Live without self-righteous judgment

May 3, 2022 | 27 comments

There is huge freedom in living without judgment of others. Rather than seeing material distinctions and mortal traits to criticize, shower your neighbor with the love of God that lifts their thought and your thought to the truth about spiritual man.

The judgement you render, will come back to you in similar form. We reap what we sow.

As Jesus Christ taught, “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged” (Matt. 7:2, NLT).

If you judge another, be sure to judge them with love and understanding, rather than out of ignorance or self-righteousness. The love you express will bless them and you.

27 thoughts on “Live without self-righteous judgment”

  1. “There is a huge freedom in living without judgement of others.” How true, thank you Evan. If we’re not involved in material evaluations or criticism of others (or ourselves) our thought is more peaceful and is free to hear what God is saying to us.

    From Evan’s discussion on A Diet You can Stick To, which Angie kindly provided on yesterday’s SV. When thinking of others:
    “….don’t beat them up with criticism and negativity. Help them. Look at them and see a child of God who’s filled with spiritual dominion to make wise choices and intelligent decisions. See the Christ at work in their being, helping them discover who they really are in God’s image and likeness.”

    1. I love reading what you share Rose.
      Last week when you shared the video of Deva Premal and Miten it made me smile. They are so soothing and I have loved them for years now.
      Thank you.

      1. Dear Susan, thank you for your generous and kind comment about my shares. I have certainly enjoyed and benefitted from yours as well.

        I’m excited to hear that you are also a fan of Deva Premal and Miten, their music is very healing and uplifting, and so much of it available on YouTube. I had hesitated to post it here, in case it was considered outside of CS, but Mrs. Eddy did say in S&H that we are blessed by, “[w]hatever inspires with wisdom, Truth, or Love—be it song, sermon, or Science…”

  2. Thank you Evan – this is a very important reminder that we
    need to watch our thoughts so carefully.

    I have to struggle with this one, as there are continual
    temptations that come to us about someone else not
    matching up to the way we think they should. It is quite
    subtle, so it needs a lot of practice. We think we are doing well,
    and the moment we are not on guard, the suggestion comes
    along, and we can fall for it. This week’s Lesson Sermon is
    really helpful in pointing the way for us to understand
    and follow Christ’s teachings.

    If we are judging or criticising people, we are not seeing
    them correctly. We need to look for all the qualities of that perfect man created by God in His own image, and love him in that light. We can recognise any critical or judgemental thoughts as coming from the ‘Adam man” – from a misty view – and that they are not the thoughts that God is giving us about His children. So as I see it, our job is to correct our own thoughts, and find blessings for ourselves and all in whom we come into contact with, and love them for what we know is spiritually true about them.

  3. I love to value our innocence..
    However, I can’t truly value mine if I don’t value yours.
    Seeing the innocence of others keeps me free from ever being a victim. And, it takes away all negative judgement..

  4. Thanks Evan and Maggie for putting it so succinctly. Thought attuned to God does not hear that sneaky lying serpent’s call. It seems to me that the first conspiracy theory of all time was the story of the Adam and Eve, the story that our origin is of error and dust. I love the last sentence Evan – If you judge another, be sure to judge them with love and understanding, rather than out of ignorance or self-righteousness. The love you express will bless them and you..

  5. Trying this everyday, WOW! powerful
    “In the scientific relation of God to man, we find that
    whatever blesses one blesses all, as Jesus showed with
    the loaves and the fishes, — Spirit, not matter, being the
    18 source of supply.”
    Science and Health, 206:16
    Including everyone!

  6. What heals is the divine principle of love which is compassion, graciousness, humility, patience, long suffering, joy, the warmth of respect and acceptance. It took me a while to understand the long suffering part. How should that work in all that we do and it came to me that we accept God’s creation and not the act of error thus the patience and sometimes the long suffering in waiting for the growth of that individual to accept the power of all loving relation to the greater source.

    1. “Long suffering in the patience of waiting for the growth of that individual…” Powerful interpretation of terms (long suffering) that previously made me squeamish. I love this explanation of long suffering—I work with and live with this daily and no longer feel repelled but inspired. Thank you Josef. Appreciated.

  7. I knew a dear man that every morning reminded himself to get out of judgement and into curiosity. This always resonated with me.

  8. I am beginning to understand this more deeply. I think we need to separate the behavior from the child of God. How to respond to the action is a little more complicated for me. I pray to be inspired when I am confronted with evil. I am just a little more awkward as I can’t go back to old ways.

  9. We are called to make value judgments often in our daily affairs. For instance, in deciding on a trustworthy mechanic to service your car, or finding the right dentist, or locate an honest, informed financial advisor to handle your affairs. We can rest assured that the clarity and wisdom to make the proper judgments and right choices will come from the divine Mind, as we align our motives and thoughts to Love’s guidance and direction. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and He shall direct thy ways.”

    Thank you Evan for the clarity and light you bring to our daily walks, and gratitude always for the inspiring and supportive ideas from all of you in this precious family circle.

  10. Great Posts, Evan and all! Thank you! This judgment problem is one of humanity’s biggest challenges, seems to me. I will take today to focus on when and how and if I am judging
    other (and/or myself!) unkindly, un-truly, unreasonably, cruelly……. As Plato said, “What thou be-est, that thou see-est.” Or….vs.

    Also, someone posted on FB the other day: “Adam and Eve had three sons. Take as long as you want to figure out where the rest of us came from.” !!! Pretty funny, that old old story….
    and so so so untrue! We are GOD’s children, period. Dot. End of Sentence!!

    Love you all,


  11. I am often puzzled about the “judge not” question, because it seems to me that Jesus did not hesitate to judge wrong behavior (he did not condemn the person, but he did judge right and wrong). For example, in calling people “hypocrites” wasn’t he judging their behavior? Even with the woman caught in adultery, although he did not condemn her, he did judge her behavior to be “wrong”, and told her not to do it again. His was not an “anything goes” attitude., it seems to me.

  12. Thank you very much Evan for this important reminder not to judge anybody, as all are precious children of our Loving God.
    Sue is right , it is a big challenge not to jjudge at all. And we should not even judge ourselves. That is not neccessary , as we are all “idea, the image of Love” ; that’s how Mrs. Eddy assures us in Science and Health under the topping “What is Man”.
    Yes, I had difficulties with not judging my neighbors, even friends who judged me. Wow , there i had to pray and correct my thoughts and wrong view of God’s child. And I had to forgive myself and others.
    Thank you very much dear Evan for your healing and blessing SpiritView , which everyday gives us just the spiritual food we need. Much Love to you and all you dear commenters for your wonderfully inspiring comments!♡♡♡

  13. Evan, thank you for the daily cup of water that refreshes, inspires and elucidates thought. Comments by SpiritView metaphysicians polish and refine thought as well—so appreciated.

  14. You r right anonymous about Jesus. We can point out better actors kindly. Helped by the correction.

  15. I as a child was rarely corrected as being a single Mum, after 5 years of a war time marriage, my Mum had to be out working, so tried to make our time together as happy as possible.
    Consequently much became ignored, and as an only child, I am sorry today to still have so much to overcome
    Correction, in Jesus way, as Anonymous says puts God’s children’s, all of us, as needing correction, ASAP with Loves staff and rod, which is, in the long run, kinder than the world’s.

  16. Thanks Evan ,for this reminder and all the comments,, Some times I do not realize I say something that I am not suppose to even think about it.So it goes back telling me, watch,your thought.oops,

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