Living the Good Life

September 5, 2023 | 12 comments

Life is God, and God is good.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Unity of Good

If you’d like to live the Good Life, live a God-inspired life!

God is good. God is Love. A consciousness of God brings peace of mind, joy, wisdom, inspiration, order, and health.

The human mind is often tempted to believe it needs something material before it can be living a good life. Perhaps a partner, a job, a place to live, or a change in the body, are seen as necessary before a feeling of goodness can permeate thought. Basic human needs must be met, but believing one needs something physical first, before the spiritual, puts matter above Mind and may cause one to feel helpless, even hopeless.

All good starts with God. God has the ideas and wisdom we need to make wise decisions, intelligent moves, and retain good health.

When we listen to God first, we hear what we need to know to live progressively, to see good things happen.

The Good Life starts with God, the sum and substance of enduring goodness.

When you have closeness to God, you have closeness to the wisdom, understanding, and intelligence of God. You experience the goodness of God working on your behalf. You have discovered how to live the Good Life!

12 thoughts on “Living the Good Life”

  1. I wasn’t raised in a religion, but I can remember thinking of a power greater than myself and even as a very small child I could talk to that power and let it guide me. When I was in first grade I received a Bible as a gift and began to laboriously read it. The book of Psalms really showed me how much God lived me and how much I could trust Him/Her. When I first met the man who would be my husband I asked him his concept of God. He had just turned twenty and had been in Christian Science Sunday School so I was very happy with his response. My life has been so happy and blessed by knowing Christian Science and serving my church and community with Mrs. Eddy’s discovery. What a wonderful time to be able to practice the Truth so freely.

    1. Virginia, Thank you so much for sharing your spiritual journey that led you to Christian Science so beautifully. Lovely to hear that you knew of that holy presence when a little child, and
      that you continued to seek until you were led to Christian Science in such a lovely way You found it to be what you were seeking, and always available to answer your questions, and inspires you to help in your church and community. You are and will be blessed as you are blessing. A good lesson in needing to become “as a little child” – seeking and trusting. This leads to “the good life” beautifully illustrated by Evan in this SpiritView.

      As ever, thank you Evan for your daily posts – our bread from heaven! –
      the spiritual truths that sustain us, and we do not need” the King’s meat”
      to make us strong, intelligent and wise.

    2. Thank you, Virginia, for the dear testimony/comment. I believe that each of us has an immanent sense of God/Good – you so clearly expressed it.

      Happy day all❣️

  2. Thank you for the article and the web-site that I so enjoy reading the early workers thoughts. Absolutely love the connection. Thank you Evan and Rose.

  3. Thank you Evan.t Thank you friends. God is Life. This is a fact. Dark thoughts come but because God is good at all moments, we always overcome those thoughts as we reach out to God and embrace the needed Truth for the moment.

  4. These thoughts are so uplifting. Thank you for sharing with us this
    treasure of Truth, Evan, and Rose ~ for that wonderful website I will bookmark.
    The other day I received a delightful letter from a distant cousin I haven’t seen
    or been in touch with for 44 years. She looked me up and wanted to come up
    and get together and to see old albums of family that I have.. so she and her
    husband and her brother are coming tomorrow afternoon to visit, drive by
    the old homestead, etc. Some of the photos are from Mrs. Eddy’s time… with
    horse drawn hay wagons, woody station wagon, olden times, when our
    grandfathers were brothers, so it will be a delightful visit. I have been praying
    for a sense of family and the Love shared in God’s ever present and universal
    family is so dear to my heart. I cherish each and every expression of Love I
    am so humbly and delighted to feel.

    1. Carol how lovely that you will reconnect with family members after so many years. Fascinating how your prayers about a sense of family have unfolded in this way. God answers (sometimes in unexpected ways), when we lift and keep our thought aligned with Him. The visit is blessed for all of you, enjoy.

      1. Yes, Thank you Rose, for your kind words. Our families
        used to get together occasionally when we were children
        and they came to my wedding, but then they were busy
        with their children, who are now grown and moved away,
        so they are “empty nesters”, retired, and looking forward to
        getting together again, which is so very special.
        God’s Love provides us with surprises we haven’t thought
        of, sometimes, and to reignite this expression of divine Love
        is very much anticipate and appreciated with their making
        the rather long trip. I feel so blessed.
        No such thing as an “empty nester” with God’s ever sheltering
        wing of comfort and provision of His Goodness.

  5. Perfect tie in to this week’s Bible Lesson on Substance. No surprise, we have only the Substance of an All-Good, God; Life! Perfect Wisdom. The Truth is simple.

  6. This week’s lesson on Substance refers to the pearl of great price.
    There is a little book “The Other Wise Man” by Henry Van Dyke,
    that tells the inspiring story of a 4th wise man who never makes
    it to the birth of Jesus. He was to meet up with the three and on
    the way to the meeting place stops a number of times to help
    people in need. His gift to the baby was a beautiful pearl of great price. He sells the pearl to save a girl from being sold into slavery. I highly recommend reading this book.

  7. Thanks very much dear Evan!
    Yess, a consciouness of God, Love, the allembracing Good, brings peace of mind, joy, wisdom, inspiration, order and health. Thanks a lot for this truth. It is very very desirable. I would need and wish all these qualities! But if I remember what I learned in CS it is natural for us to express all this, as we are the children, yes the expression of our wonderful Father-Mother God. I am thankful to have learned this comforting Truth. And I am happy and glad being able of learning more and more of this divine Truth!!

    Thank you dearly “J” for that wonderful article by Samuel Greenwood. It’s so good, I must read it again tomorrow. Now its bedtime here, nearly midnight with a wonderful clear heaven with lots of stars.

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