Let Your Sparkle Shine

January 20, 2014 | 4 comments

Here’s a Daily Lift I produced that was aired last Friday.

“Your Sparkle”

4 thoughts on “Let Your Sparkle Shine”

  1. I lvoe anything that sparkles!!! In fact my friends know me as MIss Glitter!!! I put glitter on all of my pen and ink angel messages and send them out. People are caught up in the sparkle and gett the feel of the message. I have noticed that each individual sparkle , is faceted and makes MORE SPARKLES. Well that is how we work too. When we sparkle forth God’s goodness and love, it cannot help but making more and more and more reflections realize they sparkle too. They sparkle automatically without even trying!!! Like the man said:” Hide it under a bushel? NO!!!! I’m gonna let it shine!!!!” You shine Evan. and now I am too!!!Thanks, merri

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