Living on the same schedule

June 23, 2021 | 34 comments

Last May, Kathy and I went on a camping trip with our little RV trailer in tow. We took Snickers, our cat, not sure what to expect for we had never traveled with a pet before.

The first night with Snickers was not so good. Snickers was wide awake! Snickers had slept all day, and wanted to play and run around the trailer all night. He kept bounding up and down off the bed, running to and fro around the trailer, looking for anything to get his paws on and play with. The next night was worse. After two sleepless nights, I told Kathy that we needed to pray about the three of us living on the same schedule!

So, we had a prayer session with Snickers.

We remembered together that we were of the same one Mind. That we each reflected the harmonious and coordinated activity of the one Mind that enabled us to live together peacefully in such a way that everyone prospered together.

We talked about how there was no conflict in this Mind. That the activity of one idea of God is never in conflict with the activity of another idea of God. That the activity of one idea blesses, supports, and coordinates with the activity of every other idea around it. That all of God’s creatures live, move, sleep, play and rest in perfect coordination with each other.

We also decided that there was only one schedule to live by—God’s schedule! Mind was the coordinator of our joint schedules, and kept our individual activities in perfect harmony with each other. There were no schedule conflicts in our family. Only the one schedule of Love which scheduled our periods of rest and play to complement each other. Rest was a normal part of our joint routine, and had its proper place in our joint schedules where we could all enjoy proper rest together.

The third night was pure bliss! Snickers went to bed with us. He stayed quiet and still all night, and was ready to get up in the morning when we were. It stayed that way every single night thereafter. The healing was complete and final.

Snickers had a grand time on the trip with us, as we did with him.

It was nice to be living on the same schedule—on divine Mind’s schedule.

34 thoughts on “Living on the same schedule”

  1. This is great, reminds med too bee more in prayer all time, no stress, alwayes listen to the Divine mind 🙂

  2. Thank you Evan! We just got two kittens – 3 months old and they bounce around at night and we play with them during the day, And just last night I started to pray about their sleep pattern, so what a blessing to read your blog this morning on scheduling!

  3. What a precious story…From the rhythm of the universe
    to life with Snickers all is in harmony..
    With one infinite Mind and that Mind pure goodness
    there are no conflicts, no misunderstandings, no disappointments..
    “Pure peace is thine..”.

  4. Brilliant and very applicable prayer for those with babies or small children who are not sleeping well when they should.

  5. Oh Evan! So beautiful and encouraging. No matter what the issue. No matter what or who is involved God has one schedule.
    This SpiritView is so helpful for me this morning. Thanks so much. .

  6. What a beautiful pussy cat! Thank you, Evan – such helpful ideas to pray with when we have a
    problem with a pet. I always find that animals are very responsive to prayer. I have always
    relied on prayer for my cats when there has been a problem, and I have found that whatever the
    problem, it is soon resolved. They don’t put up any mental barriers, and are able to feel the Love
    we are imparting, and respond accordingly. All of God’s creatures are obedient to the Mind that made
    them, and as we use our God-given dominion for the purpose of bringing out the harmony of Science
    for all involved, the results are already assured.

    1. Well put Maggie, appreciate your clear expression of Truth. I especially liked “All of God’s creatures are obedient to the Mind that made them,” also the fact that we can exercise God-given dominion to reveal harmony. Thanks.

  7. Ha, ha, ha! This gives me a chuckle! I need to apply these ideas to my “night owl” teenage son’s schedule!

  8. Thank you so much, Evan. I just loved the story of you, Kathy and your puss. It was great you could take him with you on your trip.

  9. This shows how everything can be prayed about. Even cat naps. We can look for items to pray about. We have new tenants moving in today, so will acknowledge divine Mind is coordinating that. Thanks for a timely lesson which is joyful to read!

  10. Love the ideas expressed. So applicable to all relationships, including governments around the world. Thanks for this inspiration for today.

  11. Evan it was so nice to hear an update about Snickers. I remembered your previous post about when he first arrived in your home and was very scared and stayed away from everyone. It was beautiful how you prayed then and revealed that fear was no part of his true joyful nature. (Jan. 8, 2021 Spiritview)

    Your message today is really universal. We can pray and recognize the uninterrupted harmony that exists between and among the whole of God’s creation, human, animal nature, ALL. Thank you so much!

    1. Sorry I meant, humans and animals and nature, not animal nature.

      Also appreciated the comment from Gaye that this idea can also be applied to governments.

  12. Animals, a spiritual idea. Company, amusement and comforting when governed by harmony.
    My sister has a doggy named Freddy. One day he was in the park on his evening walk. He became interested in a thicket. He ingested a twig of some sort which became lodged into his throat. Sis took him to the veterinarian clinic. It was a hot night in July. No admittance into the clinic. Lock down protocol last year. She called for help. She said that she could feel the obstruction but could not retrieve it and her dog was in trouble. I told her that prayers were on their way.
    I began to listen for how to pray. I looked up dogs, nothing of help there. Then I pondered what was the problem? It was an “Obstruction”. There are many references on that word. I began to look them up and study them while keeping in touch with Sis.
    She was finally admitted to a clinic. Upon thorough examination they found nothing. The dog was at ease.
    I asked Sis, “What happened to the twig you felt?” “It was never there.”
    S & H, pg. 550 line 5, “God is the Life, or intelligence, which forms and preserves the the individuality of animals as well as of men”.
    338:14 “Divide the name Adam into two syllables, and it reads a dam or an obstruction.
    Are animals a part of the “Adam dream”?
    514:328 “All God’s creatures, moving in the harmony of Science, are harmless, useful, INDESTRUCTABLE.
    Volunteering at a shelter for cats, helped create a “Kitty Barn” for estranged cats, some 50 of them now being cared for by “Alley Cats Advocate”. They are in a special place.
    We are grateful for this post. For “Christian Science” our promised Divine Comforter leading into all Truth. Thank you Evan and all.

  13. No pets at this point in our home, but I find these ideas really powerful and helpful in applying them when traveling / visiting family and friends…and my daily living with my spouse. Don’t you just love that Truth isn’t confined to just one specific situation or circumstance? Many thanks for this post!!

  14. Thank you for the example of a spot on, spot light treatment. It clearly shows the Christ power to address the challenge with specific prayer as well as the inherent yielding of the untruth. Very much appreciated.

  15. For so many reasons I’m grateful for this really unique post today! I’ve wondered if I could take my new kitty camping with me; the answer is “YES!”
    I’ve struggled to have him obedient to his right ‘deposit’ place; yes, he is receptive to that intelligence, as he moves & acts in accord with Intelligence, Mind.
    And the beautiful idea of harmonious dwelling together applies to every human interaction, relationship,
    Thank you, Evan, and all

  16. Thank you, Evan, for this delightful post. It reminds me of one of my baby cases when doing my Christian Science nursing training at Chestnut Hill Benevolent Association (then known as the Christian Science Benevolent Association, Chestnut Hill). The baby was a forceful little boy who slept all day and bawled at the top of his lungs all night. As he was in my room at night to give the mother rest, after a couple of nights of this I needed help. I contacted the practitioner on the case – and that was it! The little lad slept when he should and woke when he should, and was easier to deal with into the bargain. I was never more thankful for Christian Science practitioners’ instant alertness and spiritual clear-sightedness.

  17. What a wonderful illustration of seeing One Mind, omnipotent, omnipresent! In Prose Works on page 307-310, under “Deification of Personality” it says “Christian Scientists should beware the unseen snares, and adhere to the divine Principle and rules for demonstration. They must guard against the deification of finite personality. Every human thought must turn instinctively to the divine Mind as its sole centre and intelligence. Until this be done, man will never be found harmonious and immortal.”
    “…that intensely contemplating personality impedes spiritual growth; even as holding in mind the consciousness of disease prevents the recovery of the sick.”
    “I earnestly advise all Christian Scientists to remove from their observation or study the personal sense of any one, and not to dwell in thought upon their own or other’s corporeality, either as good or evil.
    According to Christian Science, material personality is an error in premise, and must result in erroneous conclusions. All will agree with me that material portraiture often fails to express even mortal man, and this declares its unfitness for fable or fact to build upon.”
    “He advances most in divine Science who meditates most on infinite spiritual substance and intelligence.”
    “I warn students against falling into the error of anti-Christ. The consciousness of corporeality, and whatever is connected therewith, must be outgrown. Corporeal falsities include all obstacles to health, holiness, and heaven. Man’s individual life is infinitely above a bodily form of existence, and the human concept antagonizes the divine.”
    “To impersonalize scientifically the material sense of existence – rather than cling to personality – is the lesson of to-day.”

  18. Kirsten, Your reference to”Deification of Personality,” on pages 307-310, in PROSE WORKS gives me a much better view of what a dear church member is facing. You’ve given me a great lesson today on persevering, as I’ve struggled during this pandemic to reach out to change her decision to withdraw from attending church, as she cares for a family member not able to be left alone. As much as I’ve prayed so far, rising above the mental claim she seems to be facing has been a struggle. Your directing my attention to the instructions in “Prose Works” leads my thought to pray with conviction what pages 307-310 provides, with a much higher point of view beginning by erasing ‘erroneous conclusions’. Your input is an answer to prayer. Onward to grow in my understanding. Thank you.

  19. Wonderful Evan. What a beautiful demonstration and so loving of you to share just how you focused your prayers in this situation. We all live in the security and harmony of Divine law….thank you for all the helpful comments today❣️

  20. Thank You Evan, Kathy and Snickers for revealing – In God’s Kingdom, “Being is bliss”. We truly appreciate your spending Science here as there is so much to enjoy, sharing our blissful days in earth as it is in heaven. Whatsoever blesses one blesses all. Thank you, God bless you more “blinky days”.

  21. Little Snickers caught on at last! Isn’t it ever a challenge to fit in?! So kind of y’all to be so patient as the cat adjusted. I loved this message as our own 2 cats are dear to us. Animals teach us many lessons. Thank you for sharing this adventure.

  22. Praying for my animals can be a challenge. I do not believe that God would ever leave, not be aware of, or not care for all its creation. I have a dog that for some time now has something they call a thinning trachea which causes her to cough and interrupts her breathing. I was praying for her during one tough time and found myself say “Molly you’ve been breathing all your life, why stop now?” She stopped coughing and stared at me. definitely divine intervention, nothing I thought of.

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