Have no fear of sin

July 12, 2023 | 27 comments

Sin can seem overpowering at times. Bad habits, depressed outlook, ingrained tendencies that steer thought and action toward immorality and mortality, may feel impossible to resist. But they are not impossible to defeat. They are error states of mortal mind that can be overturned and defeated with help from divine Mind.

A healthy first step in the direction of demonstrating freedom over sin is to understand the true nature of man. That God’s man is not inclined to sin. In fact, he doesn’t even know sin.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote about God’s man, “Man is incapable of sin, sickness, and death. The real man cannot depart from holiness, nor can God, by whom man is evolved, engender the capacity or freedom to sin” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 475).

Wow!! Is it true? Is it possible? Man, incapable of sin…. Yes, it’s possible, and it’s true.

Spiritual man was created in the image of God. God does not sin. God’s image does not sin.

Dishonesty, gluttony, laziness, selfish indulgence, contempt, anger, hate, and their kin, are not native to man, the child of God. They are mortal mind acting out evil states of belief.

As a child of God, we are not beholden to mortal mind. We are free to live true to our spiritual nature, made in the sinless image of God.

To be free, act your role! Live true to God’s image. Don’t fear sin. Conquer it.

27 thoughts on “Have no fear of sin”

  1. ‘…to be free, act your role!’
    Never born into matter…no separation from the divine Mind.
    Fulfilling our individual identity bestowed by our Loving Father/Mother God ❣️
    Thank you Evan and Maggie for the excellent article.

  2. Love Christian Science and all the wonderful articles and comments on Spirit View. Don’t really expect comments on this. However, in an ideal world one would follow CS as closely and faithfully as possible. Sometimes, this is not possible, in my case an organ being removed many years ago which necessitates using a daily hormone to keep alive. I appreciate this is a material outlook and we are (in truth) entirely spiritual. May I say, this has not prevented me from healings! Having to make this compromise (for now) as MBE says merge gradually into Spirit etc. gives me great hope. There may be other students in my position but I believe we are not prevented from gaining more spirituality even though circumstances prevent us from relying 100% on the absolute Truth. Nor do I feel it is sinful to do so in this stage of my experience as my thoughts are on the side of Spirit.

    1. Dear Caz, I also had an organ removed from my body many years ago, and the doctors
      told me I must take hormone pills every day or I would age prematurely!!! I took them for
      a little while, and then I decided not to take them any more. The material prediction did not
      come true. This is many years later, and even my hair has not gone grey!!!!

      Mrs. Eddy tells us that matter can make no conditions for man – and also that all is infinite
      Mind and its infinite manifestation. When we really get to understand this through our own
      experiences and healings,, and feel in ourselves that it is true, then we naturally feel confident in dispensing with the material medicines and trust completely in God. Let Love show you.
      step by step. You are already gaining this confidence by the healings and trust you have already
      gained. Lots of love to you.

  3. 19 months ago I had to have an ankle and lower leg materially re built. I never forgot my true being and sought a practitioner’s support. He’s first words contained the comment… the operation is inconsequential. How relieved I felt and this renewed my faith and prayers. Keep loving , keep praying , keep feeling Gods presence .x

  4. Thank you all for sharing, dear Spirit View family. Your love/Love
    is so very felt and appreciated here this morning!
    “Love [Does] conquer all” … dear Caz. You are so right!
    Btw, I had been told years ago by the so-called “experts”, to
    believe in what they had prognosed to be true, but my whole
    life I have proven them wrong and continue to do so, because
    mortal mind’s temptation to believe in anything but the Truth…
    what is really True is really just impossible.
    It is in our Thought that counts. Matter is really nothing, no
    matter what it appears to be or doesn’t appear to be .
    From hymn # 64, ” … I feel the calm and joy of things immortal,
    The loveliness of Love is all around”. It sure is!

  5. Dear Spirit View Family, I commented yesterday in response to what M shared, that Sue Pocklington wrote the song “I sm the place” from her CD “Rest in His Love”. That hymn and some of her others sure reate to today’s Spirit View too and are available on line if you want to look for them!

    1. not sm but am- but I am sure you were not fooled by the false appearance and allowed Truth to mentally read the correction!

    2. Dear Soaring Dove,
      I had tried looking up the songs by Sue Pocklington yesterday,
      but if you are not signed up (even for free) to any of the venues,
      you are not able to hear, unfortunately. I was able to search
      the “Rest in His Love” song, sung by another artist, which is
      beautiful, but unless you sign up for any of the other venues,
      such as amazon, it is not accessible. If you or anyone perhaps
      knows of another way of hearing or finding the lyrics to “I am the
      place”, without having to sign up for anything to listen, I would
      appreciate it and thank you very much, if that is possible.

  6. Thank you Evan for this . Thank you all. Thank you Caz. I love the comments that have come because of what you have shared. The perfect man is innocent and ignorant of sin. Matter and sin do not know man. Man does not know them too. God is all. We are always reflecting God. Let us praise God. The scriptures say man is fearfully and wonderfully made.

  7. 43 years ago after a physical I had taken they told me to go down to the pharmacy and get some pills I asked them how long do I have to take these pills they said the rest of your life I declares! No way to myself and walked out of that hospital without any pills never been back and I’m still here. even though at the time I probably didn’t consider myself much of a Christian Scientist but I was raised in it and this is one of my go-to testimonies thank you Lord.Thanks Christian Science.

  8. This statement is beautiful and so freeing, thank you Evan. “As a child of God, we are not beholden to mortal mind. We are free to live true to our spiritual nature, made in the sinless image of God.”

    Mortal mind would love for us to feel beholden to it, which is a form of hypnotism or animal magnetism. But no way! Not when we remember who our God is: the most high, one and only, Almighty God who loves us continuously.

  9. Thank you very much for this wonderful topic, dear Evan! In former years I was taught that even to think I suffer of an error, is sin, because God did not create and doesn’t know sin. Therefore also we, God’s child cannot sin!

    I love the healing passage on p. 475 in Science and Health which Evan mentions up here! It’s so reassuring that we cannot sin as God’s spiritual, innocent and pure child!♡

    Am very glad and thankful for Christian Science which teaches us the divine Truth!

    Thank you all so much for your comments!♡

    1. I really like that J, “I just CAN’T change. I have to stay what God has made me…” So we don’t have to think about it or worry about it. That’s just the way God built us, and it’s permanent.

  10. A bit off topic, but the “negative conclusions” in the great article
    you shared, J, thank you, almost had me adding a different one
    where stress sometimes leads astray our thinking and tries to
    bring us down.
    I was listening to the online testimony meeting of TMC, feeling
    very blessed by it and became happily busy right after, but kept
    realizing the water pump kept coming on very frequently and
    then would shut off. I probably should have shut the main switch
    right away but thought/hoped it would stop. I am praying that in
    the morning, the pressure will have built up and will be okay again.
    There seems no reason for it doing this, as I checked and everything
    seemed fine.
    It is just another mortal mind/erronious issue that creeps in to
    try to distract our thoughts away from good. It seems mortal
    mind has all sorts of angles to try to get us anxious over and
    having to deal with. I am trying to Know that all is well, with
    the well/pump and it is just a sneaky way of mortal mind
    trying to get attention. The Spirit View of this has me staying
    calm, not worrying and having things work the way they should,
    without issue.

  11. (Still feeling calm, and thinking the well is probably okay being
    the pump is still working and perhaps it is just a gauge issue
    and something minor and not costly and have been holding to
    wonderful thoughts shared here.) God is always in control.

  12. Strongly encouraging. Thank you. Indeed, that which is born of God doesn’t sin, yet if any man says he’s without sin, he’s obviously not in the world. Right?

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