Hold to the Bigger View

April 16, 2021 | 27 comments

Are you guided by a little view or a big view today?

To prosper, advance and succeed the quickest, be sure you hold to the Bigger View!

The Bigger View is God’s View.

God is infinite Love, which includes infinite resources, opportunities, possibilities, health, happiness, strength, love, and anything else that contributes to a life well lived.

With God there are no limits to how much good you can experience, enjoy, and express.

The little view is the mortal mind view. It is fraught with limitations, boundaries, obstructions, pitfalls, and dead ends. It sees little, spins in circles, expends huge effort for puny gain, pursues vain promises and fails to deliver what can only come from God.

For healthy progress, adopt the Bigger View! See what God sees. Know what God knows. Think what God inspires.

God is the one Mind of the universe, your Mind!

As a child of God, you have the Mind of God to guide, inform, inspire, and bless you.

Break out of any paltry, wimpy, lacking, weak, or depraved mortal view today, and think big. Think spiritual! See what God sees.

Hold to the Bigger View, and prosper.

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:5, NKJV).

27 thoughts on “Hold to the Bigger View”

    1. As for many references you send, thank you for this one as the others is supportive of the “Big Picture”.
      Thank you again, Angie. Have a wonderful weekend!

    2. Thank you Angie..this spoke to me so much as my family and I are coming out of Covid infection..CS has helped me do much to overcome aggressive mental suggestions..this article uplifting and freeing..

  1. Thank you Evan, for stating so clearly these wonderful views of God’s limitless perfect creation for us to marvel over and rejoice in- and Angie thank you for a very helpful article, as ever.

    I would like to add three verses of a hymn that immediately sprung into my thoughts:

    HYMNS 218
    verse 1
    O life that maketh all things new,
    The blooming earth, the thoughts of men,
    Our pilgrim feet, wet with Thy dew,
    In gladness hither turn again.

    verse 3
    One in the freedom of the truth,
    One in the joy of paths untrod,
    One in the heart’s perennial youth,
    One in the larger thought of God.

    verse 4
    The freer step, the fuller breath,
    the wide horizon’s grander view;
    The sense of Life that knows no death, –
    The Life that maketh all things new.

  2. Good Morning and thank you for presenting the “Big Picture”.
    I had a job to repair a fire pump for the convention center in Detroit, Very near the Detroit River, it is adjacent to a highway over pass. The overpass is several stories higher than the ground level. This is where the fire pump building is located, under the highway.
    In the sand banks near the fire pump house there were many large cardboard boxes dug into the sand. They had improvised access doors. People lived inside those boxes.
    There are public buildings nearby where rest rooms are sometimes crowded with people cleaning up. They are the homeless in Detroit, immigrants and poverty stricken others.
    I awoke this morning thinking of these people. I got a message, “Pray for these people”.
    The big picture helps reverse this picture with a better, bigger view.
    These folks are sheltered, fed from charitable kitchens, clothed from other institutions. And are in America, still the land of opportunity.
    It helps to know that they are on a journey to a better life experience. That they are spiritual and being taken care of by their Father, Mother, God.
    When I was a boy, my friends and I would go behind an appliance store and bring home boxes like those use under that overpass. We assembled them to create rooms, windows, doors. They were warm and comfortable. It was great fun!
    Volunteering at free food kitchens has helped. And donating things for the benefit of those less fortunate helps. It’s only “Fair to Share”.
    Lovingkindness and many thanks for this morning’s View from on high.

    1. Thank you, David, for this very helpful, inspiring way of seeing the bigger picture and taking a helpful, active role in uplifting thought and thee perience of all involved.

  3. David, I join your prayer, the spiritual man God made, the only man, is always whole, intact, satisfied, and never lacks anything good for him. The real man is for ever and NOW fulfilled. “I shall not want” completeness is a fact. eternally established for each son or daughter of God.

    1. Thank you for this supporting reply. There are many refugees in many “free ” countries like the country of my ancestors, France. I am inspired by how they are assisting these weary ones. We are finally doing better now here in the USA. The Lord’s prayer is quoted. Seeing good flowing from out the Mount of infinite Love.
      Thank you dear. David at peace.

      1. I appreciate Evan’s beginning provocative idea which always inspires such beautiful thoughts, but am especially appreciative today of David’s description of those who are homeless, finding shelter, sustenance, and assurance of a progressive journey. How comforting to know that EVERYONE has Infinite Supply from our Infinite Source, our Heavenly Father~Mother, who cherishes and cheers each one of His/Her precious children. We are guided to do right, to know right, to be good, as we understand who our Creator is.
        ❤️ Love

      2. David, I am praying to know that the dear folks you described are able to feel a sense of peace and be free of despair, knowing/sensing that God is guiding their every step. Thank you for your expression of compassion. Love to all of you SpiritViewers, my dear friends!

        1. My readings on Wednesday were on the subject “Love supplies our needs”. My second hymn was 556 from the new hymnal. I won’t type it out here but it has the most beautiful words so I hope people are able to look at it. It starts “Our Father knows my need today”. Thanks to Eavan and to all for the lovely comments.

  4. Thanks, Evan and all, for your thought-expanding messages. As Mary Baker Eddy tells us “…the super abundance of being is on the side of God, good.”

    1. How full of light is this 1944 article!

      Its author had never entered fictitious mortal mind’s all-star theater where its movie projector was now depicting on the screen the story of a man totally blind.
      He was never there!

  5. So true, Evan. One of my favorite life axioms is derived from Mrs. Eddy’s asmition on this subject, “The discoverer of Christian Science finds the path less difficult when she has the high goal always before her thoughts, than when she counts her footsteps in endeavoring to reach it.”
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 426:5–8)

  6. Love the chapter on Creation in Science and Health in which Mary Baker Eddy expounds on the bigger view. On pages 263 and 264 she writes “The fading forms of matter, the mortal body and material earth, are the fleeting concepts of the human mind. They have their day before the permanent facts and their perfection in Spirit appear. The crude creations of mortal thought must finally give place to the glorious forms which we sometimes behold in the camera of divine Mind, when the mental picture is spiritual and eternal. Mortals must look beyond fading, finite forms, if they would gain the true sense of things………
    As mortals gain more correct views of God and man, multitudinous objects of creation, which before were invisible, will become visible. When we realize that Life is Spirit, never in nor of matter, this understanding will expand into self-completeness, finding all in God, good, and needing no other consciousness.”

    Thank you Evan for showing us how to daily practice this precious truth of Christian Science, and to all for your love inspired, thought expanding contributions today!

  7. So grateful we are including those experiencing homelessness in our bigger view today! Because they, and no one, can ever truly be homeless, only experiencing it! Just as no one’s true identity is diseased or sinful, these seeming lies are just dreams we think we, or others experience, but they are illusions in Truth. So it helps me to never think of them as homeless, just experiencing that false belief and this uplifts my thought in a small way.
    On a practical note, I always try to have a small supply of water and pop top cans of fruit, veggies, canned pasta meals or cup of soup to hand those on corners requesting help and usually they are very grateful, as am I to be able to share even a few small items to help my brothers and sisters, even as I am knowing, and sometimes tell them that they are loved by God. Thanks to all who shared!

  8. On page 115 of S&H Line 12- 116:10 here is the SCIENTIFIC “TRANSLATION OF IMMORTAL MIND” and the “SCIENTIFIC TRANSLATION OF MORTAL MIND” showing the big picture of Evil beliefs disappearing as the moral appears ending in the big picture.
    “First Degree Depravity…”
    “Second Degree: Evil beliefs disappearing.
    MORAL. Humanity, honesty, affection, compassion, hope, faith, meekness, temperance,”
    “Third Degree: Understanding.
    SPIRITUAL. wisdom, purity, spiritual understanding, spiritual power, love, health, holiness.”
    The Scientific picture of immortal Mind/God is the big picture. The second degree is our spiritual growth. I love that the words in the second degree are transitional qualities that help us humanly get closer to God and our immortal being.
    They really go along with David Brandon’s comments of true humanity.
    Thanks Evan and all. Much Love.

  9. A very inspiring forum here today. Thank all of you for your precious heartfelt thoughts. Love, David

  10. Thank you very much, Evan! It is always very helpful and thought clearing and healing what you give us for a God – filled day, not only for one day but for all situations for which your inspiring truth thoughts are needed.
    Such a wonderful advice, to think big, think spiritual, think God’s thoughts – yes the mighty, healing thoughts of Truth.
    Yes, let the Mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus (Phil. 2) then we have the Mind of God to guide, inform, inspire and bless us! This SpiritView blog is so blessing , inspiring and guiding – thanks deeply Evan! And love to you all for the so lively, inspiring and helpful commentations !♡♡♡

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