How prayer helped in time of emergency

January 8, 2024 | 27 comments

An article I wrote for my local newspaper, The Tri-City Herald, was published Sunday, January 7, 2024.

Here’s a link, “Whack! He was injured, but could prayer help in an emergency?”


27 thoughts on “How prayer helped in time of emergency”

  1. Thank you very much, dear Evan for such a wonderful proof of the omnipotence of the everpresent God, divine Love and God`s willingness to care for us, heal us and guide us!
    I always stand in awe before such an immediate, perfect christian scientific healing!
    When I looked into the CS hymnal book I found hymn # 268 to be suitable for today`s SV:

    Our God is All-in-All,
    His children cannot fear;
    See baseless evil fall,
    And know that God is here.

    Our God is All; in space
    No subtle error creeps;
    We see Truth`s glowing face,
    And Love that never sleeps.

    We see creative Mind,
    The Principle, the Life;
    And Soul and substance find,
    But never discord, strife.

    O, Perfect and Divine,
    We hear Thy loving call,
    And seek no earthly shrine
    But crown The Lord of all!

    Glory be to God for Christian Science!

  2. Happy New Year Evan.Thank you ever so much for sharing this demonstration. It has reached out to me, and encourages.k

  3. Wonderful testimony and healing Evan ! You did it just like Jesus!!! Really gives us confidence to hear of an instant healing like this !!

    1. Thank you, for a reminder of several times that I experienced the same quick healing of serious head wounds with severe bleeding and symptoms of brain injury. Thank you for the immediate inflowing of the remembered calm and gratitude, the focused listening to God, the strong fierce faith, that inner peace, and gratitude! It feels so good again! That dominion over a sense of dread and helplessness, the superstition of time, and worry about how others would be upset by the scene and my cleaning it up. Thank you for prompting me to re-experience that feeling of oneness with, and allness of, God!

      Just before reading your blog, I was celebrating the physical proof of a recent Healing, and now I get that inflooding of past healing as proof for today. What a powerful protective, preventative, promise for my day!

      Later this morning, I’m going to one of the locations where one of these healings took place, and I can pray blessing over it and people there again. Thank you!

  4. What a wonderful healing of God’s care and Love for you, dear Evan! Thank you
    so much for sharing this beautiful demonstration of the healing power with us and
    your area, who I am sure were in awe reading it. God IS Awesome and when we turn
    to Him and the instantaneous proof of that, like in Jesus’ time (as Diane W mentioned),
    is powerful evidence that God is always with us, no matter what the situation appears
    to be. Turning away from the children seeing, also, helped keep fear from becoming an
    issue or making it seem to be a part of your thinking. It was between you and God and
    His healing truth of the situation. And Uta, your hymn ties in perfectly with this topic –
    thank you, too and all, for your thoughts.

  5. I am always grateful to read articles that were published in a secular newspaper about Christian Science healing. Many publications are not so open minded or willing to publish articles about Christian Science, so I just want to say – thank you Tri-City Herald! And thanks to Evan too (of course!)

  6. Wonderful work Evan! You exercised great dominion and authority over error, which God gives us the ability to do. In effect you demonstrated, “Stand ye still and see the salvation of the Lord with you today” (Exod 14:13) and saying to error, “Thus far and no farther” (Job 38:11). Thank you for the inspiration and uplift to start the day.

    1. Thank you for recommending this simple, beautiful article. “There is no emergency in your emergence.”

    2. Thank you, Evan, for your article and for writing for the local paper. I’ve had a couple of instant healings of severe pain and it’s awesome!! And thank you, J, for the Sentinel article. Very good!

  7. Evan, thank you for sharing this wonderful healing experience with us and with your community. They don’t often hear such good news if they are not Christian Scientists. The immediacy of your turning completely to God resulted in the immediacy of your healing and your thoughtfulness regarding the children illustrated Christ’scaring and thoughtfulness as well.

    Thank you Uta for the hymn and J for your links to articles. Our new year is indeed blessed by all.

  8. What a wonderful, powerful healing, Evan! Thank you for sharing it with us, But after having the harsh farming weed control chemical blow up right into your eyes as a young man in college with no bad effects whatsoever, it is clear to me that you absolutely know that God has got this! The power of the Christ is ever present to heal, and you definitely have this firmly planted in your mind and are able to manifest this in your life over and over, I believe it is because you are fearless. Some of us struggle with this a little bit more, which I know is not a spiritual Truth, Working on it!

  9. Thank you, Evan. What a great, quick healing! And what a blessing for your community that the newspaper prints your articles.

  10. Thank you for sharing this powerful healing! I have never
    Commented before but love to start my day here.
    Thank you

  11. Thank you for widely sharing this healing. Your sense of calm (and concern for the youngsters) was/is amazing and serves as an example for us all. God’s Love is universal and His care for all mankind is instantly there for all to claim.

  12. Thank you once again dear J for your love and resourcefulness in finding two articles that perfectly expand upon the divine law of harmony that was operating in Evan’s powerful demonstration.
    Evan, your unreserved and well described account surely speaks to all Christian denominations. The readers of the Tri County Herald are certainly blessed by your loving and thought stirring contributions!! So grateful for you!

  13. Dear Evan Thank you. I’m reaching into this article for much needed instruction. Im so grateful to you and everyone

  14. Thank you Evan for this quick spiritual recovery!
    Instantly you knew the truth of your being to stop any injury.
    It gives me the proof that Spirit never sleep, but available 24/7

  15. Thank you Evan for this quick spiritual recovery!
    Instapntly you knew the truth of your being to stop any injury.
    It gives me the proof that Spirit never sleep, but available 24/7

  16. I think one of the most important factors, like in Evan’s powerful healing or in any
    seeming emergency type situation, is in keeping fear in check. I have mentioned a
    healing I had before, quite a while back, where I had locked myself out of the house
    when I had first moved here and had not yet hidden a key and didn’t yet know the
    neighbors that well. I had gone down the basement for something and the door had
    been in the lock position, inadvertently when I closed it. It had just turned dusk/dark
    and there was a window that was cracked and needed to be repaired anyway, so I
    had broken it to gain access. Without realizing or seeing it, there was a shard of glass
    that was still in the window frame that deeply pierced along my leg which I didn’t think
    anything much of until I felt a warm stream of blood pouring down my leg. I immediately
    tried to see myself as not made up of “blood, bones or other material elements” and
    although it seemed I might pass out, I was able to keep fear at bay, clean up the wound,
    and the mess of the broken glass so the pets wouldn’t step in it and cardboard up the window.
    Long story short, God was with me the entire time as He/She always is and without
    worrying about any adverse affect, it healed very quickly and was yet another example
    of God/Love’s caring and protection in a time of need. I was/am so grateful for the
    wonderful facts of Truth that we learn in CS. Matter is really unimportant in the Reality
    of Spirit.

    1. Thank you, Carol for your wonderful testimony of a quick healing and how you prayed.
      Regarding God is always with us, I had seemingly an accident with my bike decades ago. At home again I called a practitioner, and what he said struck me at that time. He asked me “where was God there?” Immediately I knew that God was there with me and not a single moment absent from me. Wow that was wonderful and I felt God is always there with us and that was comforting and healing.

      1. That was a wonderful and comforting healing you had, Uta. Thank you so
        much for sharing it. It is true… that if we believe God is Life, God is Truth,
        God is Principle, God is Soul, God is Spirit, God is Mind and God is Love…
        all the synonyms that Mrs. Eddy writes that God is… with we all being
        reflections of what God is … means We Are perfect in all of these lovely
        qualities. That IS a comforting thought… That we can never be apart from

  17. Wow, yes dear Carol, it’s very true what you say, thank you! And I trust Mrs. Eddy, the Truth she wrote in Science and Health because she proved it and I trust the Holy Bible, the word of God, where it is said that God gives us faith and understanding.
    Mrs. Eddy proved that God is all the 7 synonyms – and Cjrist Jesus proved God’s omnipotence and omnisience and all goodness, isn’t that all very comforting and blessing!? Love from Uta♡

  18. WOW! Thank you dear Father/Mother/God and all the dear ones above who reflect
    the healing power of God’s LOVE—much of it from dear Evan. The path has been a bit
    rocky here recently and Evan’s tremendous overcoming of any violent error trying to
    overcome His healing power reflected from God has been a great lift to me this evening.
    Plus my gratitude cup of love overflows to all the above dear ones who share their own
    overcoming of boulders in their path. You have kindly, generously, lovingly given me
    a great lift, shared your courage with me, armed me with God’s power—and–now—I
    gratefully walk WITH God, rather t han with discouragement! Thank you, Evan, God
    and God’s loving disciples who generously give so much to those in need. My gratitude cup runneth over.

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