Keep working at it until you succeed

November 13, 2018 | 17 comments

“Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure…. It just means you haven’t succeeded yet.”

~ Robert Schuller

“The devotion of thought to an honest achievement makes the achievement possible.”

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 199

17 thoughts on “Keep working at it until you succeed”

  1. Love this! Thank you Evan. SH 180:25 “When man is governed by God, the ever-present Mind who understands all things, man knows that with God all things are possible.”

  2. While I worked as an engineer, I often times learned more from my failures then I did from my successes. But then I realized that I did not need to know error to understand success just as I did not need to eat a bad fruit to understand what good fruit tastes like. So my learning was this, I did not need the error to learn the truth, but my struggles to find the truth lead me to where I need to be to see the truth which was instantly recognizable when I was ready for that understanding.

  3. Our mother always used to remind us not to say “I can’t do it” Sh’ed say “Finish the sentence and say, I can’t do it YET”. If you NEED to do it, God knows what you need before you ask and will always show you how. I have proved this so many times I could write a book on it! Many times when I started my first one woman business, a job would come in and I had no idea how to do it, but realising that God had provided the work, I had trust that He/She had already provided me with the ability to do it. I would start, never knowing my second or third step but as I did each step, immediately the next would become obvious. My main “work” was to reflect GOD’S ability…and to respond by acknowledging the power and presence of the all inclusive Divine Mind governing and maintaining my existence.

  4. I love the idea that we cannot fail. Even though we don’t seem to see the answer, the solution is there. We need to open our thought to what God is showing us. As Fay reminded us “…with God all things are possible.”

  5. Our Mom would not let us three girls say “can’t.”
    (She said it was a swear-word!)

    This has helped me all my life.


    1. :). Thank you., SueRae. What a wonderful way to assess “I can’t.” Thank you for sharing your mother’s wonderful wisdom.


  6. Just what I need now! Thank you all for the very positive comments. The very nature of immortality is constant continuous unfolding of “good”

    So often I had proudly said,
    “I love my neighbor,”
    (remembering the healing thoughts I’d fed
    to friends in need,
    the honor shown to parents,
    the kindness shown to strangers,
    the unselfed sacrifices in my day).

    But this was not enough,
    and in its quiet, heartfelt way
    the Christly message came:

    “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
    Then I saw how incomplete
    the circle of my love had been —
    I’d felt no love for me.
    Self-condemnation, doubt, inadequacy,
    criticism’s barb and fear’s debris
    had bound my thought.

    “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
    So I began to feed myself
    constructive thoughts,
    such as confidence, compassion,
    and support ­–
    truths all-powerful to thwart
    destructive sense,

    the error that would try
    to crucify the Christ in me.

    I learned how to pray–
    protect my thought,
    to assure myself each day,
    “Beloved, you are God’s own,
    completely free from sin.”

    And as Love purified my sense of self,
    I felt a warmth and joy within,
    and a freedom I had never known.

    Self-condemnation was dethroned.

    Then I knew I loved my neighbor
    even better than before
    for now I loved him as myself
    and loved myself much more.

    by Sandra Luerssen Hoerner

    1. Thank you Nanny, for your very inspiring and extensive poem!

      Thank you Evan for your inspired SpiritView and for the words in SH by MBEddy. It is really important, because it simply says ,,never give up, persist and pray!” Then you will reach the goal with God!
      Yes these are wise words but so true. Thanks and Love to all for your helpful comments

    2. Thanks to EVAN.
      And thanks Sandra for your poem!
      I appreciate everyone’s comments
      every time I read SpiritView,
      which is often!!!

  8. Something that’s helped me to Love Myself is a collection of Beautiful Heart-Sung and Heart-Felt songs on a CD called: “Songs for the Inner Child”. The Inner Child is just another name for our Real Self that God created, Precious and Free.
    “How could anyone ever tell You – You were anything less than Beautiful? How could anyone ever tell You – You were less than Whole? How could anyone fail to notice that Your Loving is a Miracle? How deeply You’re connected to my Soul.” When I listen to these Songs, I am able to Grieve the Losses I experienced growing up, Shed the Tears, Feel the Feelings and Dump the False Stuff that was put on top of my Inner Child.

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