Live in peace with your neighbor

March 12, 2015 | 8 comments

“Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.”

~ Apostle Paul, Romans 12:18, NLT

Obedience to this rule goes a long way in preserving health, happiness and harmony in human relations.

How often does a conflict start because of a careless word, a thoughtless gesture, a lack of responsiveness or a callous attitude? Much conflict can be prevented when we have genuine love in our heart for our neighbor and want only the best for them. It’s often much easier to put self-interest aside long enough to express a bit of kindness, care and compassion from the start than to act indifferently, spark a controversy or allow a controversy to grow unchecked, and then have to spend a significant amount of time later repairing the damage done.

Seek peace and pursue it…

8 thoughts on “Live in peace with your neighbor”

  1. The Bible verse was written by Paul, born Saul who started out his career persecuting Christians. Not too peaceful a guy. Through the transforming power of the Christ, he fell to his knees and converted (short version of the story). New career…spreading Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. He was one of the central figures of the new Christian church. He didn’t ask to be converted. The Christ found him and brought him to his knees, literally and figuratively. This can happen here and now anywhere. . Do we accept that possibility? Are we praying for it in light of current persecutions of Christians in the Mideast and elsewhere? Are we praying for our enemies?
    As you can see, Evan, your blog caught my attention this morning! Time to wake up!

  2. A truth I don’t always recognize until I realize there is some repair work to be done. Good reminder. Just what I needed.

  3. I find in my daily meditation to bless those I am aware of and especially those I have conflict with. I know my conflict is the human condition and not of God. it is hard as their name floats into my consciousness to bless but I know we all spring from the same source and are God’s children. But I feel so much better when I do, so much more at peace, and I drop ‘my end of the rope’ and the friction stops for me. It also leaves my thought, so much so sometimes, I forget we had a ‘problem’. I think often of the sound of one hand clapping at these moments. My peace of mind is more and more the most precious to me.

  4. Nice reminder, just attended our Homeowners Association and I should have held my opinions and not expressed some issues concerning board members. Repair work will begin!

  5. Do we love drama,conflict, bickering,or are there better choices. Whenever the unkind thoughts enter we need to detect them promptly and look for an opportunity to pour in love, kindness,support and healing for all.

  6. Every moment I have to put this into practice especially when I have 4 nurse aides who aren’t CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS taking care of me, bickering and gossiping amongst themselves most of the time. Like little children, I have to separate each wrong thought they muster and correct it in side my thought to produce harmony. What a wonderful job I have when I see a correct thought blossom.

  7. May I extend living in peace with everyone to include our thoughts. We don’t have to agree with everyone to be able to live in peace. Can’t we live in peace with whom we politically disagree?

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