Lecture in Federal Medical Center

May 4, 2011 | 4 comments

Last week, I had the privilege of speaking in a Federal Prison, a medical center near Fort Worth, TX, for women prisoners who need special medical attention.

We were delayed through security, but managed to enter the lecture room right on the hour we were supposed to begin. A roomful of women were seated waiting to greet us.

I launched into my talk on “The healing power of Love,” and was happily received by a group of listeners eager to learn more.

I had my stories and spiritual points to share, and they went over well, but I was especially impressed by the stories of healing they had to share with me and with the group at large.

One woman stood and told how she had been healed of ovarian cancer, heart problems and asthma when she discovered Christian Science 5 years ago. The doctors told her she was going to die within a year the ailments were so serious, including a growing tumor. She found a copy of Science and Health in the library, started to read it, loved it, and healed her diseases through her study. The tumor vanished too, and the doctor examining here was totally flummoxed as to what happened. The avid student of Christian Science today was beaming with joy as she shared her experience. She prays for others now and heals them.

I was told about another woman, an MD, who had discovered Christian Science in the prison. She was healed of cancer and moved out of the facility because she was well once again. Shortly after her healing, she came across a fellow prisoner in the bathroom one day who was crying sorely. She asked, “What’s the matter?” The crying woman said that she had been diagnosed with cancer. Having learned the truth herself, the MD said, “Oh, that’s not real. You need Christian Science.” She prayed for the woman and she was healed of the cancer, and sent out of the medical facility as well because there was no reason to be there.

Another woman came up to me in private afterward and told me she had been healed of double-lung cancer two years ago. The doctors couldn’t explain how it happened, and had to attribute it to divine intervention.

There were more healings I can’t remember. But Christ was alive and well in this facility. It was a very inspiring afternoon.

And I take my hat off to the small group of dedicated Christian Science volunteers who faithfully hold services at this facility, and other prisons too, for the hungry seekers of Truth that reside there. Their selfless work is reaching people in deep significant ways, and the healing work that has resulted is impressive.

4 thoughts on “Lecture in Federal Medical Center”

  1. One of the hallmarks of great practitioners of any kind of healing art is their ability to listen. Your humility and eagerness to learn more and more in Christian Science is humbling to me. Thanks, Evan

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