped me through out the year and this one too helps me remember how to best bless others. May we all know that as the sun appears on each new day, darkness is always overcome by the light. (Because of course in reality there is only Light )
    Love and Blessings to all. xx

  2. As we say in Scotland, “Lang may yer lum reek” Translated literally this means, “May smoke always come out your chimney”

    May you always know abundance, if you had enough money to.put coal on the fire, you had enough for food too. Your home was warm, you had heat for cooking and you had light.

    These days with boilers, electrical heating and light, the saying is a bit obsolete, yet we still say it!

    So, to Evan, my fellow Spirit Viewers and all their kin, . . .

    “Lang may yer lum reek”



    1. Dear Shelagh, I don’t write often but I’ve been a Spirit View fan for years. I love your spiritual ideas so much. Everyone’s really. I have never met anyone from Scotland so I enjoy your Scottish explanation of how and why of what you sometimes say.

      Great love to all for the good expectations for the New year.

      Nancy Florida

  3. Thank you Evan❣️

    Gone are the days of silly, meaningless resolutions going into a New Year.
    To aspire for a closer relationship with God and all that is true and to long for the goodness that brings gives me a sense of freedom and joy thinking about it.
    Like others who come here for guidance and inspiration, gratitude continues to flow to you.
    Knowing I have your thoughts put into words and the wisdom of other thinkers who come here and generously share is a daily gift.

    It would be lonely and daunting back in that old mindset of relying on mortal mind to bring me the news of the day and let that guide me.

    I am in safe, good company here and I glorify God❣️

    1. Yes I love the way you said that Susan, “we are in safe, good company here.” That describes it well for me. I also glorify God and am so grateful to know all of you and be in your company. Let us together “step out with courage, dare to go” forward into the continual newness of God’s good for all of us, our loved ones and for dear Evan and his family. Love and Happy New Year! (the quote is from Hymn 600).

  4. May we all come to this realization that God, good governs the universe totally. Thérefore there is, and there should be no other reality. This is God’s perfect year 2022; Let us all hold fast to that statement.
    Happy New year to all Gods’ children around the world.

  5. Happy New Year! Can’t wait to see God’s work. Let Love ilumine, designate and lead the way. The love that bathes all in beauty and light, as it says in S&H(paraphrased)

    Much love and gratitude to Evan and all.

    Thank you!

  6. How inspired are the expressions here this morning. It is indeed a day for rejoicing.
    Thank you dear Evan for this past year’s comfort and joy. For your leadership & shepherding we are grateful.
    Thank you all SpiritView brothers and sisters for your sincere and magnificent reflections.
    Daily I look forward to all of them. Today is Pentecost day as now we got a glimpse from the Scottish and the beauty of understanding just a little of it’s beauty. Shelagh we thank you for that.
    And from other corners of the globe, we are as only one in the life of our Lord.
    Happy New Year! Peace and Lovingkindness!

  7. As Susan J says, the Daily Lift is a Daily Gift = so much gratitude to you, Evan for your
    daily gifts, and many thanks to everyone who contributes to this gem. A very happy
    New Year to everyone.

  8. May you, Evan, and Kathy, and all blog readers and sharers find the New Year filled with blessings. Looking forward to gaining insight into God and God’s plan for us and ideas to share and pray with for the world. In this coming year. This blog and all the additional inspiration shared by fellow readers is such an uplift for me. Thanks to all and Happy New Year!

    1. Oops. Meant to say- Looking forward to gaining insight into God and God’s plan for us and ideas to share and pray with for the world in this coming year.

  9. SpiritView is a portion of our daily bread, our daily grace shared around the feast of Love, with Evan passing around an idea, and each SpiritViewer giving a bit more from her or his inspiration. Soon we are sharing the most bountiful feast, once again proving God’s Infinitude of ideas, supply, answers, guidance, intelligence. I cherish this family and add my deepest thanks that I was led to find Christian Science and this beautiful family.

    In God do I trust; let me never be put to confusion.

    May this coming, “succeeding year bring renewed vigor, freshness, strength and power,” new, even greater views of God’s goodness!

    Love to all❤️

  10. Received from a friend. Unsigned and probably not a Christian Scientist, but has divine Science in thought.

    Flight 2022 Instructions
    Good morning and welcome to flight 2022.
    We are prepared to take off into the new year. Please make sure your positive attitude and gratitude are secured and locked in the upright position. All self-destruct devices: pity, anger, selfishness, pride, and resentment should be turned off at this time. All negativity, hurt, and discouragement should be put away.
    Should you lose your positive attitude under pressure during this flight, reach up and pull down a prayer. Prayers will automatically be activated by faith. Once your faith is activated, you can assist other passengers who are of little faith. There will be no baggage allowed on this flight. God, our Captain, has cleared us for takeoff. Destination–GREATNESS!
    Wishing you a new year filled with New Hope, New Joy, and New Beginnings!
    Stay blessed! And welcome to 2022.

    1. M,
      Thank you for sharing! My husband is next to me and literally asked me at the exact same time I began reading your post if I checked my flight, as I am flying back home today from visiting him while he is on an assignment. What a God blessing that timing was. SpiritView has been my daily bread and will continue to be throughout 2022.

      Love to all!

    2. Truely wonderful dear “M”. Thank you for this metaphysical flight to a spiritually progressive New Year!
      How wonderfully blessed are we with this precious SpiritView and all the inspired comments. Thanks for a year of giving Love to each other!♡

  11. Thank you Evan for all the blessings you share on your blog as it’s part of my morning feast of spiritual prayer to direct my day. I love all the sharing comments that are contributed by everyone! There is always a word or phrase that I try to use with me during the day along with our weekly Bible Lesson. Our “New Year” is occurring each day! Happy 2022!

  12. Thank you Evan for all the blessings you share on your blog as it’s part of my morning feast of spiritual prayer to direct my day. I love all the sharing comments that are contributed by everyone! There is always a word or phrase that I try to use with me during the day along with our weekly Bible Lesson. Our “New Year” is occurring each day! Happy 2022!

  13. It is refreshing to read all of the topics and comments shared here every weekday. It is
    like being in a vast expansion of universal Love where thoughts are limitless and God’s
    goodness, everywhere. Happy New Year to all, but Happy New Day, also, as each of our
    days is a New and perfect way to start fresh in our expression of who we really are in
    God’s being.

  14. Thank you Evan to a 2021 filled with marvelous inspiration.
    Thank you all for your uplifting contributions.
    Happy 2021!

  15. What’s blessing to be part of this community!! Huge thanks to Evan and all!
    Dear M that wonderful Flight take off was from our dear Evan!

  16. Our beloved Leader Mary Baker Eddy, set out a deep spontaneous poem in the early hours of Jan 1st, 1910..entitled
    which reads…

    O blessings infinite!
    O glad New Year
    Sweet sign and substance
    Of God’s presence here.

    Give us not only angels’ songs,
    But Science vast, to which belongs
    The tongue of angels
    And the song of songs.
    (My 354:13)

    All blessings to each contributor and to you and your loved ones Evan, for marching us each forward to see the brighter view on the horizon of each new day in the forever New Year and sharing with us your videos with their inspirational lessons to aid our thoughts skyward
    Much love and gratitude,
    Sheila D… Cheshire, UK

    1. Lovely Angie. Perfect article to start the new year! Thank you for all the wonderful articles you choose x

  17. Loved what “M” shared, “Flight 2022 Instructions”. This is brilliant and I am going to share it with many. I too, am very grateful for all that Evan shares so freely and for Kathy’s beautiful video and for everyone who shares on this SV blog. Wishing you all a progressive and glorious New Year.

  18. Thank you Evan and all the dear contributors! SV is as important to my day as reading the lesson!
    Can I say “ditto” to every comment shared today and express my deepest and sincerest gratitude to all of you who share this space and give so generously “of your hearts rich overflow”, beginning of course with dearest Evan, who faithfully gives his divinely guided spiritual perspective on current topics every weekday. Blessings and much love to all. Have a spiritually active 2022.

  19. I join you all in gratitude for this blog which is such a gift from Evan, and the contributions of all the members of this group. What a beautiful expression of the Love God has shared with us all. Have a Blessed 2022!!

  20. Thank you Evan for so much inspiration this past year. And thank you all for the wonderful comments, articles and kind thoughts. Thank you for my daily bread.

  21. As so beautifully expressed by each one today, a sense of opportunity, love impelled aspirations, and the expectation of great spiritual growth fills our hearts. May 2022 bring you all the fulfillment of these pure desires.

    From “Godspell”:
    Day by day
    Day by day
    Oh Dear Lord
    Three things I pray
    To see thee more clearly
    Love thee more dearly
    Follow thee more nearly
    Day by day

    Evan and all of this dear family,- thank you, and may the new year be one of harmony, spiritual light, and many good works! Love and blessings in 2022.

  22. Love this Shelagh…I loved my one visit to Scotland. Felt like home. Thanks everyone for this wonderful year of sharing.

  23. This is one of the last from yesterday:
    December 30, 2021 at 3:20 pm
    Angie, I marvel at how you are able to discover and share inspiring articles related to the topic of the day. Thank you so very much! HAPPY NEW YEAR, past, present and future to all.


  24. To M: I don’t think Flight 2022 was from a Christian Scientist as I received it from a friend who isn’t.
    But, I thought it was especially relevant and have shared it with many of my friends. All of whom I’ve heard from also enjoyed it. May all of you have great expectations for 2022, and that they will be experienced! Much love and gratitude for all of the inspirations shared here.

  25. Hi Evan, thank you very much for your inspiring and loving wishes for a wonderful New Year, full of progress in spiritual understanding of God’s endless Love and Goodness to all His/Her manifold creation.
    Yes, I do also wish this very heartily to you, dearest Evan and your lovely family. And the same to you all dearest SpiritView family and friends! ♡ HAPPY NEW YEAR ! ☆☆☆

  26. Thank you deeply, dear Evan for letting us take part in your heavenly inspirations and spiritual views the whole last year. It gave very much insight and I learned a lot also from all the wonderful comments!♡

  27. Happy New Year to our wonderful Spiritview family. Thank you to our dear Evan for all your beautiful examples of how we should change our perspective on how we view ourselves and the world. Angie,Thank you for all your great articles that compliment the idea that Evan is bring to us. God will be leading us forward on our progress this year!

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