Insist vehemently

April 26, 2024 | 37 comments

When praying to heal an aggressive claim of disease, Mary Baker Eddy writes, 

“Insist vehemently on the great fact which covers the whole ground, that God, Spirit, is all, and that there is none beside Him.  There is no disease.” 

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 421

Insist vehemently!  

Don’t be timid.  Don’t be wimpy.  Don’t be hesitant.  

Speak spiritual truth with power and authority.

Be more convinced of your spiritual reality with God, than mortal mind is trying to convince you of disease.

Be wise to not let mortal mind do your insisting for you, insisting on fear, worry, and doubt.

Insist on spiritual reality.  Know spiritual reality.  Understand reality with God.  

Be more convinced of spiritual truth than mortal mind is of its error.

Insist vehemently with spiritual truth until the peace of God takes over, fear of disease leaves, and health asserts its rightful control.

Insist and know God’s allness until you feel it to the depth of your being.

37 thoughts on “Insist vehemently”

  1. The word UNTIL jumped out at me.
    “Insist vehemently with spiritual truth UNTIL the peace of God takes over, fear of disease leaves, and health asserts its rightful control.
    Insist and know God’s allness UNTIL you feel it to the depth of your being.”

    This word UNTIL is reassuring and means that as we “faint not” and keep going, keep clinging to and insisting on Truth as the present fact, we will surely see our healing, our divine right to see ourselves as we truly are.

    Dear David, hope you are here on SV today and that you felt all the love flowing to you from yesterday’s responses.

    1. Hi, Rose, yes! this statement from Science and Health causes me to pause in the same way.

      Realize the presence of health and the fact of harmonious being, until the body corresponds with the normal conditions of health and harmony.
      (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 412:24)

      1. Thank you Rose & Christine! for your lovely & helpful contributions.
        I love the word Realize- “to become fully aware of (something) as a fact , understand clearly “ Mind helps us to understand clearly.
        It reminds me of Hymn 149 ………,.,.And understanding prayer is fully answered, When trustingly we turn to God aright.
        Blessings to all!

  2. Recently discovered that under Evan’s photo there is a section entitled “About Evan and His Practice “. Near the bottom of the information that includes Evan’s beginnings, is a tab to Contribute “! What a wonderful way to help keep this SV inspiration going!!

  3. Dear Spirit View Family,
    Indeed I felt that overflowing Love and support. I had a rare good night’s sleep. I awoke refreshed and feeling better than I have for years. Progress….
    In humility, “Thank You”. You all know me as per your well thought out and Truthful statements.
    Love is most powerful in dealing with issues that would deny Spiritual Oneness with God. Through His Loving and kindness we are led through the Red Sea of error, into a brighter morrow..
    In short terms “It doesn’t get any better than this!”
    I love you all so very much. I (The Great I AM) will not disappoint.
    May you all walk in sunshine with a smile on your lovely faces, greeting every moment, receiving the same blessing you shared with me yesterday, today. Make that for an eternity!
    Your David.

    1. That is good to hear, David – the only way is up now, and we are all with
      you on the same pathway. Love is the liberator – there is no power against
      the law of Love. We will “walk with love along the way” according to
      the words of a hymn. and rejoice together.

    2. Thank you Evan, this and the article on no reversals have been brilliant. So powerful and uplifting. Such good reminders. Thanks all for comments and articles too xx

  4. What a delightful, cheery, joyous photo and message to be treated with this morning! …
    With accompanying thoughts of good. In looking up the definition of vehement ~ the
    positive wordings are – showing strong feeling, passionate, intense, spirited. The feelings
    shared here are just that, brimming with Love’s sweet compassion.
    Dear David, how lovely to hear that you had a good night and awoke refreshed and
    feeling better! You had awoken to the God-child within you – the joy that none and
    no-thing can take away. I was thinking, that your name, David, is an inspired name
    from the Bible, who was humble, but slew the Goliath that would overpower him and
    others.. mortal mind in all it’s arrogance and bullying, but he overcame this behemoth
    of erroneous belief and conquered matter so many years ago, but that spiritual strength
    is with us still today to overcome any challenge that might tempt us in believing in its
    : )

    1. Angel I love your comments comparing David with the biblical David and his slaying of what looked like a powerful adversary but really had no true power over God’s children.

      Also to David, I am thrilled to hear that our love and prayers were/are felt and continue to uplift you and bear fruit. And thank you for “May you all walk in sunshine with a smile on your lovely faces……receiving the same blessings you shared with me…..”
      As Mrs. Eddy said, “And Love is reflected in Love.”

      1. Thank you, dear Rose. I love what you wrote about walking in the sunshine
        with a smile on our face, that Mrs. Eddy had reminded us of. The
        exuberant smiles on the faces above erase anything that would be a
        part of mortal mind’s history. We are perfect in our expression of God’s
        dear Love right now, have always been and always will be and in all ways.
        We start each day with a clean slate. Perfection = Perfection, now and
        forever. There is nothing that can detract from Perfection.. the way we
        Really are and the way that God sees us as his Perfect reflection.
        ( : = : ) ( … they are supposed to be rejected smiles)

        1. Oh my goodness! That is supposed to say REFLECTED smiles!!!
          Just reread and see it was changed. Computers! gotta love em’,
          but they sure Try to have a mind of their own sometimes, as does
          mortal mind! If I tried to put the two smiles with a space between,
          the computer would have put them together, so tried to explain
          what I had meant.

      2. Dearest Rose,
        And all SV viewers and participants. Thank You All Very Very Much!
        My family had 7 sons, I was the “eighth”. Just like King David was the “eighth” son of Jessy.
        I have had protections unheard of. First when I was only 2 years old. I was forced out of my father’s car traveling at 40 MPH. I was taken up unconscious and my family took me home, placed me on our living room couch. My father was a Christian Scientist. He called a practitioner. After a little while I was up sitting on my mothers lap with her arms around me. Soon playing as a toddler does perfectly well.
        Many other instances in my 55 years as an electrician.

  5. Dear David, I listened to an article this morning that I thought would
    be helpful to you, It’s “In Science” by John Audley Gustus in the Sentinel
    of August 21, 1945. I’m sorry, but I don’t know how to find the link. I
    hope someone can. Much love to you!

  6. To all you participating, today, yesterday, and before, THANK YOU FOR HEALING with the TRUTH, always with the HEALING POWER given to us daily through prayer, Truth, action, attention to what OUR/the WORLD NEEDS NOW! (love the title of that song, which is always with us) WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW is LOVE sweet LOVE

  7. The happiness expressed in today’s theme is so buoyant and captivating, like when we
    Know God/our Father/Mother is there encouraging and guiding and protecting and loving
    us. It reminds me of a simpler time when being a young child, we had so much curiosity
    in the world around us, with innocence and the feeling of sharing and being cared for, was
    like our God is with us always, if we are aware of it or not. We were oblivious to things that,
    as adults, sometimes try to sneak into our thought, but with child-like trust we must rise
    above any mortal suggestions that would try to pull us away from spiritual thoughts of Peace, abundance of Love, harmony. We do not have to be fearful what mortal mind might try to
    portray in our thought, but keep that happy/beaming outlook as depicted in the precious
    child above, with Father/Mother Love being there for us all, in all ways.

    1. Thank you very much, dear Carol. That is very comforting and freeing what you wrote. I was just doing what the wonderful passage from SH says in Evan’s today’s SV, mamely to insist that God, Spirit is all, and there is non beside Him.
      Thank you dear Evan for this healing SpiritView, I love it and pray with it!♡

      1. Thank you, Uta for your nice response. It is lovely what you have written in
        echoing the statement Evan has shared with us… “Insist vehemently on the
        great fact which covers the whole ground, that God, Spirit is all, and that
        there is none beside Him. There is no disease”. Prayers for those in the US
        states, affected by the tornadoes or seem to be in harm’s way. Disease
        can also be seen as dis ease, not at ease…and thoughts here are prayers to
        know God’s comfort is an ever presence, no matter what mortal mind tries
        to claim to be. Love to all for protection, peace and comfort.

        1. Dear Carol, regarding the Tornado in the US I remember what the Bible says, that God was not in the storm and not in the fire but in the still small voice, which I understand in peace. In my prayer I see those people safe in God’s loving care!

  8. Here is a citation from Science & Health which comes to me sometimes when
    I am feeling ‘wimpy’, and it give me a definite rule to follow and helps me pull
    myself together. I think it goes well withEvan’s very strong and helpful message.

    :”We must look where we would walk, and we must act as possessing all power from Him in whom we have our being.”
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 264:10)

    1. Thank you Maggie, I too love that passage by Mrs. Eddy Eddy very much!
      For me it means, we possess all power from God already!!

      And yess, Angela, the wonderful comments on SpiritView are so encouraging and helpful, of course inncluding Evan’s healing inspiring SpiritView Blog! Thank you very much!♡

  9. Thank you all so much. l have read some of your comments over the time after Evans post and they are so helpful.
    Just wanted to be part of this community- you are all so encouraging

    1. Thanks Angela, it’s clear that you are feeling the Love and goodness here. You are definitely part of this community. Lots of Love to you.

  10. Here is a shared link for the article Lori mentioned and Rose provided. Hope it works, haven’t tried this before. Have to copy and paste it.

    Thank you Evan for a timely (when isn’t all of this not timely, though?) reminder to grab hold and not let go until we’ve caught the whole right thought of our true nature as God’s children.

    Thanks to all for the encouraging comments from all the thoughtful “Spiritviewers”–the love shines through. I don’t post often, but am always grateful for this blog and its contributors.

    1. Thank you very much dear Suz, your link to that wonderful article works very well. I printed it out to read in a suitable moment again. For me it’s a special good article as it gives clearer answers to my longing to understand better what it means when Science and Health says “in Science”.
      In the beginning the article says for instance “When the term “in Science” is used in connection with man, it refers to man as he is known by God.”
      Wow, this is a wonderful SpiritView forum. Thank you Evan and all friends!♡

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