Stay on your spiritual watch

October 15, 2018 | 16 comments

What are you watching for today? The good, the bad, or whatever happens to come your way?

Wise people make wise choices, and wise choices lead to good results.

If you want to stay healthy and well, be sure to make wise choices about what you watch with your thought.

For instance, if a friend starts outlining her latest disease in graphic detail, you have the option to reject what you are hearing about her and replace it with her spiritual reality. You don’t have to mentally watch the descriptions of disease parade through your consciousness. Or, if the media reports a major conflict broiling between politicians in the political power center of your country, you do not have to let anger and resentment take over your perspective. You can choose to pray for peace and harmony in the capitol.

As we go through a day, a multitude of options appear before us to engage our attention and demand thought-taking. We can choose which scenarios to accept and dwell on, and which to reject. We have God-given dominion to think spiritual, to see spiritual reality and to keep our thought inspired with spiritual truth.

Stay on your spiritual watch today, and keep your thought in a good place! It’s the healthy and wise way to live.

“And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure” Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 497.

16 thoughts on “Stay on your spiritual watch”

  1. As always, watch & pray for the one Mind to be expressed… is a present possibility. How grateful I am! Thank U, Evan

  2. The tenets have healed me many times and this sixth tenet is one of my favorites because it expresses our daily guide.

  3. So important. Christian Science is so practical! Yes! That’s the question!
    What is engaging my attention right now? Can I discipline my moment-to-moment thought to see reality? I either see fraudulent images in my mortal thought, or be one with God’s consciousness of all creation, seeing, feeling, knowing the all-harmonious, all-loving all-presence in all.

    Gee. Let me think. Uh……. ‘:-] .

  4. I like Diane’s use of the word “fraudulent,” as that’s exactly what these images are! They are trying to masquerade as reality.

  5. To consciously know
    Life is with God
    and God alone…
    Is the most powerful,
    Peaceful, blissful, enlightening
    experience humans
    can have….
    After these awakenings
    we are no longer human,
    we are simply …
    God’s Life….

  6. Good thoughts on watching. Let’s us see what we are accepting and following. 🙂 Like this from S& H pg. 15..”We must resolve to take up the cross, and GO FORTH with honest hearts to work and WATCH for wisdom, Truth, and Love.”
    Thank you all and Evan.

    1. Thank you very much, dear Kathyw for your so cherished comment and the very suitable sentence from Science and Health by MBEddy.
      Such an earnest and importent and loving admonishing!

      Thank you very much, Evan for your loving awakening me to think more spiritually, to watch more if my thoughts express the Love of my Father-Mother God .

      I love what Evan says ,,we have God-given dominion to think spiritual, to see spiritual reality
      and to keep our thought inspired with spiritual Truth”

      Thank you so very much Evan!
      And thank you all dear commenters! ☺

  7. Thank you so much, Evan and friends around the world – I was in need of such good reminders today. Bless you all.

  8. S&H Pg 218:27 “They that wait upon the Lord …shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. “
    To line 5 next page

  9. I’m reading this late in the day—5:25 p.m.—but I am grateful for it. I am trying each day to start off with good, spiritual thoughts, and to hold to them all day. We definitely need to WATCH because we can so easily be tempted to believe the five material senses instead of our spiritual sense. Thanks to all for your loving ideas!

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