Hold to models you want to live

October 16, 2018 | 8 comments

“We must form perfect models in thought and look at them continually, or we shall never carve them out in grand and noble lives.”

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 248

Everyone has mental models that they follow and live every day.

What are your models? Are they aspirational? Are they healthy ideals? Are they inspiring you to greater achievements? Are they what you want to live out?

Be honest about the models you have adopted, or have been given you over time, and retain only the ones that get you to good places.

You will rise as high as your accepted models allow you to rise. Go for the best!

8 thoughts on “Hold to models you want to live”

  1. That is so true! Every day when i wake up, I try to strive for Mrs. Eddys’
    way of making divine mind her model every morning, first thing, and the mind I also am accepting as my own, not mortal mind. This way we are only accepting harmony, peace, abundance and joy into our daily experience, which is the way we all want to live! Many blessings!

  2. That struck the right cord with me. I’m going to paste it on the bathroom mirror to remind myself every day. Thank you so much.

  3. What a good thought: Go for the best! Always my gratitude for putting MBE’s thoughts before us…the picture of perfection in Mind.

  4. Yes, love that we have the best example to follow..Christ Jesus. The Sermon on the Mount…..etc…all so good and helpful to stay on the right path. So grateful for MBE and her writings!!!

    Thank you, Evan and all!!!

  5. Thank you for the good thought for today! Pua, our dog, and I had a beautiful walk this morning along a waterway with the mountains silouetted against a clear blue sky. I love to declare truths as I’m walking, and I thought of a dear young family member who seems to be struggling with a sense of who he is. God told me he is healthy, whole, not addicted to anything but good, diligent, hard-working, loving, and caring. I was filled with gratitude to hear these messages from divine Love and to know that holding that proper model of him will bear fruit. And that he can see that model in himself. Of course, I have to hold the proper model of myself, too! 🙂

  6. Thank you Evan for posing that question, what sort of model w e have!
    As Kathyw says, my models are Christ Jesus and MBEddy what they did and said.
    Today I had need of a model in thought, and immediately the Scientific Statement of Being bý Mary Baker Eddy from Science and Health came to my mind, and I declared it vehemently, so true and helpful, yes healing!

    I am happy and grateful to have the Bible and that wonderful book by MBEddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptues, which is really the key to the Bible, declaring its spiritual meaning ! 🙂

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