Improve the moment you’re in

March 23, 2023 | 14 comments

If there is one thing you can do to prosper tomorrow, it’s to make the most of today. Improve the moment you’re in!

There’s a temptation of the human mind to believe that “things will be better tomorrow.” But in Truth, all of God’s goodness is present today. It is not more present tomorrow.

You always have what you need in the moment you are in to experience the best Life has to offer.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “Success in life depends upon persistent effort, upon the improvement of moments more than upon any other one thing” (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 230).

Be sure to make the most of every moment. Improve the opportunity it affords you to know and experience God’s goodness here and now.

You don’t have to wait until tomorrow. You already have what you need.

14 thoughts on “Improve the moment you’re in”

  1. Because we live in the eternal now, tomorrow never comes – there is only now to cope with,
    so it is wise to make the most of every moment. I love the picture – the crocuses weren’t
    waiting for when the snow would melt before they appeared, they just went ahead and
    beautified the world for all to see. We can do likewise.

  2. Linear time is a moral measurement..
    Mrs Eddy says we measure time by the good that’s unfolded..
    Let’s all have a great day unfolding good.

  3. Thank you Evan. The picture says it all. All is always present, nothing to wait for but rejoice in what is now. Thank you everyone.

  4. I Love that photo and message today and thank you so much for sharing it, Evan.
    I saw four of my first flowers, crocuses, of the season yesterday. I was a bit
    surprised, because those type of bulbs I have planted in the past, have always
    seemed to be eaten by some hungry critter over winter or for some reason never
    come up, so to see them was so very special.
    Being grateful for the moment we arre in, the NOW, is really all that there is. Be
    it a soldier overseas, a sailboat tossed in the wind, a scary blizzard or a peaceful
    snow scene, Divine Love is always there, or at this very moment, here and
    surrounds us with blessings. Have a great day everyone.

  5. There is also the equal temptation for mortal mind to suggest that things will be worse tomorrow, as in thoughts of aging, worsening economic problems, increasing climate change. It is the same kind of mistaken thinking. Since as Evan says, God’s goodness is not more present tomorrow – it is also not less present tomorrow. It is unchanging.

    In Misc Writings (p.307) Mrs. Eddy tells us about the promise of the eternal moment, “Never ask for tomorrow: it is enough that divine Love is an ever-present help; and if you wait, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment. What a glorious inheritance is given to us through the understanding of omnipresent Love!”

    1. Thank you very much, dear Rose. Such a wonderful and clear utterance of spiritual Truth you are giving!
      And thanks for the reminder of Mis. p. 307. I love and cherish that helpful passage by MBE!,♡

  6. God IS…not was…not separate…not expected …just IS .
    And as Gods expression we constantly ARE…not apart from Him.…not waiting for His good.
    There is no time involved in constant opportunity, constant Love and unstoppable peace❣️

    1. This is a great article. Thanks J. Thanks, Evan, for another great subject. to contemplate.
      I seem to run late for casual appointments and I’m constantly working on this. On more than one time I have overcome this when it’s extremly important to get to an important destination on time. There was a time when road work with 15 to 20 minute stops, was being done on the highway and I was running late to get down the mountain for an important appointment. Didn’t allow time for the stop. At first I was concerned and mad at myself but as I was driving it came to me clearly that God was in charge of all things including time
      I kept declaring and knowing that God was in charge of time. I didn’t have to worry.
      I came up on the long line just as they were proceding and made my appointment at the just the right time. I used this truth every time I went down the mountain, as the road job took the summer and fall to be completed and never had to wait more then a few minutes again.
      Have a wonderful day today. And thank you all.

    2. Thank you J. I love reading about the concept of time from a spiritual point of view. Time is a mortal idea that is all about limitation. When seeming to be running late or feeling other constrictions of “time” I have to remind myself that I’m operating in God time, not human time. A comforting truth that opens up all possibilities, I just realized I can also apply this idea of operating in God time to wrong thoughts about aging.

  7. Thank you dear Evan! Such an utmost wonderful healing and comforting Truth!
    In our readingroom on the wall in a frame we have the well known passage from SH p. VII: “To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings.”
    We don’t read “tomorrow” but TODAY is big with blessings. I am grateful for Mrs. Eddy’s Science and Health and all her other writings which teaches and blesses all!♡

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