Know your immunity

February 18, 2022 | 28 comments

As a child of God, you have built-in immunity to disease. It’s called spiritual mindedness.

As the Bible reminds us, “To be spiritually minded is life and peace” (Rom. 8:6). The life promised in this verse is our spiritual life with God that is exempt from disease and immune to contagion.

Fear is what breeds disease, but to spiritual mindedness, there is nothing to fear. There is infinite Love to observe, experience and express.

Spiritual mindedness is not affected by germs. It is not threatened by viruses.

Spiritual mindedness is never afraid. It knows and admits infinite Love.

Spiritual mindedness is clear conviction of God’s allness in which there is no other power to experience.

Spiritual mindedness is never caught off-guard, for it is ever alert to Truth.

Spiritual mindedness is conviction of Truth.

Spiritual mindedness is not vulnerable, for it has no weak spots or points of entry for error.

Spiritual mindedness is thought soaring with Spirit, where matter is a non-factor.

Spiritual mindedness is health.

Spiritual mindedness is safety that goes with you wherever you go.

Spiritual mindedness is immunity to any type of dis-eased thinking.

Spiritual mindedness is protection from any fear, belief, or suggestion of mortal mind that would harm.

Spiritual mindedness is the smartest, healthiest way to live.

Stay spiritually minded and stay well. It’s your built-in spiritual protection from God that never fails.

28 thoughts on “Know your immunity”

    John Selover
    April 7, 2003 – CS Sentinel

    It Is Too Late For contagion.

    Immunity has been, and already is, an eternal and omnipotent fact about God and all His creation.

    The God-given spiritual capacities of man are superior to the fear of contagion and a virus that provokes it.


    1. Excellent article, many thanks Carrie & Trista. I liked the author’s comment about yielding and submitting to a higher power, to God. Also spiritual confidence and acceptance.

  2. When I looked at the word “immunity” this morning, I saw it as the word “unity” joined with the “imm” from immortality; as in, our immunity is our unity, our peaceful at-one-ment with the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient Immortal One.

    1. Thanks for that insight Sheila! I love the idea that immunity means our eternal unity with God, “the Immortal One.” That idea can cover every situation if we affirm and understand that we have spiritual immunity to anything that appears unlike God, good. And as Evan said, spiritual mindedness is immunity to any type of wrong thinking. Happy day to all!

  3. “Science and Health p 575; ” … this revelation [the oneness of God and man] will destroy forever the
    physical plagues imposed by material sense.”
    Think of it, physical plagues are destroyed forever
    You cannot be sick. Your inseparability from God
    means the utter end of all suffering.”

    Doris Dufour Henty C..S.

  4. Beautiful, Evan. Thank you! (Question: Did you intend to write: Spiritual mindedness is clear conviction of God’s allness in which there is no OTHER power to experience.)? Perhaps I am not understanding the meaning. If so, my apologies for questioning the wording. Much love and gratitude for all the good you have done and continue to do. ❤️

    1. I paused there as well, but then saw “other” as the other supposed power of the material view, of the illusion that there is a power opposed to God, the Immortal One!

    2. Yes, no other power to experience makes sense. Our understanding of Science fills in any missing thought in line with Truth. God’s power, no other power. (At least that’s how I read it)

  5. Thanks so much, Evan, for your thoughtful, inspiring remarks. COVID has left our society caught between a rock and a hard place with forced mandates that don’t recognize prayer as treatment and aim to force the dominance of material methods. But God is always the answer. God is always the solution. In fact, God is the only answer and solution to every problem. And even when we feel deprived of entering business establishments because we have not complied with a mandate, we have to know, we can never be deprived of true substance because substance comes ONLY from God!

    1. Bob I sincerely agree with what you’ve said here. I try to see that God never withholds any good thing from me (us) and He knows where I need to go and where I need to be at all times. So if I can’t go into certain places, I can focus more on and appreciate all that I can enjoy in the many places I can go and approach it with a spiritual perspective. Not always easy, but like you said God is always the solution, all our substance and supply come from HIm, and in truth we don’t have a “problem” just a seeming material appearance of one.

    2. That’s right Bob! Np worries for not being “allowed entrance” to material ways and means. We are Love’s, Mind’s patrons. There is no better place to frequent.

  6. The light of this community is a true inspiration, protection, and benediction. Thank you all, and thank you Even for your exemplary constancy in right thinking and being, practicing and healing in God’s expression.

  7. As the Winter Olympics march on, GO FOR THE GOLD, rings true on today’s subject: KNOW YOUR IMMUNITY. I appreciate the ties the topic has to our daily thinking, praying, and activity! Nothing stops me from knowing my immunity, I am free of restrictions to know God and His goodness.

  8. F – False
    E – Evidence
    A – Appearing
    R – Real
    I’ve always enjoyed this “definition” of “fear”….hope everyone else does, too!
    Thanks everyone for your thoughts today and thanks Evan for your beautiful sharing.

  9. I had an opportunity yesterday to claim my immunity. I was experiencing some unpleasant symptoms associated with Covid and prayerfully, vehemently, claimed my exception from this supposed contagion. I saw clearly that a germ or a virus have no mind but are inert, mindless and could have no power to cause anything because God is omnipotent and has all power. I also claimed that I lived in the “atmosphere of Love divine.” (hymn 144) There can be nothing harmful in that atmosphere. At another time when I needed to address Covid symptoms it became clear that I was as safe in an airplane as I would be in my closet because the contagion is not in the air. It is a belief only and I didn’t need to believe it! Symptoms in both cases left in short order. (=

  10. I am so grateful. Thank you for this powerful treatment and all the additional supportive comments including references and links to JSH articles. Very helpful.

  11. Thank you very very much Evan, that you give us such an abundance of definitions for “spiritual mindedness” and what it means to be spiritual minded! It is wonderful and very important to know all that!
    Yes, I too, like one commentator here said, feel these wonderful spiritual views as a very loving treatment, which is very helpful and healing in today’s situation. It shows us the nothingness of a possibility of such a situation through being spiritually minded!
    Evan, you said “stay spiritually minded a n d stay well”. I would think if I stay spiritually minded that then I stay well. But anyway, both is highly desired and most possible!

    Thanks Diane Ward; the word “fear” is interestingly defined; one can see very simply the nothingness it, wonderful! ♡

    So good, I can pray and work with this SpiritView, oh yes and also with all the inspired comments here – thank you a l l very deeply ♡♡♡

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