Live in Affluence

January 17, 2014 | 13 comments

Do you live in affluence? You can. It’s a choice you make.

Affluence is commonly measured in material wealth. If a person has a big house, a luxury car and an oversized paycheck, he is labeled affluent. But looks are deceptive. People with money are not necessarily happy. They may look affluent but not feel the part.

Real affluence is spiritual. It’s not a financial condition. It’s a state of mind inherited from God.

There are many people with little money who are genuinely happy. They may not look the part to the mortal mind, but they feel blessed.

To feel affluent no matter what your financial state, redeem the word from materialism. Don’t measure your affluence in terms of dollars and things. Understand it spiritually.

The affluence of God is spiritual mindedness, generosity, care, kindness, compassion, patience, wisdom and love expressed. It is qualities of God reflected.

You don’t need a mountain of gold to be affluent. A deeper appreciation of what you already have in God that you can reflect abundantly in everyday life will bring success.

And interestingly, you’ll find that living true to your spiritual individuality will pay the bills too.

“We shall obey and adore in proportion as we apprehend the divine nature and love Him understandingly, warring no more over the corporeality, but rejoicing in the affluence of our God.” Science and Health, p. 140.


13 thoughts on “Live in Affluence”

  1. Thank you for the reminder! It is so important to keep thought focused on the spiritual and help to liberate the human mind from the imposition of either mad ambition or poverty as both extremes are the false pretensions that good is material when is it wholly spiritual!

  2. Sometimes, the affluence, needs more spiritually focused, but keep your thoughts aligned.

    Thanks Evan!!

  3. This is a great lesson, not only a reminder. An affluent Nurse Aide by the name of Savita is taking care of me. If you want to see an affluent woman, come to my house. This woman doesn’t flinch one moment if a stranger needs financial help. She’s there, no questions asked. She would give thousands if some one needs it for in her estimation, money grows on trees. The spiritual LOVE, she expresses is her only affluents and money can’t measure that.

  4. Happy and grateful no matter what. Which then improves the what. Which makes for even more happy and even more grateful. Which improves the what even more. Which makes… Priceless! Thank you Evan.

    For me to be able to replace all the nagging from the past with current contemplations of the Truth. Priceless. As is being better able to stop all the worry by replacing it with Truth. Priceless.

    I’ve noticed increasingly that when praying, I ‘think’ less about God but ‘feel’ more of God. Not just a thought but a deep quiet feeling that expresses the whole thought without any words. I dwell on that feeling then stoke it at intervals with the words from the Bible and S&H. Like reiterating those words is a couple pumps on a bellows for a forge.

    I used to struggle so when praying, to try and hold thought on the Truth. Now I pray more peacefully. I get that ‘feeling’ of the Truth going, then keep stoking it. Priceless how God arranged that the process to bring any needed peace is peaceful itself.

    Thanks Evan.

  5. What a lovely artiicle.Your article reminds me of Gratitude are riches, complaint is poverty. You are right happiness comes from being rich in good works n gratitude to God for the many blessings. Deeply grateful Evan you write so well.

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