How God judges you

July 9, 2013 | 2 comments

Are you comfortable with how God views you? You should be.
When God looks at you, God sees a spectacularly intelligent, composed, bright, able, capable and worthy being.
God doesn’t look at you through the eyes of a mortal. God sees what God created. And it’s very good!
Humans so frequently size up themselves and their fellowman from an inferior point of view that they unconsciously think God does the same with them; that God sees in them what a mortal might see in them. But this isn’t correct. God does not see you as a mortal bound in sin. God sees you as an immortal thriving in Spirit.
Mortals see imperfections, flaws, character deficiencies, shortcomings and ailments. God sees talents, strengths, virtues, capacities and abilities, worth, value, health, and all that is good and commendable.

So, give yourself a break today. Don’t let degrading mortal views demoralize and murder a right concept of self. Drop the mortal condemnations and let God’s righteous judgment take the lead in thought. See yourself the way God made you. And act that way! You’ll feel much better.

2 thoughts on “How God judges you”

  1. Thanks Evan. That reminds me of a favorite hymn (Christian Science Hymnal #58) that has given me much encouragement. Especially where it says:
    In Thy house securely dwelling,
    Where Thy children live to bless,
    Seeing only Thy creation,
    We can share Thy happiness,…

    “Seeing only Thy creation”, my goal today… and that surely brings happiness!!!

  2. One more and most important. Oh Yes! I see myself as the complete, perfect image & likeness of God. Do I see the imperfections of the other guy? You know the ones you have to deal with every day. If I did that, then I am a hypocrite. That’s what one has to watch out for; to love others in God’s image & likeness also.

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