Keep writing comments

May 4, 2020 | 21 comments

Several of you let me know recently that your comments weren’t appearing on the blog when you tried to post them. This should not have been the case. Unless there is something offensive in content to the security filter (which is rarely the case with my readers), or you put too many links in the post, which is a “danger sign” of spam to the security filters, it should post directly.

After investigating, I think we figured out what the problem is, and hopefully it is fixed.

If you’re one of those people whose comments didn’t get posted, I encourage you to try again! People love to read your inspirations and observations. In fact, many will come back to the blog later in a day just to read comments added in the meantime. So, keep them coming! They are valued, appreciated and read by people around the world eager to learn from them.

As a note, if your comment doesn’t immediately show up the first time you post, it may appear hours later when the security system has been periodically reviewed. However, once it appears, the next time you post, it should show up instantly. I hope and pray! Thanks for your patience.

21 thoughts on “Keep writing comments”

  1. I have tried for months now to thank you for this so usefull and inspired blog and comments, but never succeeded, let’ s try again then. My gratitude to you all.

  2. Hi Evan and SV friend’s, yes that happened to me too some times. And I did not want to hit the Post-button twice, as I feared that it posts twice. When the text was gone then, I was sad. But Evan is right, when I wrote a new text later in the day, it worked .
    Am very grateful for this SpiritView blog, as well!

  3. Thankyou Evan for providing continual inspiration! I’d like to share my recent experience. Because I am a gardener, I was looking at ads posted on Craigslist/gardening. There was a pickup truck with low mileage at a low price. In speaking to friends, I was encouraged to go for it. In the process, I replied with questions, before final details. The questions were not answered, revealing it was a scam. Oh how disappointed I was! Then reading in the Bible Lesson: “Tenderness accompanies all the might imparted by Spirit.” (Science and Health, P. 514:18 by MB Eddy) My thought immediately rested on the person that posted the “scam” ad, who was waiting for me to take the next step. I did respond with tenderness. I wrote how today could be the last day she could choose to be lured into dishonest behavior. That today, it would take humility, courage, and a willingness to change, but learning to love herself, she would find happiness. I also wrote that I would be thinking about so many people getting their stimulus checks and how wrong it is to have their money taken from them through scams. I was protected and had become wiser.
    I concluded that she could also take up gardening finding beauty and wonderful food.
    That was the end of the emails. The bigger picture here was instead of sulking about the truck, the scam, the dishonesty, but how my thought was uplifted to bless this person with tenderness. This is what our world is needing.

    1. That was a nice experience, Jo. On the gardening theme, I like to think of this site as being a wonderful garden where Evan prepares the place and spreads the seed for
      beautiful thoughts to grow. The comments are like flowers, together like a palette of
      individual colors, blooming into a delightful bouquet or abundant harvest, each
      complimenting each other in an inspirational, synergistic array of Love’s purpose.

      1. That is so beautiful Carol Thank you.
        And Jo the love you are expressing really picked me up in a time it’s tempting to be discouraged.

  4. Thanks for comment section. It’s good to get thoughts on paper so to speak, especially when the thoughts are about Christiian Science and our spiritual progress.

  5. One thing about the scary picture of hospitals and medical situations serving those who are being treated for current illness , help is on the way in a healing thought I learned. Those machines blinking all around patients will not – NOT- take over. The fact is machines don’t recognize the Christ and therefore are weaker than we are.R

  6. Thanks for encouraging Comments on this Wonderful blog. I’m so Grateful for SpiritView, particularly during this time we’re all staying home, enjoying the Quiet, and appreciating the importance of right thinking, determining blessed experience. I want to thank everyone who has so thoughtfully contributed to the outpouring of Love on SpiritView, which has helped us, as our hymn sings “walk with Love along the way”.

  7. Thank you Evan, I was able to read all the comments and wish to thank the commentators for their inspiring thoughts.

  8. I am one of those who tried without success to post a comment regarding your recent Vlog. I’ll try again now. Thankyou Evan for these delightful Vlogs, so much love and encouragement expressed, and always professional-quality within beautiful surroundings too!

  9. I do hope that I can now take an active part in this blog Evan. I read it every day and am so grateful for your inspired lead for us all. I love to see the comments from you all and yes I am one of the people who comes back again the same day! Can I say a special thanks to Evan and you all. This is true sharing of Gods Love individually and globally.

  10. I wrote a post as well that I didn’t see posted. Nevertheless, I felt better after writing it. Benefits result from the action… not the recognition.

  11. I loved how Jo returned the “curse” with a blessing that will surely heal. I love this week’s Golden Text from the vision of Revelation: “…there shall be no more curse.” We can add there will be no more banishment from the garden of joyous living; no separation from omnipresent, unlimited Good; no fear; no viruses; only all-embracing love, peace and justice for all of God’s delightful children! We are truly blessed with so many WONDERFUL resources for spiritual growth from our Mother Church. This includes our practitioners on the front lines. Thank you so much for your creative, listening thought, Evan, in providing us w this blog!

  12. There’s a wonderful explanation from a practitioner writer on CedarS Camp website this week regarding the two Genesis depictions of man in this week’s lesson on “Adam and Fallen Man”…goes in part as follows:

    “In Genesis, first the true method of creation is set forth [2 + 2 =4] and then the false. [2 + 2 = 9].” (S2)

    Let’s try applying the math-equation logic to a whole paragraph….

    The Science of [2 + 2 = 4] proves the falsity of [2 + 2 = 9]. If one is true, the other is false, for they are antagonistic. [2 + 2 = 4] assigns all might and government to [Principle], and endows [us with Truth] perfection and power. [2 + 2 = 9 is wrong and separates us from truth]….”

    The above paragraph is from corresponding citations of Science & Health in the Bible Lesson, with substitutions in brackets.

    Best to read the whole, so here is the link for those who haven’t followed CedarS Camp Mets…

    Enjoy! Always thankful to Evan and commenters on this Spiritview for providing such wonderful ideas and links for our own metaphysical work.

  13. Thank you Eban. I thought this might be the case. I checked back and found it later.

  14. Greetings Jane– oh that favorite tool (DISCOURAGEMENT) at the devil’s yard sale that was Not for sale. When asked why it was Not for sale. The devil replied: It can get into any heart and do the most damage. But the exception is that it has no power, just useless when applied to a grateful heart.
    Now Readers may be knowing this story much better than I know it.
    Thankyou for your sweet comment, Jane.

  15. Hi Evan and folks, yea it appeared I too had issues posting. Will try again in future as a new subscriber. Much love to all.

  16. Dear Evan and friends, I love the fact that you started all of your Vlogs with us and didn’t just give us a daily inspiration message from high heaven, but was considerate enough to have all of us share our messages of love and tenderness back to you, like a beautiful mirrored reflection. “And Love is reflected in love.” So thank you Evan for sharing with us and us beautifully back to you. What a joy!

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