Have you got your shot?

March 23, 2021 | 71 comments

Many people in my practice who prefer not to get vaccinated materially, have asked me the question, “What do you tell people who ask, ‘Have you got your shot?’”

The answer I prefer is telling people that I do not plan to get a shot because I’ve already taken other steps to protect myself from contagion that I believe are more effective. Every inquiry is different, and sometimes the easiest answer is a simple confident reply of, “I am totally protected. Thank you!” And that’s usually enough to satisfy them.

If they want further explanation, then I’m prepared to share ideas on how I’ve discovered over decades of experience, that the best preventative against contagion is conquering fear of contagion and developing immunity from within. That thought governs the body, and it’s possible to protect the body from disease by understanding there is a higher power at work in your life that can keep you healthy even if exposed to a virus. Spiritual mindedness is the best immunity of all!

I realize that millions of people are fearful of a virus, and believe their only option for protection is to get a pharmaceutical shot. From a material point of view, that appears to be the logical choice for them to make. However, many have discovered a higher protection from disease that is more effective, and has no bad side effects. Spiritual mindedness is a sure course of protection from contagion. But the choice to rely upon God for protection can’t just be words or wishful thinking. It needs to be genuine and backed by understanding.

If you have chosen a spiritual route to health and safety, it’s important to know why you have made your choice. Be able to articulate your decision clearly and with confidence. Feel the reasons for your choice to the depth of your heart and know why you are doing what you are doing. Then when the question comes, “Have you got your shot?” you won’t be stymied for an answer. You’ll be prepared to share an answer that is true to your convictions, that is not boastful or defensive, but worded in such a way that allays any fear or concern your neighbor has, and enables you to live true to your faith. One heart can speak to another and both can find peace.

71 thoughts on “Have you got your shot?”

    1. Thank you for this article and the attachments Angie.
      These have just proved to me what a wonderful understanding…way before her time too..Mrs Eddy had of the challenges facing us in some circumstances. Everyday, with the help of Evan’s guidance and the SV family I find myself loving and understanding more of this wonderful teaching that Life and Intelligence are Spiritual. We are all doing our best expressing Gods Love.

    2. Dear Angie, thank you very much for this helpful article. One can also listen to it. It was wonderful to listen to Mr. Wahlberg reading his own article. ♡

  1. Evan, this is important for those living within a Christian Science family and community, and especially one who is in the Practice.
    Grateful to Angie for bringing us Mrs. Eddy’s statements and their history.

    May I say humbly that my immediate family and close neighbors are extremely medically oriented. When my husband asked anxiously, “Will you be vaccinated?” I asked, “Would you feel better if I did?” He said,”Yes! oh, yes!” indicating just how fearful he was. Fear is torment. So out of kindness to him I said, “Ok. No big deal.” His relief was palpable.

    We were told of neighbors and family who had long uncomfortable reactions, but when a neighbor warned me of discomfort. I resoundingly replied I had no such expectation and refused to accept such prediction at all! He laughed, but liked that! (Following Mrs. Eddy’s instruction in spirit to treat myself against beliefs of reaction, which was very easy to do.)

    Interestingly, my husband was suddenly given an appointment after weeks of trying. (He had told me to try as well, but I was fine with waiting). I went along with him and they took me anyway. It was a non-event with kind people. He then bragged to everyone that he had no reaction at all from either shot. Of course I didn’t either.

    It’s a suffer-it-to-be-so now, thing, but we can expect Truth will always be true and have its effect on everyone in our radius of thought. I daily, if not moment-by-moment, continue to hold the absolute unreality of disease in the forever allness of God–God’s pure and infinite Love permeating every heart and every atom of time and space, I know everyone must come to this realization, holding to the faith that Mind has and always will prevail.

    1. Thank you for your sharing Diane, very beautifully said. Your “no big deal, non-event” attitude was how my daughter approached it. She also said that it was a positive atmosphere with kind workers and she met some lovely people. So love was being expressed. For now I have chosen differently but as we have discussed on this forum, we can be open to new light as God supplies it, I cannot be rigid, but open to God’s guidance. Gratitude for God’s good care of us all.

    2. Dear Diane, my experience is identical with yours. My suddenly agreeing one day a few weeks ago to “just do it” relieved —to the point of tears —my loved one, and that same day we walked into a vaccination location where they had two “extra” shots, which they promptly administered, We left and felt no ill effects. My thought was “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s.” It alleviated the fear I hadn’t successfully dissuaded my loved one of through my spiritually based explanations and my devoted C.S. practice. Just as many countries once had strict vaccination requirements before issuing visas, to which I complied, this small action enabled me to comfort others, but to me it was a nonevent. I KNOW from Whom my health is derived and sustained: My Father-Mother God, my Creator.

    3. Interesting comments. I have travelled the world, living in two other countries and never worried about getting the recommended shots. However there were areas which without the proof I couldn’t get back into my own country. Developments now appear to be trending that to just get on a plane for international flights or ship proof of vaccine will be required. Currently they are at the proof of negative test stage. Do you stop travelling or do you get the shot which can neither hurt or help? Note that students at Principia had to get shots to play in sports with other schools. Legal requirement. As noted to placate other family members. Different governments with different legal requirements. Each must do what is best in their circumstances.

      1. Where does it say that it’s a legal requirement? It’s not legal at all. The stores and schools cannot mandate taking the vaccine. That’s absolutely illegal.

    4. Thanks Diane, and thank you Evan. I am, for the exact reasons and situation you outline, following the same course of action. But I have been pondering how to respond to folks that ask (family, friends and neighbors so I really appreciated the ideas you have both suggested. Thanks!

    5. Thank you Diane. I have many friends who are fearful of being with people who have not had the shot. For this reason I have been thinking I should get one so they not afraid to be with me.

      I agree–No big deal!!

    6. Thank you Diane for sharing. My husband is not a Christian Scientist, but has been very accepting of my beliefs. Around 10 years ago, when our/his first granddaughter was born, they said we could not come out to see her unless we had the flu shot. I greatly struggled with that demand, but then some kind church members were very comforting, and said I could pray to know that the shot could not hurt me. So, each time we had a new grandchild that is what I complied to. Fast-forward to this current situation, it was very clear that my husband, his family, and even my own children (who were raised in Christian Science) expected that I would get the vaccine before visiting. I wanted to find what I could that was written by Mary Baker Eddy regarding vaccinations. I found on MY 219:29 a statement beginning with, “Rather than quarrel over vaccination…,” and this basically gave me a sense of relief that I don’t need to get tied up in knots over this, that I could look at this “as a no big deal event,” as another writer replied. I have had some wonderful healings in Christian Science, but just as being in school, we’re all at different levels of growth.

  2. Very interesting comments. I simply reply that no, I am not getting vaccinated unless I have to , that I am a Christian Scientist and rely on spiritual prayer to heal everything.

    Many just want to know yes or no. They really do not care too much why.

    One needn’t be afraid, even with a spouse of another faith to take a stand for the higher sense of
    immunity. Fear of the disease in one’s consciousness (household) must be conquered regardless.

    My husband’s teacher taught him, “Matter into matter doesn’t matter.”
    She traveled around the world with her husband for business and never got one shot, and
    the business group she traveled with were also blessed by her clear stand on immunity from
    contagion and the belief of disease. She was never barred entry into any country!

    I traveled the world over as a flight attendant for United Airlines and never got sick!

  3. Thanks for “spiritual mindedness is the best immunity of all.” And glad you mentioned we should not be boastful or defensive or have an attitude that ‘I am right and you are wrong.’ I’ve struggled with that attitude over the years, thinking I knew better and displaying a self-righteous attitude. Only God is right and knows what’s right, and that may be different for each of us. Humility is key for me, and to have the expectancy of good.

    Also worries about allaying fears and concerns of people who care and don’t understand a spiritual approach, or nervousness about reactions of ‘the world” I can leave all of that in God’s care to work out, to trust Him. He is guiding everything and provides answers that can satisfy whatever situation may arise. Loved, “one heart can speak to another and both can find peace.” So glad to be here with all of you, blessed day!

  4. I love this conversation.
    In the paragraph about conversations with others, the quote “That I have taken steps that are more effective”, I may Change the wording to “that are “as” effective”, to alleviate conflict, that my way is better. Perception is so delicate and individual, and can be so easily offended.
    All people believe that what they are doing is “right” for them. I have to keep my faith & pray for everyone, especially my adult children who are getting this shot. They were raised with no vaccines (except for a pure tetanus Shot because we lived on a farm & they roamed freely and often barefoot.) it is not up to me to try convince them or anyone else to do it my way.
    I have practiced a spiritual way for so many years & alternative health practices (which I believe are nature’s health practices), that I know I Believe, I Trust and Rely on my God everyday. That it is my practice and my faith that keep me strong and healthy at age 70. And I Am so Grateful everyday!! Thank you God.

  5. Miscellaneous Writings. 262:10

    When the heart speaks, however simple
    the words, it’s language is always acceptable
    to those who have hearts.

  6. I have a challenge — I recently talked on the phone with a close family friend with very elderly parents. I usually celebrate the holidays with all of them but have seen them for over a year. Concerned about his parents’s age and fear about getting the virus, he pleaded with me to get a shot so I could spend time with their family — both parents have been vaccinated. After our telephone conversation, he went on the internet to sign me up to get a shot as soon as possible. I am a life-long Christian Scientist and prefer relying on spiritual laws for protection and healing, and it is unfortunate and troubling that I am being pressured to follow material steps by a good and well intentioned friend who knows I am a Christian scientist. If I don’t get the shot, I got the impression that I won’t be invited to their house again. Another dilemma— I look forward to flying again and there are reports that in the future only those that get vaccinated will be allowed to travel by plane. Please share your thoughts, insights and suggestions— I am grateful for your prayers and this wonderful platform. Love and blessings to all.

    1. My heart goes out to you, Jake! I wonder if getting tested before a get-together and presenting a negative test result would be reassuring for others? It also feels like knowing the divine Love fills all space–where disease claims to be, where fear or disrespect claims to be–would be a good starting point and letting divine Love lead from there. We can only rule error out of our own thought, witnessing to the fact that it can’t exist anywhere because of Truth’s allness. The words we say and the actions we take are secondary to and the result of the Truth we know. This morning I woke up to this very helpful first line from a hymn (and here’s the whole 1st verse),
      “Not what I am, O Lord, but what Thou art;
      That, that alone can be my soul’s true rest;
      Thy love, not mine, bids fear and doubt depart,
      And stills the tumult of my troubled breast.”
      It’s never about us, but about God, Truth and Love.

      1. I feel the same way about being tested before visiting. It is a very big ask of someone to require you to get a shot that is truly still experimental. If they are already shot up, my question is always why are they worried if they feel they are “protected” from their shot.
        I do not even want to be tested. I will do everything I can to prevent anyone from sticking something up my nose. Now there is so much questioning about what is in those swabs?
        I say Thank you God for my health everyday!! I eat well and get plenty of exercise. I believe I am in no way a danger to anyone!! I bless them and Me. ❤️

        1. Don’t do it! Follow your intuition and be authentic to yourself! Why would you want to do it just to appease others?

    2. I know, like Lucy, mortal mind keeps moving the ball and changing the rules. But according to mortal mind’s own rules, shouldn’t both your friend’s vaccinated parents be “safe” and protected from contagion that might or might not come from an unvaccinated person?
      Does your friend believe the vaccine is effective – or not?
      And does he believe it is only effective for you – but not for his parents?
      Does he know you are a life-long Christian Scientist?
      The Christ is always speaking directly to human consciousness, and that includes your friend as well as you. Mortal mind hates the Christ, and makes up all kinds of chatter to keep the world away from Christ’s comfort and power. Mortal mind would make it seem personal and specific, but it is always mindless and indiscriminate.
      I say this as gently as I can – is it your sense that fear, mixed up with a lot of confused thinking and false belief, could be God’s thought? Or might it be the invention of mortal mind?
      What are you knowing about God, divine Love?
      This week’s lesson specifically addresses the ways in which the darkness of mortal mind challenges God and the light of Christ. Also, Mrs. Eddy reassures us that “Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way.”
      When we turn to God, divine Love, and not mortal mind to know what’s the right and true course of action, we are freed and can be at peace with the answer.
      “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.”
      So then: “let your light so shine…”

  7. My husband and I have taken the stand to not get vaccinated, however, we plan to travel overseas when things open up and now I am hearing that airlines are planning to require vaccinations to travel overseas. When I was little, I was able to get a religious exemption from vaccinations. Does anyone know if Christian Scientists will be able to get exempted from Covid vaccinations for travel?

    1. Just wrote on that. Some airlines have already said it would be required. Decision and total conformity has not been reached. But Several cruise lines now have requirement.

    2. Read everything that MBE says about vaccination and the history of why she said it in Angie’s link.

  8. Thank you for you posting today Evan and thank you everyone for your comments. Just last week I was thinking what I would say if asked why I don’t take the vaccine and the following response occurred to me: “Because I love you!”

    Mrs. Eddy sums up how I feel when she wrote the following:
    I saw before me the sick, wearing out years of servitude to an unreal master in the belief that the body governed them, rather than Mind.

    The lame, the deaf, the dumb, the blind, the sick, the sensual, the sinner, I wished to save from the slavery of their own beliefs and from the educational systems of the Pharaohs, who to-day, as of yore, hold the children of Israel in bondage. I saw before me the awful conflict, the Red Sea and the wilderness; but I pressed on through faith in God, trusting Truth, the strong deliverer, to guide me into the land of Christian Science, where fetters fall and the rights of man are fully known and acknowledged.
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, pp. 226:22–2)
    I too have seen before me the suffering others have experienced because of the pandemic. Not only the people that have suffered from the virus, but others that have lost jobs, experienced financial hardships like lost homes, and experienced emotional hardships like severe loneliness, etc. Because I love, I’ve asked myself “How can I help alleviate this suffering now and in the future?” And the answer that has come to me is “By showing others that man is at one with all-harmonious God! By helping others to know that God is Love and therefore God maintains laws that keep God’s creation safe, whole, happy, supplied, and healthy! By keeping these truths firmly established in thought and letting these truths be reflected in my actions and knowing the truth in my thinking and actions help others to also realize the truth!”

    I know others differ with this view, but I just don’t see how agreeing to take material medicine in the form of a vaccine helps free others from the enslavement of thinking they are governed by material laws. I think if I can show by my example that freedom from the virus is possible through the practice of Christian Science, then I’ve done my part to “enlist” in God’s army to fight and conquer the belief in error.
    The Christian Scientist has enlisted to lessen evil, disease, and death; and he will overcome them by understanding their nothingness and the allness of God, or good.
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 450:19–22)
    I understand that my choice may make others uncomfortable. But again my purpose is not to make other “comfortable in error” but to free them from the erroneous beliefs that are enslaving mankind today and causing so much suffering.
    Discomfort under error is preferable to comfort.
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 101:28–29)
    One of the things I like about this blog is that everyone is free to express their ideas and that they do that with respect to others. I realize that the views I’ve expressed here may contradict the views other will express, but please understand that I do not judge others that have views different from mine. We all must live out our highest understanding of truth and I understand that could result in some people feeling that taking the vaccine is the best choice for them. I just wanted to share what has come to me as my reason for not choosing to take the vaccine in response to Evan’s thought provoking blog today.

  9. Thank you for all these contributions today everyone., I find them so helpful. My feeling is that we are all on a spiritual journey ,making apparent mortal decisions which are the evidence of our imaging our God given spiritual being. Does it change ‘me’ if I concur? Does it make me a better person if I don’t?
    I’m still working through it…but I do know that I will obey any rule regarding flying as one of my sons lives abroad. Still much to learn ….

    1. Barbara I got vaccinated because my son has special needs and the care providers that assist his daily activities require it for me to see him. I don’t feel the vaccine endangers me in any way as far as not trusting God. I feel I did the right thing – I haven’t hugged my son for a year. I’m still not allowed to touch him but that day will now come soon!

      1. Good for you!

        If I can’t see, I get glasses. ANNND continue to work out this belief of not seeing well. I
        do not criticize others for wearing glasses, using walkers, wheelchairs, hearing aids, or getting vaccinated. I try not to criticize others at all, or myself! We each hear God’s directives for meeting our needs Where We Seem To Be At The Moment, and trust the Answers, knowing fresh insights and ideas will appear moment by moment. And, after all, Christ Jesus fed the multitudes what they immediately needed (fish, bread) BEFORE he preached the Gospel!

    2. Agree with you Barbara, still working it through and still much to learn. I’m thankful for the opportunity to learn and grow. Just glad I don’t have to figure it out humanly, or struggle but let God naturally unfold truth to me (and to us all). We can rest in that.

      All the material chaos “out there” will continue to go on in various forms long after this current one passes, but we need not buy into it. Mrs. Eddy always said that in time all of humanity will awaken to the truth of spiritual reality, it is inevitable. I’ve noticed that books are coming out describing the end of the materialist paradigm. I saw a review of one of these books online and the heading of the review made me laugh, it said, “Materialism is dead, it just doesn’t know it yet.”

  10. Gosh I got the vaccine as quickly as I could in a completely SUFFER IT TO BE SO NOW way that would help my industry (the acting profession) get back on track as quickly as possible. I feel that is the kindest thing to do for our world and I personally feel those who dont get vaccinated will prolong a fearful atmosphere and drugde up so much negativity from the world at large. Couldn’t one have the exact same beliefs as what you shared, AND get the shot…just so we can help get our world back? I worry if Christian Scientists join the anti vexer movement…I worry It will give us a very bad name! I am writing this quickly….I will go back and read all of your comments. I love our religion does not outline a direction and everyone has a right to their path…but personally I dont see the harm at all in getting the vaccine!

    1. Well, as an old adage states in essence, “When you give mortal mind an inch, it takes twelve–and becomes a ruler.” At some point, you have to draw the line if you don’t want to lose all your rights to demonstrating real health from Spirit.

      1. Thanks for replying Evan….but I feel that if I didnt get the vaccine it would be a huge cause of fear for those around me and it would prevent me from being able to work freely. It would be unkind and not fair to the rest of the world to hold out if their belief is so strong that you can be a danger…this is how I see it. I do understand if you BELIEVE the vaccine is health giving or prevatntive that is the danger here…but I’m just not able to see that if a group of people choose not to get vaccinated….how can this possibly help our world at this time? I really dont see how it can ever benefit for any Christian Scientist to take this view? We know there is no power in it anyway – but we do whats best for the whole! I will continue to read and listen of course and thanks for the opportunity to discuss. I get it if you live in an isolated part of the world and your career is very isolated. I live in NYC and I’m working with people and will be doing a show that tours. How could I ever do this if I dont get vaccinated? It would be so unfair, and probably would prevent me from being able to do it.

        1. Hi Tricia,

          I honor all your thoughts. I agree, that everyone has to deal with the circumstances they are facing, and act according to their highest understanding of what is doable. That’s why its wise to never compare one person to another, but allow each person to work out their salvation with God and act on what they understand and see as possible. What seems impossible to the human mind, becomes possible with the divine Mind.

          I have to say, that I have been very encouraged by the spirit of brotherly love comments on this post have expressed, Views may differ widely, but we all can still love and respect each other, and give each other the space to work things out with God as divine light comes.

          Thanks for sharing.

  11. Thank you for addressing this timely issue Evan. Angie, thank you for sharing that relevant article. Wonderful comments today! Interestingly, I have a friend who is not a Christian Scientist who has chosen not to be vaccinated. Although her reason is concern over the vaccine and future effects from getting it. I find myself tempted to also think this is a reason to not get vaccinated and need to shift thought back to my care and the care of others as being lovingly provided by God and not matter, the human mind/mortal minds or chance.

  12. My statement from Miscellaneous Writings
    allows both parties to respond with love as we
    have seen in responses from married couples.

    It was not a judgment statement on the stand
    anyone takes.
    The heart spoke, was heard, and responded with
    love, in Love.

    I need this statement because in walking our dog
    I get questioned many times. I need to see
    everyone as having the heart of divinity. So I/we
    can only come in contact with a divine idea.
    Love reflected in love.

  13. I chose to be vaccinated to comply with the guidelines of the CDC. I do not expect the vaccine to keep me well or make me sick. My son reminded me that it was part of the social good to get the vaccine. There are so many people who believe the vaccine will save them, and because of that, it will allow the world to open up. I also feel a lightness and lifting of the gloom that we have all lived under for a year. People are hopeful again.

  14. One day, when our son was little, he started coughing and as it seemed to linger, I called a practitioner who began to work for him. My husband, who loved going to church with us, but was not one who studied Christian Science, became frightened and wanted to get some cough medicine for our son. It was the middle of the night and we lived in a small rural town that had one gas station/store that stayed open 24/7. He left on his mission and I called the practitioner to ask how I should handle the situation …. I will never forget her answer. She said, “oh my dear, that medicine will not help or hurt your son, but it will alleviate his father’s fear”. By the time my husband returned, all was calm in our home. He chased our son around the house trying to get the red liquid in his mouth but our son adamantly refused to take it, saying God was all he needed, and other statements he was learning in Sunday school. My husband finally stopped chasing him and we all began to laugh at the situation. The only “side affect” was there were sticky red drops all over the house which had to be cleaned up.
    I feel it is important, as we love one another in this time of SO MUCH FEAR, to follow that dear loving and kind practitioner’s advice. As for me and my decision, I choose God for my protection and guidance, knowing He is guiding me to do “the right thing”!! For those who decide to get the shot out of love for a family member, dear friend or situation, your loving act can also alleviate Fear and not do harm to yourself❤️❤️
    Love to All,

  15. Wow!! Such great comments to read. Thank you all for your contributions. Thank you Evan for sharing your reason why someone would choose not to get vaccinated. That conversation also might be an opportunity to share Christian Science as well.

  16. In response to Evan’s post and comments regarding our relationships with others, I’m thinking of the Golden Rule. When people ask if I’ve gotten my shots, there is often a concern expressed that if I do not, I am putting other people at risk. If after prayer I feel that visiting elderly family members, or going to the jail to do Christian Science Bible Study, or setting friends’ minds at ease will help to alleviate the fears of so many in our world, I will have no problem getting vaccinated. “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” Jesus said.

  17. I appreciate everyone’s comments, especially Brian. My husband and I both really loved the clarity of his approach to this issue. Thank you, Brian, and thank you Evan for addressing this topic, as it is a big part of people’s conversation for the time being. Interestingly, the few of our neighbors who have even addressed this question to us have done so by offering to help us with the process of getting a vaccination “if you’re even interested; if you’re not, that’s okay,” so we have not felt pressured at all.

  18. I’ve said it before, & I’ll say it again: SpiritView is the most wonderful “Sunday school class” ever, for which I’m so grateful, as I came into CS after the cut-off age fir SS students! What a beautiful, kind, generous, loving discussion this has been – true brotherly & sisterly love expressed. Everyone is THINKING! Isn’t that marvelous- again, picking up on yesterday’s blog. Thank you, Evan, for introducing these ideas, from which we are free to develop and explain our individual expressions and thoughts! Blessings on all Love

  19. Love the differing views on whether to get the shot or not.
    Myself I would not unless it was mandated by our government. And we all know what MBE says about that, ‘to obey the laws of the land.,

    I don’t mind wearing a mask in order to calm fear and love another. But I must take a stand when it comes to a choice of shots.

    It recently came to me that it was the qualities of God that protects me not a material medica bandaid fix.

    If your gonna move error of any kind then move it off completely and not let it become something else on the body.

    These human bodies are only a chalkboard that we are writing our life story on. So write a healthy story for yourself and others! They will feel the longterm benefit as will you.

    Much Love to the struggling hearts out there I know your answer is near.

  20. I am eternally grateful for Evan’s blog, for all the back and forth, sharing ideas, spiritual insights, and wonderful articles. It is interesting that using human pros and cons while trying to satisfy mortal mind’s fear based reasoning, does not give a clear, Christianly scientific basis for action one way or the other. Our communication, our listening for divine direction is between God and each one of us individually…”this is the way…walk ye in it”. I do rejoice that God’s angels are ever with us, pointing the way. Thank you all for your spiritual insights and honest sharing!

  21. As a care provider to folks considered vulnerable to this virus, I have struggled with taking a stand against being vaccinated. Just as I wear a mask because of the world belief that it will help keep others safe, so does being immunized seem like the loving and right thing to do, as those I care for are not Christian Scientists. And considering the fixedness of the mortal mind claim that mass vaccinations are necessary to stop this devastating spread, I have less hesitation to comply. Although there are varying perspectives posted, the motivation to love and to heal is a common thread throughout all of the comments here. I so deeply appreciate these Spirit views, and love you all.

  22. This is an important conversation.I appreciate all the differ points of view. I also appreciate the articles that Angie posted, especially the statements by Mrs. Eddy regarding inoculation. It’s clear that Christian Scientists follow a higher law , a spiritual law which offers complete protection from the belief of disease of any kind. However, the world is suffering greatly from fear of this pandemic and believes the vaccine to be the way to end it. Therefore, I believe it to be the most loving thing to do to alleviate the fears of family and friends and the community at large to get the vaccine and pray against any side- effects. The motive is to bless others on the basis of the Golden rule and not fear that it can help us or hurt us! I have no fear of COVID. I have never been vaccinated in my entire life but I want to help my community feel secure. The belief is that you could have no symptoms at all and still spread the disease. It’s such a small sacrifice, to me, like wearing a mask.

  23. I love this conversation, and feel as some of you do that God’s message to me is not to follow the herd but rely on my study of CS. Interestingly, a group of my friends who have had the shots, in their elation, decided to have a “distanced” dinner party last Saturday. I normally would have been invited, however, it was suggested that until I get the vaccine I am putting them at risk and as soon as I change my mind I am welcome in future. In that moment I felt hurt but right on the heels of that I laughed to myself and felt happy to have some quiet time at home reading CS which was much more beneficial to my well being. I realize this will alter my social gatherings for some time due to the media’s output but I am content with that. And, if new fresh ideas come to me from God of course I will listen and follow.
    Sharon, I don’t have any firsthand knowledge on the religious exemptions process for Covid shots except to say it seems to me that those decisions once crafted by the Mother Church and submitted to the appropriate channels take quite a while to become law.
    Thanks Evan and everyone for this dialogue.

  24. Thank you so much, Evan, for your very timely sharing of your thoughts/perspective on how to answer these questions from loved ones, and from random others. I’ve felt in a quandary, especially this week, as to how to best respond, and stay in my honest truth while speaking my truth, and not upsetting them, or freaking them out. Thank you!

  25. I’ll just leave this without any comment.
    According to this classic tale, one cold night, a camel asks his master if he can put his head in the tent for warmth. “By all means and welcome,” said the man; and the camel stretches his head into the tent. Soon after, the camel inquires if he may also bring his neck and front legs inside. Again, the master agrees.

    Finally, the camel asks, “May I not stand wholly within?” With pity, the master beckons him into the warm tent. But when the camel comes forward it becomes clear that the tent is too small for them both. “I think,” the camel said, “that there is not room for both of us here. It will be best for you to stand outside, as you are the smaller; there will then be room enough for me.” And with that, the man is forced outside of his tent.

    The fable is a warning that small, seemingly harmless acts—even made with good intentions—can sometimes have negative repercussions.

  26. I grew up in a C.S. household, starting some 80+ years ago. No meds, shots, doctors etc. Endless evidence of God’s ever care in a delightful adventurous childhood and youth. But upon applying to attend University there was an absolute requirement to have a medical shot. “No shot – No admission! I rebelled (as youth often does) but our practitioner/family friend made it clear that the shot was powerless because it was not of divine origin, and as such could not be of any help or harm. Do not fear it, or revere it! well, I did the deed, Years later graduated, all in Divine Love’s continuing care.. And it still works. No arguing, no upsetting other people’s beliefs of proper care, or frightening their sense of safety. It really pays well to REALLY TRUST what you claim to yourself to be in charge.

  27. Am so happy you brought this question up Evan,
    It is a decision each must make and to me it shows
    The love we have for each one in their growth in
    Understanding that God governs all. No one can be
    Separated from. His/Her all encompassing Love and
    Guidance. This is what is real! This dialogue has helped me
    Considerably today. we shall live to praise God!

  28. This has been so extremely helpful on so many levels!! Thank you, Evan, and all that contribute through the replies for handling the current issues!!
    My family appreciates you all so very much!!

  29. Ver y Helpful! I told someone dear to me recently that , no, I was not getting a shot, but please do not worry about me. They said, “Oh, no, I won’t, that would be bad energy”. We both laughed and then shared our reasons for chosen preventatives. No defensiveness on my part was needed and the other person respects my faith. I long to share spiritual understanding and look to church involvement and study to help me do just that. This Vlog is like a daily shot in the arm to help with grasping the Truth Christian Science reveals..

  30. Thank you Evan and everyone. I live with SpiritView every day: « To-day is big with blessings. »
    Love to all.

  31. Grateful for everyone’s comments. May I just mention with no intention of causing offence to anyone, that living in a family full of Christian Scientists is different to being the only CS in a family. I took the jab to alleviate any anxiety on the part of my husband and our friends. My practitioner said to me that it was nothing more powerful than a little bottle of water and my true immunity came from God. I was happy with that.

  32. Of all the many opinions and comments, … Evan has again made it very clear when he states .. “Draw the Line” . When you give mortal mind an inch, it takes twelve~ and becomes a Ruler. Draw the Line, if you don’t want to lose all your rights to demonstrating real health from Spirit. We must be “Wiser than Serpents” .. It is animal magnetism that is speaking in your ear, telling you that you should get the vaccine in order to calm the fear of others! See it for what it is!

    1. I agree. First it was the masks, then the vaccine And the mask (if the vaccine worked, why the need for a mask, if it (mortally speaking) protects you from getting or giving it?). None of the ‘experts’ will guarantee that they are 100% effective with that. Giving in to mortal mind like Karen stated above, eventually takes away choices little by little, collectively. Many first- responders and doctors in the medical field say it is Experimental and rushed and will not take it and are taking a stand. Why? . Many folks for many reasons are declining, but the more folks go along with the crowd, the more “the camel comes into the tent” and will CSists have the freedoms we so cherish. Something to think about.

      1. I agree. Aren’t we supposed to draw the line and be SEPARATE from the world? Yes. My husband has pressured me on so many occasions to see a doctor for different things. Did I cave? No, because I prove time and time again that CHRISTIAN SCIENCE heals – all the time, every time. I am not privy to having family members tell me what I should do regarding my health. We need to stop with the namby pamby attitude or what’s the point in the Christian Science movement if we succumb to the fears of others? If Mrs. Eddy succumbed to the fears of her family about writing Science and Health we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. I agree with Tyke, we need to wake up! This is all animal magnetism that Mrs. Eddy warned us about.

  33. Wow thanks to all for the abundance of interesting comments today! And thanks to the loving correcting comment to Tricks!
    Thank you very much Evan for this really timely SpiritView topic!
    Decades ago when all employees of the company I worked for , were offered to be vaccinated., I said “no I do not want it”. They accepted it. Later I thought to myself, no I don’t need that as I am vaccibated with divine Love.
    Yes, I have chosen a spiritual route to Health and safety and I know why I have made that choice. But it seems not so easy to declare it coveniently enough to non Christian Scientists.
    I am very grateful for this priceless pearl of SpiritView you give us each day so lovingly, dear Evan. It is inspiring, uplifting and healing!♡.

    1. Oh in the thirdlast line I meant “It seems not so easy to declare it convincingy´´ enough to non Christian Scientists.”.

  34. Thank you so much, Evan for this post, and everyone for all the thoughtful comments. It is a difficult decision for me…. I agree that we have to draw a line and preserve our liberty. I do not want to have a shot… I never had a vaccine my whole life. But at the same time, I wonder if it were not the loving thing to do to alleviate the collective fear… And my piano teacher asks me each week if I have had the vaccine. We have our piano lessons by Skype just now, but normally it is a collective course and our group meets at her place. She said to me that I shall not be able to join again the group for the lessons, as long as I am not vaccinated… That for her this is too great a responsibility. So, I do not know what to do. Give up the piano lessons with her ? Or getting the vaccine ? I am praying a lot so that I am able to hear God’s voice and follow His leading…

  35. When asked if I got my shot, It will be fun to say I am fully protected, but if they ask which company gave it I don’t really want to go into a long explanation of the matter. Is there a simple answer for me?

  36. I think it is very important that if you have or don’t have the shot, you are clear as to why you are doing so either way. I have friends that are not Christian Scientists that are not having the shot because they say it is a ‘control’ issue by the government. They are angry about it. Some say they are afraid of the shot. Some say that they don’t believe the virus is what the media claims it is. Others insist on the shot. They want their lives to get back to some normalcy. I have been impressed with the mass fear that the world has not just with the shot but almost everything right now. I am required to have it and since I am around so many vulnerable people, what is the most loving thing to do? Am I taking a stand in other areas of my life not just with the vaccine? Still praying on this. But the information and insights here are very helpful. Isn’t wonderful that God meets us where we are?

  37. Thank you so much Evan for your guidance and insights about this. It is an important and necessary conversation about this topic. Lots of good thoughts expressed. Love your comment about drawing the line and if you give mortal mind an inch it will take 12 and be the ruler. Will remember that about so many things. So appreciate your daily inspiration and support.

  38. ‘Let your light so shine’ reports the Bible.

    No one is a student of Christian Science in my immediate family, yet they all have their various reasons and still refuse and see no merit in getting the shot.

    I feel in my heart that my light of knowing and living Life,Truth and Love has created a barrier of protection for me and family and we all are shining brightly. Now let’s take this to all of humanity and protect them as well. Much love to you all.

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