It’s natural to think spiritually

December 7, 2011 | 2 comments

Do you realize that it is natural for you to think in a spiritual way?  Yep, it is.  That’s the way God made you,–to be spiritually minded.
Some people are tempted to think to the contrary, that it’s natural to harbor anger, resentment, envy, jealousy and other dark images. But this is not true. These foreigners to intelligent consciousness are not native residents to the divine Mind, your mind, as a child of God. They are aliens.  They should not be welcomed in, let alone consoled. So, don’t identify with them!
Jesus Christ demonstrated a correct consciousness better than anyone. He taught the Sermon on the Mount, which fully advocates a consciousness of pure love.
He taught us to love not hate, forgive not resent, be merciful not cruel, be unselfish not selfish, to be peaceful not combative, The apostle Paul instructed his followers to put on the mind of Christ, which is a mind of divine Love, the Mind of God, which is pure spiritual consciousness.
This pure spiritual consciousness is the natural and normal state of consciousness for you.  It’s the gold standard, the only standard, the spiritual standard to embrace and accept.
So, next time you feel sorry for yourself or rehearse grudges toward a neighbor, stop the drama, end the show and remember that it is not normal or natural to harbor ill-will. Evil thoughts are not home grown. They are imposters worthy of one greeting—“You’re out of here!”  God alone has a right to influence and determine your attitude and perspective.
Enjoy staying in your right state of mind today, a consciousness filled with truth and love. It’s natural for you to think that way, and it feels a whole lot better.
To be spiritually minded is life and peace.” 

2 thoughts on “It’s natural to think spiritually”

  1. I love the warning that “evil thoughts are not home-grown”. I can identify them as MESMERISM, which is NOT MY THOUGHT, and I can kick evil thoughts out and replace them with God’s

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