It’s known to God

March 18, 2024 | 33 comments

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.

~ Corrie Ten Boom

A God of Love has only the blessings of Love flowing your way.

33 thoughts on “It’s known to God”

  1. Such comforting words by Corrie and thank you aso for your loving and promissing words, dear Evan!

    I just came across this hymn from our CS Hymnal # 225 first verse:

    “O Lord, I would delight in Thee,
    And on Thy care depend,
    To Thee in every trouble flee,
    My best, my ever Friend,
    When all material streams are dried,
    Thy fullness is the same,
    May I with this be satisfied,
    And glory in Thy name.

    And I agree fully with Joanne, such an abundant blessing is this today, Evan is giving us so lovingly, endless thanks! 🙂

    1. Thank you Uta!
      I have sung and loved the Hymn you quoted from, so much in my life, yet, only this morning, see that “Friend” is written with a capitalised first letter.
      I was looking for a Hymn to round off this morning’s study and you have just provided it ♡

  2. Thank you for this wonderful quote Evan.
    Yes, when ever the temptation arises to entertain fear for self or family, it is so comforting to know they are already safe in Love’s embrace, even before the temptation entered my thought.

  3. Corrie Ten Boom’s book, The Hiding Place, is a story about courage, faith, and the power of forgiveness, due to her family being imprisoned during World War 11 because of hiding Jews from the Nazis Corrie learned of blessings from her sister telling her to be grateful for lice. Her sister Betsy ,said the lice kept the guards out of their cell, keeping them safe. Due to this experience Corrie became a worldwide speaker being able to share the quote Evan shared with SpiritView today.

    I shared something similar before.

    1. Thank you MB for this reminder. I also love Corrie Ten Boom’s devotional, Each New Day.
      Many blessings to all today❤️

    2. I really enjoyed this book. It was a very inspiring story of courage and kindness overcoming the challenges with the Nazi regime.

  4. Thank you Evan for bringng this today. M.B. Thank you for reminding us of the video you sent, I watched it, It was very clear that we should trust our future in God”s hands. He knows all and paves our path for us.

    This bible quote gives us a clearer view of this,” There is no fear in love, perfect love casteth out fear,

    1. Hi Grace, can you provide the link to the video you mentioned? Or M.B. if you have it. Many thanks.

  5. What a great message with which to begin a new week! Reassuring….erases any doubt. Thanks always Evan

  6. This is a lovely way to start the day and week. Thank you Evan and All.
    I had recently come across a poem I had written years ago that goes along
    with the “A God of Love has only the blessings of Love flowing your way”
    theme. Here are some parts of it:

    I watch and enjoy – Reflections dancing
    Currents pursuing their way downstream ..
    Going on and on like limitless thoughts,
    Expressing themselves mightily, but yet gently
    As they drift downstream…
    Setting the tone for beauty beyond measure
    Trees mirrored in chopped-up swirls
    Frothing bubbles of joyful delight,
    Churning their way without a care in the world…
    How Peaceful
    How Perfectly wonderful this creation of beauty
    I feel a great connection to this meandering friend
    Teeming with Love and Life
    Clouds overhead are like giant cotton puffs,
    Ever-changing formations of wispy white
    I drink in the power and feel more refreshed in my thinking
    refreshed like the current of the waters
    I feel a certain Peacefulness, a regaining of
    Insight as to what is real, what is Life…Eternal.

    God’s expression of loveliness is all around us, wherever we are.

    1. Thank you Angel for that lovely poem.

      Years ago I was walking with a group on a familiar mountain trail and we came to a rushing creek and a log that we had walked across several times before. One friend got across and I went next. I was almost over and fear happened. I stopped to declare the truth but slipped off the log and landed feet down in the creek between the rocks on sold footing, and continued declaring the truth felt no harm and made my way touching branches along the creek and with the help of my friend climbed out with no harm or after effects walked out. It was a lovely April day.

      Thank you Evan for this healing message and all the wonderful daily Views.

      1. Thank you for your kind words, Jane b.
        What a lovely demonstration of support from God’s caring as
        well as your friend, that you had. It reminded me a bit of when one
        of Jesus’disciples was walking on the water and fear came upon
        him. But with the reassurance of God’s Love, like with you, were
        lifted above what mortal sense would try to pull one down to.

      1. So glad you enjoyed it, Sancy. It’s message is timeless, as God’s Love
        for us is timeless.
        And thank you Rose for your comment below. So true what you have
        written. (I had responded to your comment on yesterday’s blog, as
        well.) Thank you for sharing the link below. Will watch it now.

    2. Angel you are right, God’s expression of loveliness is all around us, wherever we are, if we only have the eyes to see it, by lifting our sight above the mortal scene to the heavenly views.

      Also regarding the film Perfect Days, I was so happy to read your post that you and your neighbor enjoyed a lovely outing and experience together. It makes me glad that I followed my instinct to mention the film on SpiritView. We never know the ripples that our willingness to share can create.

  7. Thank you Spiritview family. Immediately helpful and healing in a situation I faced first thing this morning. With much love and gratitude …

  8. Hymn # 324 from the CS hymnal expresses the Love of God for us,

    “Take my life, and let it be
    Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
    Take my moments and my days,
    Let them flow in ceaseless praise.
    Take my hands, and let them move
    At the impulse of Thy love…
    Take my every thought, to use
    In the way that Thou shalt choose.
    Take my love’ O .. Lord, I pour
    At Thy feet its treasure store.
    I am Thine, and I will be
    Ever, only, all for Thee.

    1. Thank you very much indeed, dear Carol; one of my favorites as it points to our Oneness with our loving, caring, saving Father-Mother God! Oh our Hymns are so comforting and healing!

    1. Thanks a lot “J”, I love Elise Moore`s lectures. It`s midnight here and I print it out to read later. I remember a wonderful lecture by here about “Church, not motar and bricks”. If your time allows it, would you please give us the linke of this article? Would like to read that article about the spiritual idea of Church again.

        1. Thank you dear “J”! Perhaps the title might be a bit different. This lecture is a long time ago.

  9. “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” Mortal mind tries to give us the belief that the future is unknown and full of uncertainty, instability and things going “wrong.” But Evan titles today message, “It’s known to God.” Yes, it’s comforting to realize God knows all about us and our present and future, and He knows that it is good, because He is the only cause and creator. And in reality there is always just the continuous now, flowing, no divisions into past present future etc. At times this kind of idea seems abstract to me (to mortal mind) but I know it is true. Thank you everyone.

    Also while searching for something in the SV archives I came across this link from several years ago when Evan gave the Christmas Eve Lecture from Third Church in NYC. It’s called The Gift of Christian Healing. Looking forward to watching this later.

    1. This was a very comforting and beautiful Christmas lecture and music.
      So down to earth and meaningful. The demonstration at the end is
      so inspirational. Thank you, Evan. Beautiful and lovely!
      Christmas, truly is, Every day.

  10. Yes Rose, that is a wonderful lecture by Evan together with the precious Cherie Brennan singing and talking about Christmas. I watched that at least twice meanwhile, as it is so special that Christmas Eve

  11. Wow! So much inspiration today–from Evan and everyone.

    Many thanks–so much gratitude to you all.


  12. Thank you so much for this timely contribution for me and the wonderful contributions.I was just in that place where I needed to hear that assurance, “It’s known to God”. Thank you Evan.

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