Live without fear

May 15, 2020 | 48 comments

With all the fear circulating in public thought about the coronavirus, it might be tempting to start feeling fearful oneself. But this is not necessary!

Just because someone else is afraid, doesn’t mean we need to be afraid.

We can stay calm, poised, in control, and filled with dominion and confidence that safety prevails under God’s government.

As the Bible reminds us, “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1, NLT).

With God at hand, we need never be afraid.

Wherever we go, whatever we do, God is there first. Understanding God’s omnipresence and omnipotence protects one from contagious diseases.

Living without fear does not mean living in ignorance. It means to know God’s presence, to express God’s presence, and to demonstrate good health under God’s care. A knowledge of God’s almighty power preserves health and keeps one safe.

So, resist popular temptation to live in fear. Stay above the fray. Abide in a consciousness of God’s allness. Remain spiritually poised, peaceful and calm.

Live without fear.

48 thoughts on “Live without fear”

  1. Thanks for this Evan. I think this is vital. Hymn 492: ” He’s got the whole world in His hands”. There is no advantage or need to worry or fear. God has it sorted, we just need to do our part and become aware and Love and protection will prevail. We are so blessed!

  2. How extraordinarily..I sat down this morning wondering what beautiful message Evan would give to us and just thought ‘He’s got the whole world in his hands!’ I didn’t know the hymn number so thank you Rick! And thank you Evan. Yet again you outline how we can enjoy an inspiring joyful day.

  3. Evan, I so appreciate your thoughts on overcoming fear. I just read an email that classes will be online this fall as well, at the college I attend. I dropped my classes this spring, as the communication was difficult to complete the assignments. On Mother’s Day, I spoke with one of my granddaughters, who started middle school last fall. She is in orchestra. I’ve asked her to play her violin for me and she is not at all motivated, staying at home. Her only contact with friends is on facetime. It breaks my heart, for Sophia can’t play sports either. Her mother had just started a full time position as a landscape supervisor, so mom is gone all day. It would be so easy to become mesmerized to believing in depression if this SIP continues. I welcome any inspiration, as this I see all this as an imposition. I am mailing a package with an art project, as Sophia is an artist.

    1. I found this week’s Sentinel Watch about persevering very inspiring. One thing I caught is that there is always a spark of inspiration to be found, and all it takes is a willingness to receive that spark, and nurture that spark into a flame. Refocus from the darkness to the light. I’ve also found that putting some hymns on and singing to God helps break that mesmerism. Much Love to you Jo!

      1. Today’s Daily Lift, about moving thru the valley is a good help as well. Sending healing hugs your way, Jo.

    2. Hi Jo and Evan,
      I just love knowing that every morning there is inspiration here!
      I would love to help your granddaughter! I am a violinist and full time private violin teacher. I am teaching online at the moment and have Zoom private and group lessons. My students are fairing very well! We are having lots of fun in the group classes too! I have students recitals to keep them practicing.
      If this is appropriate Evan, and you are interested Jo, I would love to be in touch with you!

      Yes, God is Love: a thought like this
      Can every gloomy thought remove,
      And turn all tears, all woes, to bliss,
      For God is Love, God is Love.
      From CS Hymnal #133 and #424

    3. Jo, send Sophia several Christian Science CD’s and encourage her to play them throughout the day. Even listening to Cherie Brennon or 3 Steps and a Bounce lifts my energy and I do this for an hour as needed if I start to feel cooped up. All living things thrive with beautiful, fun music!!!

    1. Thank you for sharing this article Yvonne.

      My mum is in permanent residential nursing care and the truths in the article are beautifully applicable.

    2. Yvonne thank you very much for the article “abide in the consciousness of God’s allness!” I’ve been struggling with a prroblem and this is just what I needed this morning Perfect inspiration, Thanks again

    3. I humbly wish to give gratitude Fay, Jean, Marianne, and Yvonne for reaching out to me with your metaphysical loving compassion. Marianne, I will see if Zoom is a possibility in speaking to my daughter. This would be a beautiful answer! Let’s be in touch!!! Jean, I will listen to the Sentinel Watch and Daily Lift. I love the spark! Yvonne, the Error without Location article is excellent, and so spot on for … Just yesterday, another daughter called asking for prayerful help. Later when we talked, I shared yesterday’s Spirit View with her. She asked me to email it to her, as she liked it so much. I feel especially blessed this morning, feeling arms of love. Thank you, Evan for Spirit View and for this wonderful, dear – HEALING – community

    4. Wow! What a wonderful article. Thank you so much for sharing. And thank you, Evan, for all you share with us.

  4. I read a Daily Lift a few months back about a school of dolphins moving through the water. If you look from the shore, all you see is a thrashing around and a disturbance. But in actuality, the dolphins are all moving forward together in a straight line towards a common goal. Sometimes progress looks messy. There is a churning up or “chemicalization” as Mary Baker Eddy, discover of Christian Science puts it. But we never settle in the old condition. We are always moving forward together. Progress is God’s law. Even though it looks messy, it will bring no retrogression but new views, many blessings and a more spiritualized thought. We can all do this and support each other along the way!

    1. Valerie, I love that sharing! That’s how I’ve been feeling all along. We are progressing and, partly, by becoming our true child-like selves.

  5. Thank you Evan. Love the thought and obedience to the idea of
    Know God’s presence
    Express God’s presence
    Demonstrate good health or ……fill in the blank.

  6. I must admit that this constant news of the deadly virus banging against every wakening experience be it media of newsprint, social communication, TV or shopping is fearful. It seems if this is a broadcast that benefits the objectives of a political nature who cares not for the benefit of the whole and are willing to go to extreme measures to bring about their purpose. But, I realize this: what is that, that man can do compared to what God has already done and is providing constantly forever. It is not comparable. The underlying message is that God is absent, but we know that is not true and can never be true for in Him; life, love, truth, principle, mind, spirit, soul; we have our being. Thus the fear evaporates with the true omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence of all creation.

    1. You’re absolutely right Josef. God is not absent. It can never be true. There is no comparison. Thank you!
      Oh how I must be more alert to how error seems to creep in, in matters of personal sense. (A Rule for Motives and Acts)

    1. Kirsten, There are so many specific truths in this article that I will soak in till I own them.
      I acknowledged another top notch article/link you sent in another day but it didn’t post.
      Between Kirsten, Evan, and so many contributors, our lamps are trimmed / instant in season.

    2. Such a powerful article. Very helpful, particularly the reminder to reject the deception of earthly pleasures – to me the indulgence of over-eating. Thank you, Kristin.

  7. Thank you, Evan & all fellow seekers. Poise is what a wonderful practitioner always reminded me to express. That quality of God, POISE, has been the most helpful in alleviating fear…and MBEddy says that is the invader to be handled! Gratitude, always.

    1. I’m not clear on just what poise is….from a spiritual standpoint. What does it feel like or act like? How were you able to express it, Shirley?

      1. Jennifer, Poise is part patience with self and others, compassion for God’s creation, understanding that the human condition is wrapped within the context on a spiritual basis. When we can trust in that spiritual basis as complete poise shine out as a light to others in the form of divine love. At least, that is what it seem to me to be. I hope that is clear,

        1. Thank you, Josef. Helpful to understand what is required of us, something I’m working toward.

  8. Thank you to Evan and all commenters. This blog is so important to me and, I am sure, to all of us. I really enjoyed the articles shared. Thank you so much.

  9. Evan I love your phrase “Stay above the fray.”
    Growing up a cowboy in the Southwest I was so tempted to rush in and fix things..
    Now I know “He’s got the world in His hands”
    Thanks for the reminder Rick of Sunderland.

  10. Dear Jennifer,
    I’m not Shirley, but one aspect of poise in CS could be refusing to react! Stay calm and God focused.

    1. Thank you Betsy! Something I’m constantly working on…good to know I’m working on poise:)

      Thank you Evan for this perfect article at this perfect time! Expressing God’s perfection! As are all the commenters!

  11. F – FALSE
    R – REAL

    I know I’ve shared this before and some of you have heard it before, but I think it is worth repeating!

  12. Unity of Good pg 20 by Mary Baker Eddy
    1. God never made evil.
    2.He knows it not
    3. We therefore need not fear it.
    Great advise. Read on as well

  13. Dear Jo, The love that you expressed for Sophie in your comment was very beautiful for me to behold. Thank you for that!

    I encourage you to find a quiet place, sit in a comfortable chair, put your hands in your lap, close your eyes, and mentally correct all of the errors that may be coming to you about Sophie’s situation. You don’t need to study more to do this. You know enough right now about God to refute those lies. Use what you know already! Do this for 15-30 minutes, then go about your day and if the suggestion of one of those lies come to you again, realize the suggestion coming to you is NOT your thinking and dismiss it as just a lie because it is not consistent with the truths you prayed with previously.

    For example, if the lie is that Sophie is isolated from good because of SIP orders, refute that error with the truth that God, good is ever present and therefore we all can experience God’s good wherever we happen to be. We don’t need to outline how the good will come to us, but can just know wholeheartedly that God, good, IS right here where we are and therefore we MUST experience that good. Stay open minded to good being experienced in any number of ways. No space, place, person, or thing can ever separate us from God, good! That is the TRUTH and anything that would suggest otherwise is just a belief that is trying to hide that truth. We can know that when we remove the mask from that belief and replace it with the truth, through prayer, the belief cannot remain with us to hide the truth. Therefore, you can know that all good is here for you and everyone to experience!

    If the lie is that some condition, experience, or situation will cause someone to “miss out” on something, realize that for the false belief that it is. We are all God’s expression. God is cause, we are effect! We can never “miss out” on anything because God never misses out on anything and therefore we, as God’s reflection, can’t miss out on anything either. Everything we need is supplied right NOW. We only need to remove the beliefs that would seem to hide that fact from us to realize we have everything we need already…right now…every moment…always!

    Continue doing this type of prayer for other beliefs that would try to trick you into thinking that you or someone else is separated from God in one way or another. Prayer IS effective. God is in action, right now! Know that too! Then just keep having prayer sessions one or two times a day until these lies about God creation are so clear to you that they just naturally disappear from your thinking.

    Much love to you Jo, to Sophie, and to everyone! Life is so wonderful when we keep God and His idea always in focus!

  14. Thanks Brian for this practical example of prayerfully holding firm to the Truth.
    It has also occurred to thought lately we may look back at this SIP with longing, for living the simple life
    -this perspective has helped in staying Grateful.

  15. Dear Brian, you wrote out a full treatment for me. I have read twice every single word.
    Now to get quiet, drop my hands in my lap, and refute the lies about God’s creation. As Myrtle Smyth would say: Prayer is not the least we can do, it is the most we can do!
    I thank you tenfold.

  16. Thanks everyone for your comforting and inspiring comments. Jo, I played violin for about 5 years when I was in elementary school. When something challenged my confidence, I declared that God was not only my Father/Mother, but my teacher and the source of my ability. I do hope Sophie can take classes online, but know God is her tutor and counselor, so to speak, and she can only continue to progress. Thanks Yvonne and Kirsten for the links to the helpful articles. I was hungering and thirsting after righteousness and am now full – thanks to all!!!

  17. Thank you Evan for the inspiration. As always you keep the Truth clear, simple and straightforward. As Mrs. Eddy says “All is infinite Mind and it’s infinite manifestation. For God is all in all. ” I like to add For harmony and good are all in all. Therefore for evil, error or sickness don’t exist.

  18. I would like to also say a huge heartfelt thank you to Brian. I also have a 14 year old granddaughter struggling with the restrictions here in the U.K. I often feel an underlying “help me “ message during our conversations so I feel encouraged to continue knowing her to be complete , happy and motivated as the child of God she really is. I particularly love the thought that I know enough right now to deal with all the negative thoughts. Thank you once again and it’s so helpful to read all the comments from everyone. Love is all around!

  19. Jennifer of Vancouver Island,
    I just got back to all the wonderful comments on Evan’s message from yesterday. So sorry to be out of touch, until now…
    MBE tells us to live in the NOW, doesn’t she?
    To me, POISE represents stilling my own so-called personal thought & letting God be expressed. Many healings have happened from doing that kind of thinking. It is like the “still small voice” we all know from the Bible. I never feel alone & I’m of mature years & live on my own…with God’s direction.
    A blessed day to all!

    1. Thank you Shirley! The replies I got all point to the same…don’t react to error, stay focused (in the closet) on listening to God’s direction, look for patience and compassion to guide me.

      Thank you Brian for your method of prayer, very inspiring!

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