Healing other people’s fears

March 22, 2023 | 19 comments

What’s the best way to respond to other people around you who are afraid, for instance, of catching Covid?

Rather than capitulating to their fears and becoming victimized by them, you can pray for these people to be healed of their fears.

I share how in this vlog that was filmed in the Garden of the Gods, near Colorado Springs, Colorado, when my wife and I visited in August 2022.

19 thoughts on “Healing other people’s fears”

  1. How blessed are we who are part of the SpiritView family. The pounding rain and wind woke me up this
    morning and waiting for me was a beautiful bouquet of absolute Truth served on a SV blog speaking to me on handling fear. Thank you Evan for sharing God’s Grace and Love and teaching us how to lift ourselves and others from fear.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the topic of others fears. I have a neighbor that almost always has fear about diseases or about others in her surroundings. I was always dealing with my own thoughts about what she was fearing so not to be caught up in her fears. It never dawned on me that I could pray about her fearful thoughts and that she could be healed of those fears. Thank you so much for the insight!

  3. Such an awesome surrounding in the Garden of the Gods, Evan! In the universe of Love,
    as you put it, this beauty shines through no matter what.
    I was surprised yesterday when I did grocery shopping, the amount of people who were
    wearing masks. It was so nice to be able to see smiles of those who weren’t wearing them
    and to smile back.
    I have had no fear throughout this whole ordeal and what they supposedly
    said was true, about the mortal way to “fix” it, has also turned out not to be true,
    as error of any kind is not true from God’s … Spirit’s perspective.

  4. I appreciate this whole entry, starting with Evan’s. Thank you, everyone! Carol made an excellent point above when she wrote “mortal mind’s way to fix it has also turned out not to be true.” Mortal mind’s way to “fix” everything turns out not to be true or lasting. Although it can give temporary comfort, there’s always another “battle” to fight. So thank you again, Evan, for always pointing us back to the Truth, divine Love.

    1. Yes, indeed, mortal minds way of ” healing” is to fool one into inadvertently taking on the threat of a larger, more ominous challenge by disregarding the threat of the “help”. For example, agreeing to take a drug to cure a minor ailment, such as acne, knowing that there is a chance that the side effects are far worse and may create extra, unwanted challenges, like diarrhea.

  5. Maybe a good way to think about the “Garden of the Gods” is the Garden of God’s qualities and expressions.

  6. I absolutely love this. Interestingly, I have been doing this in full force the last several weeks after I was reminded of a passage in Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures written by Mary Baker Eddy Pg. 411:27-1
    “Always begin your treatment by allaying the fear of patients. Silently reassure them as to their exemption from disease and danger. Watch the result of this simple rule of Christian Science, and you will find that it alleviates the symptoms of every disease. If you succeed in wholly removing the fear, your patient is healed.”
    This is not treating someone without their permission, this is treating your own thought from the erroneous claim that God’s perfect child could be afraid. It’s not the accepting, but the rejecting of a lie. It’s looking “deep into realism instead of accepting only the outward sense of things.” as this week’s Christian Science Bible lesson states in Science and Health marker 1.

    1. Thank you, Trista!
      Your comment is so welcome today–I had just received an email from a gentleman scheduled to build some shelves & cabinets that I’ve long needed but were delayed by the Covid lockdowns–he sadly informed me that he’d been diagnosed with the dreaded ‘C’ word & treatment would render him unable to work at this time. Your reminder that we can treat our OWN thought–which I have been doing–is right & good. It reminds me, too, of the time Mrs. Eddy was furniture shopping & healed the fellow with an eye infection–isn’t it our duty to do the same? Clearly, the answer is ‘Yes’.

    2. I love that you pointed out S&H marker 1 in this weeks lesson Trista. Perfect and thank you all, for your input. Silently we can do so much good.

  7. So helpful, Evan! One of the joys of moving back home four decades later was joining former work friends for a monthly lunch UNTIL Covid came along–sadly, I was banned from the group, ‘No vaccine, no lunch’; I haven’t seen my friends since, even socially. I was reminded of the ‘Typhoid Mary’ incident! In hindsight, I suspect the vaccinated folks may have regretted their decision as more & more evidence seems to void any so-called protection from the ‘jab’. Your SV today is a path to heal the fear & restore friendships–Thank you!

  8. Thank you, Evan, for this very timely message! My prayers for a family member this morning were answered in the most beautiful way. I am so grateful!

  9. Thank you very much dear Evan, for the comforting Truth you give us in your Vlog. Very nicely assuring I find that you say, we shall not underestimate then power of our prayers for those in need of them and for the world. Yes it’s important to heal the fear also in me. God doesn’t know fear and any error; so wonderful we learn that in CS!
    I love the nature noises in your Vlog; for instance a goose we can hear, passing by.
    Thank you dearly for your healing and comforting SpiritView!♡

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