How deep is your prayer?

November 29, 2017 | 24 comments

Prayer is measured by depth, not length.

~ Unknown

Shallow prayers are words without meaning, repeated verses without understanding, hours of study without transformation.

Deep prayers quiet the human mind, still mortal fears, shut down mortal mind arguments, reform character and find the presence of Love where the stillness of God takes over, profound peace settles in, there is no fear to be found, and healing happens.

24 thoughts on “How deep is your prayer?”

  1. Evan, Thank you so much for those healing thoughts and encouraging ideas that remind us of the nearness of God and the depth of His Love for us. Have been struggling with symptoms of, or should I say claims of a chronic illness, frightened, and discouraged. Am reminded to be thankful for my blessings and one of those is for Practioners, what would we do without their Prayers and support? Your entry today addressed, pretty much, every area of concern and I’m writing it down and keeping these thoughts with me. Thank you so much for these encouraging reminders of God’s nearness and all ness. ❤️❤️

    1. Charla,

      I was experiencing a sudden symptom of extreme pain in the middle of the night. I started working so hard with all the statements of my perfection, as an expression of God, and nothing changed. Yes, the words seemed hollow, the statements of Being seemed empty, because I still was in so much pain. But as I was praying so hard, I prayed for the right thought and it came to me out of the blue, ” I’ve always been whole, I’ve ALWAYS been whole!” And the pain immediately began to subside and soon disappeared.
      So I will pray for you and pray for your “right thought” and pray for you to express the wholeness that you ALWAYS have had, no matter how long you’ve been dealing with this problem. God didn’t create it, so it doesn’t exist with any substance. So it,too, will disappear!

  2. Evan, Thank you so much for those healing thoughts and encouraging ideas that remind us of the nearness of God and the depth of His Love for us. Have been struggling with symptoms of, or should I say claims of a chronic illness, frightened, and discouraged. Am reminded to be thankful for my blessings and one of those is for Practioners, what would we do without their Prayers and support? Your entry today addressed, pretty much, every area of concern and I’m writing it down and keeping these thoughts with me. Thank you so much for these encouraging reminders of God’s nearness and all ness. Yes, the photo is so sweet!

  3. good morning Evan and group. Today’s quote refers to quality over quantity, that is, if we pray, it has to be with substance, with depth. Well, it is not always easy for me to reach the attunement with the Spirit or to be on the same frequency with God, there are interferences of the carnal mind. We must close the five porches (senses) and ascend the mountain (out of any pretense of mortal mind) and begin work. First by thanking and then waking up, recognizing reality. Prayer must be an alarm clock, it is useless if we can not get away from the material plane. I know it’s like that, but it’s not easy
    Mrs. Eddy said it is an arduous task to cut the hard oak and polish the coarse granite … but the results are a response to what has been worked on, awakening to harmony, peace, love, truth, health … Blessings to all and excellent day.

  4. This is something I have pondered, because I know individuals who have a daily routine of reciting certain prayers, reading a set number of pages of Bible and S&H, but no real commitment to their meaning becomes apparent. What we should gain from such diligence is 1. healing of long standing issues, 2. A lessening of human opinions and judgments. Unless such qualities become apparent, it would seem that not much is happening spiritually in thought.

    1. Thank you Evelyn. The depth of prayers pondered has brought immediate results, and continues to bring immediate healing. Where would I be without it? Struggling. Thank you again Evelyn and Evan.

  5. Thank you Evan for this morning’s post.
    I just had an insight into MB’s question…
    “how do we deepen prayer?” In my experience I have found that if I truly want
    something, I have to be open and receptive to what it takes for fulfillment of that
    desire. Mrs. Eddy states on page one of S& H: “Desire is prayer.” And five more
    times in the chapter “Prayer” she speaks of prayer with “desire”.
    Also I am reminded of Jesus’ healing of the man who had “an infirmity thirty and
    eight years”, he said “wilt thou be made whole?”. So it comes to me that the way
    to deepen prayer (and I, for one can benefit by being reminded of this), is to have
    a sincere “deep” desire to “deepen” prayer, understand it and draw closer to God..
    Thank you again for opening this discussion. I will check in later to read more
    comments. 🙂

  6. Really appreciate your message today, Evan. To consistently feel immersed in the spiritual when I pray or study is challenging. When it occurs, I feel the difference. There is a sense of peace as you mentioned. I like what Gustavo said about needing substance in our prayers, quality over quantity. There is a difference when I yield to God to direct my prayers. Thanks to each of you who add to this blog.

  7. This deeper prayer to me is a deep desire in my heart to leave the world alone (behind) and go deep within myself to absolutely want to insatiably understand God, not just a smattering of a simple belief theory, but to actually know and remember my true Mom and Dad, who is the core of my soul being.

  8. We all have routines when it comes to prayers and studying and I love the idea of quality over quantity. It’s like deep cleaning vs. giving the house quick once over. Putting your whole heart into it.
    Thanks Evan, Gustavo, Ellen, Libby, Evelyn and Charla your comments were worth reading twice.
    I look forward to every comment in this blog. Love to you all.

  9. Revelation! A moment of being
    Aware of being Love”s reflection.
    Short, deep, and pure.
    Thank you Evan for providing your loving example today.

    1. Yes, and we need to get very quiet mentally, spiritually.
      And do what Jesus said — Ask!
      Ask God — and listen; we are being given whatever we need, including
      deeper, reverent, understanding prayer.
      Thanks Evan, and thanks Kate and the whole SV family!

  10. I’ve come to spiritview a bit later than usual – but oh, what a treat to find such a helpful subject!
    And I benefited from reading all the comments, too.

    Many thanks Evan and all the other subscribers.

  11. Thank you. I have to remind myself often that prayer is not fixing something or with a goal in mind, but deeply acknowledging what is now, what is true, what is unchangeable, no matter what the physical tells you. This practice does help me go to the truth consciously faster. My regret is not staying there.

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