Healing anxiety

December 12, 2023 | 25 comments

If you’re on a road trip through town to a place you need to be, but have no idea how to get there, you might start to feel anxious about the drive. Perhaps you drive a few miles in the right direction, at least you hope it’s the right direction, but after a while you’re not sure whether it’s the right direction or not. You don’t know whether you should go right or left at the next stoplight. Your cell phone is dead from lack of charge. There’s no GPS to consult. Making your best guess, you turn right and drive a few blocks, but see your destination nowhere in sight. A sinking feeling takes over. Should you drive further, stop, go back, or give up? You don’t know what to do. Anxiety builds, doubt takes over. You feel stuck and hopeless.

The same experience can happen in life when we don’t know how to get to where we need to be. Anxiety takes over when the path forward is not clear.

But Jesus Christ came to make the path forward clear! “Follow me,” he taught. As Christian Science explains, he meant, “Follow me to God, to spiritual mindedness, where Love reigns supreme, and fear is no more.”

When seeking spiritual mindedness is our number one priority, we can find our way to God’s peace.

Spiritual mindedness is thinking about spiritual truth, understanding spiritual truth, and following spiritual truth. It’s about valuing the things of the Spirit above the things of the world. It’s about seeking God’s presence above all else.

Whether we should turn right or left with our car, is not as important as having our thought at peace with God. When our thought is at peace with God, the correct direction to turn will come to us. God will tell us what to do.

Anxiety disappears when we know God is leading the way.

“Knowing God” is the path forward, and it leads to a life filled with peace and dominion.

25 thoughts on “Healing anxiety”

  1. Road Trips remind me of a quote by Corrie ten Boom.
    “Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?”
    Thank you, Evan and all for sharing your insights and prayers.
    They are special Christmas gifts to the world.

    1. She is continuing to be a trail blazer, whom I had never heard of before, when I instinctively picked up a book in a recycle store here in New Mexico telling the story of her stellar life in Alaska. You are very thoughtful to add the quote “Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?” Quietly she led, (steered) with gentle influence of clear thinking while Alaska emerged as a state in the United States of America. Quite an example for the rest of the world, (perhaps unsung) but a respected, thoughtful, clear thinking leader. Great quote from Corrie ten Boom D.P. ever with gracious thanks.

  2. Thanks Evan. Your mention of “Follow me,” stated by Christ Jesus brought to mind a line from hymn 600, “I am the light of the world, so follow me and shine out, for I am the Light of the world.” As you said this means we go directly to God in all things, as he did.

    Today’s post also made me remember the excellent article kindly shared by J a few days ago on Dec 8 titled “God Knows.” One thing it said was, “We may have a decision to make but just don’t feel we know which direction is best. Our primary need is not to choose from a selection of human options. It is to yield to the fact that God knows.” This thought, God Knows, helped me the other day when I felt stressed and burdened about selecting holiday gifts for certain relatives, I seem to go through this every year and always wish it didn’t have to feel so burdensome. As I walked through the store I kept thinking, I don’t have to figure this out because God Knows, God Knows. Then I just felt calmly led to the right choices, it was great. This thought is so applicable to many situations.

    1. Hi Rose, thank you for your comments. I was just catching up on reading and noticed your comment on yesterday’s blog, which other’s might have missed…it was such was such a good point, that I’m including it here. 🙂

      From Rose: “Also was great to read Evan’s statement, “It is not normal to worry.” That is a radical statement in this society where most believe that worry is quite normal and an accepted part of life. If it is not normal, not from God-good, then we can see it as separate from us, no part of our true being”.

      1. Thank you dear J, for your kind reply to my comments from today and yesterday. It was very late yesterday before I had a chance to catch up with SV and I’m glad you found my thought to be helpful. All the very best to you.

  3. Exactly, Let spiritual mindedness guide and support every need. Thank you , Evan. Great way to explain this type of situation.

  4. Spirit View is one of the greatest gifts each year. Being new to CS it has infinitely helped me to spiritually understand. Parts of today’s has become part of my annual daily prayer for 2024. Thank you Evan and all. Peace be with you.

    1. Dear Cheryl– and everyone.
      Spirit View is your gift now, and it always will be. Aren’t we so blessed to be able to have the thoughts and company of all who write in to Spiri View! Spiritual thinkers.
      A blessing for the whole world!

  5. Thanks you Evan for describing the many moments of being seemingly lost and without a clue as to what to do next. I have been there many times. The only way out of that perplexing mind set is by the paradigm of turning away from the outer sense of sight to the inner spiritual idea which is guided by divine Mind and the ever present Christ who guards, guides, protects, and provides. (and the sooner the better)
    Thank You dear Father Mother God.

  6. Such needed comforting words, especially this time of year when challenges with the
    holidays seem so filled with anxiety and the whole world seems like a very scary place
    these days. Thank you so very much for these spiritual uplifts of Truth and Love!
    Sometimes it seems like things are going along smoothly and then Bam! It is like hitting
    a stone wall and falling back into a rut – not knowing where we are, what direction to
    take and mortal (little) mind sends us into a tailspin of complete confusion – again. It is
    a constant challenge to try to keep on the straight and narrow paths, especially with so
    many distractions from mortal mind always trying to be in power and control, but our
    thoughts are guided by the One, the only Mind and that is a comfort.
    It seems we are all supposed to fit in the mold of having family, exchanging gifts under
    decorations and a tree, etc. But what if we don’t fit into that Norman Rockwell perception
    that we see advertised everywhere? What if all we have to give is ourselves? But that
    seems so difficult to do in a “material” world, but it is what Jesus did and the Christ still does.
    Spirituality is Really the only direction to be on and we are on. Divine gifts of Love are the
    Real, substantial and everlasting, cherished qualities that heal anxiety over all the mortal
    challenges and confusion we seem to be faced with. Spiritview is such a blessing in being
    able to share these wonderful Spiritual expressions of Love and my gratitude for this
    spiritual view is immeasurable and so appreciated. Thank you dear Evan and All!

  7. Here are two favorite passages that evidence the operation of God’s law of Harmony to direct and govern man. These affirmations that can effectively reverse what can seem to be detours on the spiritual path.

    “Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way.” Science and Health 454: 19

    “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” Psalm 37: 23

  8. This scenario that Evan described above actually did happen to me! I was driving alone to visit my daughter and son in law in their fairly new location in an unfamiliar city about 3 hours away. – I had visited only once before
    Afree a couple hours into the drive I realized that my cell phone charger did not fit my new cellphone and my battery was dead. I had no way to call my daughter and the address was also on my phone contacts.
    After realizing I was not going to solve this humanly – I just prayed the God knew where I needed to go and I asked to be directed. A name of an exit popped into my thought. I watched the signs and got off at that exit. Once I got off things seemed a little familiar. I turned in the direction I thought seemed right and soon came to the name of their street- which I recognized. I turned and drove down the street and soon recognized their house. I was profoundly grateful! God does direct our path!

    1. Thank you CB for the real world application of this important lesson. MBE says, page 444, “Step by step will those who trust Him find that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (quoting Psalm 46) We are ” Cared for, watched over, beloved and protected,” (Hymn 278). Sometimes good seems to be demonstrable only for others, but, “have we not all one Father?” (Malachi 2:10). All means all. Thank you God.

  9. Thank you very much, Evan, for the comparison of the practicle situation with the spiritual truth!
    I love what you say “Anxiety disappears when we know God is leading the way”. And “Knowing God”, is the path forward!

    I love the passage in SH p. 503 : “Divine Science, the Word of God, says to the darkness upon the face of error, “God is all in all,” and the light of ever-present Love illumines the Universe.
    This light of ever-present Love illumines our path where to go here and our spiritual path which Christ Jesus showed and still shows us, to fuller understanding of God and divine Science!!

    Regarding the practicle situation I just mention that I always have a roadmap with me in the car. I cannot really manage a GPS good enough- haha. But the best way is of course, to stay always with God and let Him lead the right way in a n y situation!!

    Thanks all so much for your wonderful inspirations! ♡♡

  10. This reassuring message took me back to one time when I did get lost and had no idea of where to “get off” the main road or where to turn when I did. I pulled off in a not very nice part of the outskirts of some town. The people there were so very friendly and helpful. At no time was I in any danger, and they patiently explained in detail how to get back on the road and to get where I needed to be!

    The Lord Is my shepherd!

    1. It is so good you knew you were safe, dear Granny Ginny and trust is important in a
      situation like this, as mortal mind can try to tempt us into believing in other than what is
      good or real – if seeing others as unfriendly to our honesty or in doing harm to our
      innocent intentions.

  11. Thank you, Evan. There are so many useful spiritual truths/affirmations here to think about, understand and follow. I am seeking God’s presence above all else. My thought is at peace with God. The correct direction to turn will come to us. God will tell us what to do. Anxiety disappears when we know that God is leading the way. I am turning to God and feeling Love’s Presence. Thank you, God.
    And I appreciate all the supportive comments. Happy Holidays.

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