Let Truth shed any sense of danger

May 6, 2021 | 11 comments

“Looking over the newspapers of the day, one naturally reflects that it is dangerous to live, so loaded with disease seems the very air. These descriptions carry fears to many minds, to be depicted in some future time upon the body.”

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Miscellaneous Writings, p. 7

The above quote was written in the late 1800s. Has much changed since then? Lest one get discouraged, times have changed dramatically since her time. We have divine Science today to combat and defeat danger from disease.

As Christian Science explains, we are not helpless mortals at the mercy of whatever the material world throws at us. We are spiritual beings empowered by God to live healthy and strong.

The same consciousness of Truth that worked through Jesus Christ is with us today, giving us spiritual power to dissolve threats from disease and stay healthy.

The world is not a dangerous place to live. It’s better viewed as an opportunity to prove spiritual Truth!

Truth is God, omnipresent harmony, peace, and health.

Where mortal mind says there is “danger in the air,” the Truth inspired thought finds the omnipresence of God and demonstrates peace and health.

When mortal mind wants to stir up frantic fear and concern about viruses, the Truth inspired thought stays tuned into the omnipotence of God, and dissolves that fear with truth and love.

To live healthy and well, choose to live in God’s environment of Truth and Love. Know the omnipotence of God, be aware of God’s omnipresence, and demonstrate dominion and safety.

In God’s presence, there is no danger. There is permanent peace and health. Enjoy it, reflect it, and express it for the benefit of all around you.

11 thoughts on “Let Truth shed any sense of danger”

  1. Perfect and timely topic. At first I thought the quote was written by the blog author. How interesting that it could have easily been written today though It was written in the 1800s by Mary Baker Eddy. Though the quote specifically mentions disease we could also insert accidents, sudden deaths, various forms of crime, addictions, or any other form of human troubles.

    From a human standpoint I would have to admit that I have seen, felt, witnessed and experienced in the world right around me, a direct correlation since the start of the “belief of a pandemic,” a sharp increase in seeing/hearing about accidents, deaths, illnesses, and a myriad of other human troubles not related to the pandemic.

    It is clear to me that these suggestions are related to the underlying issues to be handled; fear, a belief that God is not in control, sin( the lie that anyone could be off on their own separate from God.), Bad government, Etc. What a powerful lesson we have this week. A clear and obvious distinction between Truth and error. The Truth is True, but it’s up to us to stand for it or the sneaky, serpent snake will continue to guide us deeper into unreality. What a gift we have in Christian Science and a blessing of a duty to be it’s transparency.

    Just this morning my husband called to tell me a friend and neighbor was in a terrible head on car accident last night. Having just studied the lesson and then practice reading it over the phone with another church member, I quickly saw the lie of “Adam and fallen man” as the claim, the ridiculous, non-sense of mortal mind and turned to the simple, powerful and True report of the child of God’s creating, having Dominion over all.

    What a joy, power and duty we have in obeying Christy law. We can reverse the lie of a dangerous world and increasing trouble. We have dominion, strength, joy, harmony, Love, God, All! That’s the universe we have to experience. That’s the law of God.

  2. It’s wonderful to clearly expose the lie of a belief in danger, thank you Evan. It was comforting to read, “The world is not a dangerous place to live. It’s better viewed as an opportunity to prove spiritual Truth!” We all want to experience a greater sense of safety, a safe place to rest from the mortal cares of the world. Earlier today I was reading the 91st Psalm because I came across the word ‘pestilence’ in something I was reading and remembered that word was mentioned in this psalm. A modern definition of pestilence is pandemic.

    The psalm says: “He is my refuge and fortress, my God, I will trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the ensnaring trap, from devastating pestilence. With His pinion He will cover you and beneath His wings you will be protected…..You shall not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that walks in gloom….” Our true safety is in knowing we can’t be out of His presence.

    In the U.S. today (May 6) is the official National Day of Prayer. I just discovered it’s been celebrated here on the first Thursday in May since 1952 when it was proclaimed by then-President Harry Truman. Each year the current President re-signs the proclamation. For more info see these two links

    Happy Day of Prayer to all! There should be (maybe there is?) an International or Universal day of prayer. Every day and every moment is the right time to pray. The Bible says to pray without ceasing. “Rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks: for this is the will of God…” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

    1. Thank you Martine for sharing….a real help to us who are new to CS… perfect thoughts to ponder & practice!

  3. In God’s kingdom, our divine kingdom, safe isn’t
    a God word. Where in His kingdom could
    anyone be unsafe!

    But in what seems like an alternate experience,
    “In heavenly Love abiding,
    No change my heart shall fear;
    And safe is such confiding,
    For nothing changes here.”

    Hymn p. 148

  4. I just read that the President’s Day of Prayer proclamation is the first time the word God wasn’t part of it. Also used to have an event at the White House for it. Not today. Our nation needs our constant prayers as do our leaders. We’ve gone astray.

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