Look for the good

January 27, 2017 | 14 comments

“A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties.”

~ Harry Truman

God is Life, and Life is good. This is reality. Through spiritual sense, it is discerned and experienced.

Be sure to use spiritual sense today with every experience that comes your way. When you do, you’ll see the good to act on and overcome evil rather than be deceived by it.

14 thoughts on “Look for the good”

  1. Humans think desire
    has many forms…
    Love knows of only one..

    When human love
    Finally reaches for Gods Love…..
    An opening occurs ….
    The sleeping human
    Awakens and knows
    it never was….
    For Love is all there is…..

  2. Yes! So much depends on our own attitudes. It’s always a choice. We are never victims, unless we choose to be. Spiritual sense is choosing to see God’s Unlimited Goodness in all things and in all people. We trust that it’s there because we know that our path is one of discovering what God has already done. “In the Beginning……..” The spiritual universe and spiritual man have already been created……our task is to wake up, change our thinking from a material base to a spiritual one and…..Voila!

  3. As a Navy wife I became a mentor in COMPASS, a spouse-to-spouse mentoring program. I occasionally taught a section on Deployment which can be a difficult time for families when their family member may be gone for 6-9 months. I came up with a little saying—- “Gratitude is the attitude that gives you altitude,” I know it helped me when my husband had to go on deployment and I wanted to share it with others. It was appreciated by others. I encouraged them to look for the good and dwell on that rather than focus on the negative. It works.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful support, which you offered to Navy spouses and their families. Think of the “pebble in the water” if each parent shared with their child your helpful thought. Times can be trying, but an attitude filled with gratitude can overcome!!

  4. Sometimes not easy to use spiritual sense, if you have to work out a seeming problem, which was the case for me today. But thank you Evan, that you give food for thinking about spiritual sense today! Ok, I read daily our precious lesson sermon which does help to start a good day with God. And I mean, to use the spiritual sense is also to listen to Gods thoughts which give us the right idea what to think and to do rightly, isn`t it? I do understand it so. Mrs. Eddy says that the spiritual sense means, at least in part: to understand God (in Sience and Health). I think we have still to learn a lot in Christian Science – and I am grateful for that great possibility.

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