How Christian Science heals pandemic anxiety

December 28, 2020 | 21 comments

I thought you might enjoy reading this article written by a woman who was exposed to Christian Science as a youngster, and how what she learned about God’s love then has helped her find peace amid pandemic anxiety today.

“How my Christian Science roots help me face pandemic anxiety,” by Erica Wida, published December 22, 2020, on


21 thoughts on “How Christian Science heals pandemic anxiety”

    1. Angie thanks for this additional article. Reading it gave me a sense of “active stillness”. In other words when we are spiritually still we feel “connected” to God in a fresh new way and something happens to improving the human condition we were tempted to be in anguish over..

  1. Both articals are inspiring. Thank you for them both as lingering uncertanity needs correcting. What better way of solving this than those healing prayers.

  2. I can so identify with the depth of feeling ,shown by Erica Wilda in this article relating to having your ‘roots’ cemented in Christian Science. It is a wonderful read so thank you Evan.
    Personally I believe my ‘pandemic’ was the many intervening years between Sunday school and retirement when I was definitely influenced more by mortal mind than accepting the guidance of God’s Mind. However , as the article says, I could never really bury the truth and now, following some significant healings and total change of application and understanding of CS I find everyday something wonderful to experience. I look forward to living Love , relying on Mind, and applying Principle as sense to Soul occupies my thought. I am so grateful for CS which teaches us how to overcome fear/pandemics in our lives and to others around us. Love Love is the key❣️

  3. I like how you say she was “exposed” to CS Evan! These days we only hear of people “exposed” to the dreaded virus…….so,yes the good in CS can be catching!

  4. Really appreciate this article as it pulls together Mrs.Eddy’s life and ideas from a different perspective-that of someone exposed to Christian Science as a child and now appreciating the love it gives to meet today’s needs.
    Thank you for sharing this, Evan.
    Angie, always appreciate how you find articles in the periodicals which also deepen our understanding.

  5. Thanks Evan for sharing this great article. I enjoyed reading it very much and think of my siblings who have strayed from Christian Science over the years. Now, as grown children of God, they are remembering what we all learned while attending Christian Science Sunday School as kids and are being comforted by its teachings. How could you not be!

  6. Thank you for sharing this excellent article, Evan, as well as for all your prayer, work, and sharing on SpiritView, so vital at this time. Praying now to be led to share this article with others …. Your healing work over the years in so many ways is blessing each one and our world, and my sincerest gratitude!

  7. Thank you Evan for linking us to this important article. I was so excited to see that it was published on the website of the Today Show. This is a major national (and maybe international) media outlet that will reach millions of people. To me this is an answer to prayer, as I have been praying to know that everyone, everywhere can learn of and avail themselves of Truth. The article was fairly in depth and very positive. The ripple effects of this can be great. Nothing can hold back the flood tides of Truth and Love. God bless all of us here on SpiritView and everywhere.

  8. As I understand from Rose, this article was open to the public. That is wonderful, as it is important and good that the public reads and hears about what Christian is and does.
    Thank you Evan, it is a very interesting and informative article. I also gave several SpiritViews to friends in church, and they found them very good.
    Also thank you Angie, it is loving of you to give us the links to those helpful articles.
    Up here are so inspired comments, I could tune in. Thank you SpiritView friends ♡

  9. Thank you for sharing this article Evan.

    I often find, family members who no longer “follow” Christian Science, are still receptive to right ideas gently shared.

    I was a bit concerned to read about Mrs Eddy being bedridden for months after her fall on the ice. Surely it was a matter of days?
    (In 1866, Eddy slipped on an icy sidewalk and doctors told her she would die. Though bedridden for months . . . )

    I look forward to reading Angie’s article too.

    1. To clarify, after Mrs. Eddy’s fall on the ice, which was before she discovered Christian Science, she was given up hope by the doctors. In a few days, the revelation of “Life in Spirit,” came to her which translated into a quick recovery that got her out of bed. This was the beginning of decades of spiritual discovery and phenomenal healing work. She was 45 at the time of the fall.

  10. Mrs. Eddy wasn’t bedridden for months after falling on the ice in 1866. And she wasn’t 58 when she discovered Christian Science, she was 45.

  11. Mrs. Eddy asked for her Bible, read a healing, and then on the same day got out of bed and walked into the next room to the surprise of the people gathered waiting for her death. I had read this article previously and I have notified our COP of this article and the error that needs to corrected.

  12. Excellent article. Thank you for sharing. We need more testimonies in the media showing the practical application of Christian Science.

  13. I appreciate Angie’s articles 🙂 I was surprised that no one commented on today’s photo. I thought it was peaceful yet full of Life. Thanks, Evan.

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