Inspire with your attitude

July 21, 2016 | 7 comments

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”

~ Winston Churchill

You can make a big positive difference in the lives of everyone you touch today by sharing with them a healthy attitude that inspires their perspective, uplifts their thought and heals their lives. It will bless them and you!

7 thoughts on “Inspire with your attitude”

  1. As a teenager during world-war 2 I well remember listening on our radio to regular speeches from Winston Churchill the then Prime Minister of England. These speeches inspired listeners world-wide. He never wavered in his conviction that right would prevail. To hear his speeches must have comforted people who had loved ones stationed at the battle-front.

    At that time I was fortunate to attend the Bible class of a local protestant church close to my home.Every Saturday night the young folk nearby would go to the church hall to socialize and enjoy well organized activities. Church officials were in charge and just loved and appreciated by these young folk and by their parents. I still feel grateful for those dear church folk who gave their time to help the youth in their community.

  2. So true, a positive attitude would always be so helpful, encouraging and contagious. Who does not have to face challenges and trials in life? We all have to face. But the right attitude makes a huge difference. If we face our trials confidently by leaning on God’s help and not forgetting to express gratitude for the blessings already received, would be such a blessing to us and to all our friends.
    I had seen a movie “The Secret”. Throughout the movie one thing comes out very loud and clear, that those who had a positive attitude and confidence in God’s care and provision, emerged winners. A lady was healed of cancer in its last stage, another was cured of depression, yet another was blessed with a beautiful mansion, poverty was turned into plenty. So it makes a world of a difference to adopt the right attitude.
    Grateful to Evan for each and every inspiration, which becomes our spiritual meal. Sure we all relish this spiritual meal.

  3. Thank you Evan!
    Thank you Bid! (Amazing memories!)
    Thank you Nergish!
    Your sharing has indeed inspired and uplifted me this morning! Thanks to you three I am planning on also sharing a grateful joyous attitude today! ( The ripple effect! ) Thanks for your blessings!

  4. Thanks, Evan, for reminding us of how important our attitude is. And to Bid for bringing back World War II memories for me. I was about 7 years old living in Rochester, NY. Employees of Eastman Kodak in England evacuated their children to families of Eastman Kodak in Rochester. I had a sister, Pam who was 5 years old when she arrived and my only sister, for about 5 years and we are still very close. She lives in Toronto, Canada, but we maintain contact by email frequently. These children who left their families at home to live in a new country with strangers had many challenges to face. Attending Christian Science Sunday School helped our dear Pam to maintain a good, positive attitude.

  5. Another of Churchill’s quotes I like is, “Never, never, never give up!” Our dear friends in England didn’t during WW 2! That was a positive attitude which carried them through to victory!

  6. Hi Evan, Thanks for sharing Churchill’s quote, and thanks to everyone else’s comments. Attitude is so important. I’ve been a mentor in COMPASS, a Navy spouse-to-spouse mentoring program, and I made up a little saying to share with them: “Gratitude is the attitude that gives you altitude.” Gratitude gives us joy to fill our hearts and put smiles on our faces which we can then share with others and lift their day as well as our own. The love and thanks for God and the joy I feel as a result has been able to bless others as well as myself. For this I am humbly grateful.

  7. Thanks to all for this post and responses!

    I wish I’d read it yesterday, when it was posted. But, today is fine. What wonderful memories of WWII, and the attitude that right will prevail!

    I have to keep that in mind with the current political climate here. Having a major party candidate who encourages hate and divisiveness, and blaming others for one’s problems, has created a very negative atmosphere.

    I have to hold to the fact that Love always triumphs over hate!

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