Honor the one Mind

July 22, 2019 | 23 comments

How many minds are you honoring today—the one Mind, or a suggestion of other little minds that would oppose the one Mind?

To have one Mind, is to honor no other influence, power, persuasion or cause other than God.

In the one Mind, there is no anxious mind entertaining fears, worries and doubts.

In the one Mind, there is no outlook enslaved to dietary laws and always concerned about the content of food.

In the one Mind, there is no medical mind constantly examining the body and watching for signs of disease.

In the one Mind, there is no angry, resentful mind creating conflict and stress.

In the one Mind, there are no conflicting personalities angling for position and power.

The one Mind is God, the absolute ruler over all people and all of creation.

The one Mind is not afraid, anxious, worried, angry, or despondent. The one Mind creates its own conditions of peace and harmony, and upholds them for the benefit of all, including you! The one Mind is an oasis of conscious spiritual peace and dominion.

Do yourself a favor today, and reject any suggestion of other minds at work in your experience. Honor the one Mind. Live, work and play in the one Mind. It’s the happiest, most peaceful and healthiest place to be.

“It should be thoroughly understood that all men have one Mind, one God and Father, one Life, Truth, and Love. …Having no other gods, turning to no other but the one perfect Mind to guide him, man is the likeness of God, pure and eternal, having that Mind which was also in Christ” Science and Health, p. 467.

23 thoughts on “Honor the one Mind”

  1. Thank you Evan. This is so helpful. I wrote these reminders in my journal so I can reflect on them daily as I continue to understand the importance. I find the more I understand the One Mind and look away from the other small minds that try to infiltrate my thought so frequently, the better off I truly am. It helps to see where the small minds try to sneak in.

  2. Oh thank you very very much for today’s utmost clear and healing SpiritView, dear Evan!
    As Mrs. Eddy says in that passage on page 467 mentioned up here, “It should be thoroughly understood …”. If one studies this SpiritView earnestly, one should then indeed understand very thoroughly, that we all have o n e Mind, o n e Father-Mother God, who governs and leads and heals us all.
    I am utmost grateful for this wonderfully clear and loving lesson, yes treatment Evan is giving us today. For my part it is very helpful and comforting, and it is so very understandable that I need not to comment anything else to this absolute Truth – thanks a lot Evan!

  3. I didn’t get this until late today – but I’m so glad I did! I love Mind as a synonym of God and this message has been so helpful today. Thank you Evan.

  4. Hi Evan, I am struggling with understanding the concept to not adhere to dietary laws. God gave Adam and Eve dietary laws in Genesis to eat every herb and seed and fruit. Later, after the great flood, he allowed his people to eat meat, but only kosher, for it was the healthiest way to eat and he cared for his people in this way. Then Jesus came and was raised a Jew, eating kosher, and probably more like a Vegetarian or even Vegan from what i have read about diet at that time. Meat was a very small part of what was eaten, if at all. Then Jesus said to care not about what you eat, but surely he himself did not even eat pork or mix milk and meat. Furthermore, he wouldn’t want people to eat unhealthfully in ways that would hurt them. God outlined the healthiest most ideal diet of all in Genesis, a raw Vegan diet, what Adam and Eve ate. It is not a coincidence that many people who discover and eat this way regain their health; though I am understanding in my new study of Christian Science, that some do get healed, not watching what they eat. Yet, your blog post the other day stated that God may need more from us before he heals us, that some may get healed instantly, and others need to peel away the “layers of the onion” and turn over more to God. Can it be that he wants some to eat very healthy before they can be healed?? I can’t imagine that my excess 200 lbs that I carry will disappear overnight even if I pray very hard and have perfect faith. If God is with us everywhere and God is in everything and man is spiritual, then surely, too, food is spiritual, and some food more spiritual and healing that other food. Should we make a diet of hot dogs, potato chips and coke three meals a day and “hope” we get well? Or honor the spirit of God’s natural organic foods, fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, beans. The body is manufactured to function most optimally on a mostly plant based diet. This is how God created man. This is how Jesus ate. How can caring about diet be non-spiritual? It’s sheer madness!!….at least to me. I am Raw Vegan Chef for 8 years and watched people walk into the Vegan Cafe sick and walk out well, even though they didn’t accept God, they accepted a spiritual way to eat, and therein accepted God’s food. There is no way for me to divorce myself from what I have learned and studied about food and natural healing. Must I to be a Christian Scientist? The Seventh Day Adventists stay Vegan and Vegetarian because Ellen White discovered that to be the most Divine way to eat. Are they all sinning? Adventists have the least cancer and disease rates of all Christians. Please help!!

    1. HI Michelle, my understanding of this is, that we are to eat as healthily as possible, asking for God’s guidance… however if we are lovingly served a meal, and it isn’t on what we are currently thinking of as good list, is it more loving to graciously eat it, or to tell the hostess that you can’t eat it for such and such a reason? Just go back to the way of eating that suits you when you are able to. Nothing can harm or cause harm, with the understanding of Christ Science…

    2. Hi Michelle, I see where you are coming from and I too am “careful” about what I eat by trying to always eat organic food , but one day I asked a practitioner friend about this as it was worrying me to see that my kids (grown up) and grandchildren ..even other family members didn’t seem to care what rubbish they ate, even margarine! My friend said that of course we do not “tempt the Lord” by purposely eating poison for example, but if we are visiting someone and food is given to us with love from family or friends, then we must know that “Love is the universal solvent”…that dissolves the FEAR of food. Paul in the Bible said “That which I most greatly feared has come upon me” and I can say from my experience what you fear DOES come into your experience because we are giving power to and focussing on the problem and something other than God ..we are identifying with matter not Spirit…and we ARE spiritual beings. Sure , those you say eat vegan and vegetarian are “healthier” but then there are healthy people who are not vegan too..it depends of how you crunch the numbers. BTW Adam and Eve were not ACTUAL people..this is an allegory and all the dietary laws and rules and regulations back in those ancient times had very good reasons for being. People were mostly pagan due to lack of knowledge of God (or anything really!) , human and animal sacrifice the norm, cleanliness and normal hygiene unknown so the Old Testament starts with the small things that are the stepping stones to the HIGHER ways of thinking that Jesus later taught. We must be careful not to be sucked in by these ancient ideas which were designed to START the people on a more civilised path. Huge signs and wonders were needed as they were an uneducated superstitious lot then so this is what they understood. (Some people haven’t moved on from that much even now). Jesus came into a world where there was widespread unimaginable brutality and poverty and his big message was Love for one another and giving to the poor and knowing that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you…these old dietary rules were often the only thing that made people feel close to God or holy…but then Jesus said “forget that stuff..its not what you put IN your mouth but what comes out that corrupts you”. Gosh, there is (and are!) whole books written on this subject. But maybe look back through some of Evan’s archives as he has written about food in several and he overcame an overweight problem many years ago and look at him now! Maybe even call or write to Evan..he can explain all this far better than me. But just saying we must not take the Bible literally without considering the TIME CONTEXT in which these things were written.

      1. Thank you all for taking the time to reply! I am RELIEVED to hear it is agreed that we should eat as healthfully as possible, according to our conscience. God brings light and awareness and how does someone divorce themselves from that? Does CS really teach that Adam and Eve were not real??? I am not sure I can belong to a religion that doesn’t believe in Adam and Eve. How about how God created the world? Is all of Genesis….not real???? Of course if I go to someone’s house and they use chicken stock in a recipe or butter, i enjoy it, though everyone knows to serve me vegetable dishes and that i don’t eat meat, and I’m sure they don’t use organic, but I do as much as possible. One time I ate a chicken wrap at someone’s house because there was nothing else and then forgot about it. However, I have a hard time believing that Jesus would think it’s okay to routinely eat factory farmed, antibiotics laden, GMO Frankenfoods doused in Round-up pesticides, all produced in the name of profit and not in the name of health, and tell his people it didn’t matter. This religion talks so much of science, yet doesn’t acknowledge the science part of health….i just don’t get it. Am I the only one that sees the multitudes of lawsuits pending against Monsanto over millions of people developing cancer related to cancer- causing Round Up pesticides? Uy….. And while we are on the subject of Jesus, would he return, he would also worship his Father on the Saturday Sabbath as he always did, as there is no biblical reason to worship on Sunday. The Catholic Church changed the “Sabbath” to Sunday and nothing else can convince me it didn’t because they clearly take credit for changing it. Furthermore, I have a friend who was a Diabetic and became born again. It sounds like it might have been a CS church. She stopped testing her blood and watching what she ate all in the name of Faith. She was in her early 30’s and in a matter of 2 weeks she died in diabetic coma in her sleep. She is now DEAD after stupidly stopping her Diabetic regiment. Do you really think that this was meant-to-be, or was it a premature death of a young person, who allowed misdirected faith to guide her? I’m really having a terribly hard time with the specifics of this religion, though i really enjoy the services.

        1. Hi Michelle,

          Keep persisting in your efforts to understand CS correctly. You will find answers of peace to every one of your questions. You are presently harboring many misunderstandings, too many for me to address here. But for one, a student of CS worships God every day, 7 days of week, not just on one day. And interestingly, you mention about honoring the “science,” behind things. The natural sciences allow no room for Adam and Eve. In CS, man originates with God, in Spirit. Christ came to deliver that message to all of humanity, it is understood.

  5. Evan, thank you so much for this message today. It’s amazing …as if you were talking to me directly, knowing this is the support I’ve been seeking…I am truly grateful.

    1. that i s the o n e Mind, that we all, each one for it’s individual need, receives exactly what we need. And each one, I too, feels, that Evan is telling this wonderful Truth to every single idea. And this o n e divine Mind gives each one of us exactly that understanding of this blog we do need.
      Isn’t that a wonderful loving and good God of which we learn in Christian Science!

  6. Evan, know how firmly embraced with gratitude you are by all! Confident all agree – the contributions we receive daily are a huge inspiration and they continue to be cherished time and time again!. Thank you so much for all you do!

  7. Diane, you hit the nail on the head:
    “forget that stuff..its not what you put IN your mouth but what comes out that corrupts you”.

  8. This is a most helpful statement, Evan, and I agree with Uta that it actually forms a full treatment for one who reads it, showing how we can counteract the “many minds” temptations that assail us.
    As for the food discussions above – I can see where Michelle is coming from, but also commend Diane W for her further exploration of the topic. Healthy eating is a perfectly good way to go, as long as one is not mistaking that pursuit as a panacea for all ills. Spiritual thinking is above and beyond such concerns. And Evan’s own discussion of how he overcame overweight is singularly interesting.

  9. Got to this a little late, but truths aren’t confined to time, and these truths were perfect for me to contemplate and put into practice. Thanks!

  10. Thank you all !

    A practitioner once told me, for one person the healing might be getting over the need to drink coffee, for another the healing might be being able TO drink coffee.

  11. In recent weeks, I have pondered articles in the October 4, 2004 Sentinel, “Weighing in on
    Obesity.” Working with the One Mind and Her perfect expression: I am beautiful and wise; I am loving myself lean. A friend who
    hadn’t seen me in a year, said, “Lisa, you look
    beautiful!” and I felt beautiful, too. Wisdom tells me to eat strawberries, not to drink diet soda, so I have stopped drinking diet soda and I eat strawberries, but my focus is on being beautiful, loving, and wise as the One Mind sees me. Thank you, Evan.

  12. Thank you Evan for the clear understanding that God, Good, is the only Mind or power and is the perfect remedy for any challenge we face. Another wonderful blog giving us Truth to work with each day.

  13. The emphasis on food is over rated if one believes it to be harmful or helpful. Saw a native pick up a live lizard, looked at it and ate it right there and then. Off the jungle ground. He just went on his way. His way of living. Ignorant of the lifestyles of a modern world, wondering what an airplane was flying overhead. Living in the trees. He was very healthy. Unwashed, unshaven. loin cloth. No shoes. Not in the least concerned about his living, food, environment. He is “able”.
    Beliefs will rule if they aren’t displaced by Spiritual Truth. Those ignorant of the so called laws of physical sense are easily treated in Science, Even though they don’t know anything about the power of Divine Mind. Innocence, like that of a little child embraces their nature. They instantly reflect the Love that heals. We live in a time where there’s much communication. The bible tells us to let our communication be, yea, yea or nay, nay. Especially when there’s a description of disease. Refuse to listen to it. Don”t let it impress you if you hear it. Immediately dismiss it. NEVER repeat it’s name.
    A person was taken to the hospital. She is dearly loved. Got the news of the day that it was suppose to be a very serious disease that afflicted her. I decided to pray without ceasing. Went to the hospital where she lay unconscious to physical sense. I was instructed to wear a face mask, and gloves. Entering into her room in the ICU she lay on her side, motionless. On various support devices. I took her hand and recited Psalm 23. Told her God was there with her and I. She held her left thumb up straight and I knew she was with me. I told her husband she would be going about her business within three days time.
    The first revelation was the declaration that the disease wasn’t communicable! The prayers were answered immediately. Read all the lessons in the full text Quarterly for the month. Till the wee hours of night. Read Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, and the Bible.
    Got down on my knees and thanked God for this woman in my life. Didn’t stop praying for her till at perfect peace.
    She is perfectly well. Was always well. Never for an instant deprived of her vitality or health.
    Mary Baker Eddy gave us the Key to unlock the sacred scriptures. The Key to use the inspired word to overcome the imposition of mortal sense. The false sense of a power opposed to our Loving God.
    Many other healing works have been demonstrated through using this inspired lifetime work of our leader in Christian Science. Mary Baker Eddy.
    Illness is all the same. It is a bald face lie. Nothing trying to be something.

    What is a man? We have little knowledge and understanding of just what that man is or of his capabilities. The perfect man is incapable of sin, disease and death. What goes on through the apprehension of physical sense is a lie if it depicts anything unlike our spiritual self hood. The perfect man is mighty. He is as the “Shadow of a great rock in a weary land”. He is independent of the need for food. He goes through the earthquake wind and fire, clad in a panoply of Love, he demonstrates immortality. Continually,
    The best man was Jesus. He could not only overcome death, hatred, But all the limitations imposed on him by time distance and the elements. Walking on water. And he showed Peter how to do that too!
    Take no thought of what you eat, feed your hunger, not your appetite. And your hunger is for the food of Truth. Your hunger is to love your neighbor, Your hunger is to heal those in need. We need to forget about our selves and go forward and stand on the water of mortal mind.
    not sink into it. Demonstrate it’s nothingness. Rise above it. Reveal our true selves as the children of God. We’re in this together with our Master, Christ and the inspired scriptures.
    Peace be unto you all. And above all Love….

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