Look for the good

August 23, 2024 | 33 comments

You’re always looking for something.  Look for the good!

God is good, and the universe God made for us to live in is wholly good.  The more you look for God’s goodness, the more of it you see.

When conversing with a neighbor, look for all the wonderful ways they reflect God’s goodness.

When recounting a day, look for all the good that happened during that day.

The goodness of God is easy to find when you look for it.  Good ideas, a solution to a problem, a stranger’s unsolicited smile, the comfort of a home, safety while driving to work, reason to figure out a course of action…the list is endless of how God’s goodness shows up in our lives.

You’re always looking for something.  Be sure to look for the good!

33 thoughts on “Look for the good”

  1. Good being God make good the ultimate power. So looking for good everywhere is seeing God as the only power in the universe.
    What a great way to address the claim that evil of any kind has NO POWER.

  2. Evan this is such a helpful reminder. It’s too easy to look for the negatives – complaining about the news, the weather, other drivers and what we think they are doing wrong, the neighbour’s dog’s constant barking, etc etc. No, we must let go of the negativity and look for the positives, the good that we know is there and far outweighs the bad. We will then have a far more harmonious day and so will those around us. “Ye shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace”. Thank you Evan for the reminder to only look for the good. I will endeavour to do this today. L x

  3. Excellent, inspirational subject today. Can only lead to uplifting of thought as we go through our day.
    I’m sure I can recall reading somewhere that Mrs Eddy was with one of her friends and said to look out the window for what you see is the result of your conscious thought. (Maybe someone here knows where this is written.)
    Thank you yet again for ‘hitting the spot ‘ for good/God filled days Evan,❣️

    1. Hi, Barbara, Not sure if this is what you are referring to, but in Mrs. Eddy’s
      Pulpit and Press, pg.49, she writes, “Looking down from the windows upon
      the tree-tops on the lower terrace, the reporter exclaimed: ‘You have lived
      here only four years, and yet from a barren waste of most unpromising ground
      has come forth all this beauty!'”.. She corrected him that it was just two and a
      half years and went on to talk of her friendships, career, etc. As she saw the
      good in all of her experiences, and how her growth in spirituality, along the
      way … motivated her in all that she has done in making this world a better
      place, it inspires us to see the good in our lives, as Evan’s wonderful message
      prompts us to do, also.

      1. Hi Carol…yes that could be what I was trying to allude to. I read it quite some time ago and remember it impressed me. Always love your comments.B.x

  4. I was impelled to look for the good in a man who seemed very irrational and agitated the other day. I was sitting outside on a break near my workplace and he was sitting not far away. He apparently had been disturbed by someone walking several dogs and he was loudly shouting on and on seemingly irrational things about dogs. I was about to walk away but then felt I should pray. It was hard to quiet my thought because of the surrounding whirlwind of activity and noise on that busy city street mid-day.

    I kept trying to see and know that as God’s expression he couldn’t be agitated or upset. That he could only be calm, content, peaceful, free. The shouting continued. I started to calm down and then heard a thought, “Nothing can disabuse him of his divine right to experience the peace of God.” Then a sweet wave of calm and relief as I realized that the same must be true for me. I guess I’d been feeling somewhat agitated myself that day, prior to this, but hadn’t realized just how much. The man became quiet and just sat there calmly watching the people passing by,

    I went back to work and an hour or so later I was out again and passed by that same spot — there he was still sitting quietly and calmly observing the passing scene. I too still felt that calm. How sweet to witness that dual healing, like in a strange way we helped heal each other.

    1. Thank you, Rose!
      Nothing can disabuse me of my divine right to experience the peace of God.

      This angel message that came to you was an angel message for me as well, and I am most grateful for it this morning. This will be with me all day.
      Thank you!!

    2. Just fabulous Rose! “Nothing can disabuse (me) of (my) divine right to experience the peace of God.” I will be cherishing this today as I support another – and myself! – in bearing witness to the Truth that peace of Mind is already built in to each of us and we have it now! “Pure peace IS thine” as our wonderful hymn 160 declares, there is no power apart from God to take that away!

      Thank you so much for sharing this

    3. What a lovely thought that he couldn’t be disabused of his divine right. it reminds me when a practitioner once quoted to me from S & H that divine Love couldn’t be deprived of its manifestation or object. God, Love can’t be deprived of its expression in us and as us. Or God, Life can’t be deprived of Love in our lives. Love has to be expressed as Life. That seems like a powerful law that nothing can deprived God of anything.

      Your experience reminds me also when I took an overnight train trip from New York city to Chicago. I couldn’t sleep about 3 a.m. so went to dining car. There was an older gentleman going up and down the aisle very upset muttering to himself. I invited him to sit with me and we chatted. He and his wife had been on that plane that had bad landing in Iowa where passengers died. They had survived. It was traumatic – then they lived in Chicago and his wife had been in taxi accident in the past year or so and killed. He thought the Iowa incident was bad enough for one life – but then to lose his wife he felt bereft. We just chatted for an hour or two until morning arrived, and he said it made him feel so much better he said. I enjoyed talking to him as he was a lovely gentleman. And the train staff in the room seemed pleased we’d made friends with each other and that he was calm. That train trip left at 6 at night and you arrived at noon the next day.

      1. Thanks to everyone who commented on my share about the agitated man who calmed down when I endeavored to see his true likeness as God’s peaceful man. Glad it was helpful.

        Sometimes we see people that most would say are acting “crazy”, schizophrenic, etc. Living in a big city I see this at times on the street or on public transportation. I try to get quiet and think about them as I did in this example. I’ve even used it when there were agitated crying babies or people seeming to get into a heated argument in public, ususally things calm right down as I keep holding to their true nature. Grateful to have the understanding CS teaches, to apply out in the world. Blessings to all of you.

      2. Lindajane thank you for that great story about your interaction with the man on the train. You were a blessing to him, and he to you as well. Love is reflected in Love.

        1. What I love about Christian Science is that it trains us to look for opportunities to express Love by meeting the human need. If someone is obviously suffering, our thought is open to seeing God’s truth about them as you did or being a transparency for the Comforter and offering comfort and solace. And it’s a joy to do. Spiritual activity and actions always feel magical, elevated from earth somehow. It’s experiencing divine power. Thanks for commenting.

        2. Your love to others is a treasure, dear Rose. It is what the
          world really needs. Caring from the heart. Love like is
          shared here. Yours, too, on the train, dear Lindajane.
          So beautiful!

  5. That was a wonderful experience of God’s Love and calm settling over you and the
    gentleman that seemed agitated, Rose. I’m sure your sweet thoughts of serenity
    helped him also. Dogs are such examples of unconditional love – I couldn’t see how
    anyone could get irritated over them, except like Linda, Cheshire – had mentioned
    about constant barking .. but that is generally not from the dog’s doing, but of their
    wanting to be loved, just like we all do and often bark for attention. It is very inspiring
    that you had seen the loveliness of Love being all around you.

  6. Uplifted and calmed my inner sanctuary, really WoKE ME UP allowing me to observe where my thought has landed. Peace I give, and peace to all, on this God’s blessed day! Filled with gratitude, than you for sharing God’s blessing for us all (everywhere peace on earth, goodwill towards men).

  7. I feel that it is also good to recognize evil and to cast it out. We can’t be complacent when it comes to evil. If we ignore evil and just think everything is good then we are giving it a foothold. Mrs. Eddy is very strong on this topic. A la ti da attitude can let evil grow in our thoughts and in the world.

  8. This is the mystery of godliness — that God, good, is never absent, and there is none beside good. Mortals can understand this only as they reach the Life of good, and learn that there is no Life in evil. Then shall it appear that the true ideal of omnipotent and ever-present good is an ideal wherein and wherefor there is no evil.
    (Unity of Good, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 62:8–14 (to 1st .))

  9. Almost too late to add this comment…. I’m grateful for the reminder to look for good, God. As we do so, we’re keeping our “minds so filled with Truth and Live that sin, disease and death cannot enter them” as write Mary Baker Eddy. Also, “Good thoughts are an impervious armor…”. Thank you Evan!

  10. i believe the experience first mentioned with Mrs Eddy and her friend was mentioned in one of the biographies…perhsps CHRISTIAN HEALER. Thanks to you all. what a gift to the world to be recognizing and witnrssing the omnipotent goodness of ALMIGHTY GOD, Father, Mother

  11. i believe the experience first mentioned with Mrs Eddy and her friend was mentioned in one of the biographies…perhsps CHRISTIAN HEALER. Thanks to you all. what a gift to the world to be recognizing and witnrssing the omnipotent goodness of ALMIGHTY GOD, Father, Mother.


    Not to see or hear or repeat any kind of imperfection. It is seeing, hearing,
    and repeating good and only good at all times, under all circumstances, in
    spite of everything that appears to the contrary.

    I make this resolution every morning when I first open my eyes and review it
    every hour of the day. I see perfection, a perfect cause and perfect effect,
    perfect God and perfect man, and I refuse to admit the slightest imperfection in myself, in my friends, in my so-called enemies, in the affairs of the world. I take my radical stand for the perfection of God and everything and everybody He has made. I look upon the world with God’s eyes and see it as He sees it; I refuse to see it in any other way. I stop a dozen times a day to renew the resolve and to make sure that I am not repeating error, giving way to fear and criticisms. I watch my thoughts even about people – the lame, the old, the unlovely (to sense) that I pass – and the stray animals. I have taken my radical stand for the perfection of all things, and I will not, absolutely I will not release the perfect standard.
    Thought to be from Irving Tomlinson

    1. Thank you Spiritview Reader, that Resolution for the Day is great. You mentioned it is believed to have been from Irving Tomlinson so I looked him up. Tomlinson was a Universalist minister (and son of a Universalist minister), serving at a church in Massachusetts in the late 1800’s.

      He was disappointed when unable to help a member of his congregation who struggled with alcohol addiction and began deeply studying the bible, book of Mark chapter 16, “they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” He said, “I began to wonder if there was any church that attempted to do the healing work our Master bade us perform.” After almost a year of searching he attended a CS testimony meeting, and the rest as they say is history.

      He left the Universalist Church and joined the CS movement, became a practitioner, teacher, board member, first reader, lecturer, President of Mother Church, worker in Mrs. Eddy’s household and wrote a well-known book ‘Twelve Years with Mary Baker Eddy.’ What an amazing story.

  13. Thank you all for your divers testimonies, praying for people in need, which blesses yourselves, as well!

    In my healing I had to correct my thoughts about a friend’s opinion. These days I was upset about something she said to me. I thought that it was not nice and unsensitive.
    To look for the Good as Evan says, I prayed for an angel thought that might heal my seeming anger. This morning I got that healing, good angel thought, and it made me warmly loving towards my friend. It was a thought of insight that what my friend said was not unsensitive, but rather was ment lovingly! And today I wrote her a kind mail about that situation.
    Thank God that we learned that he is always with us and answers our prayers!

    Thank you very very much for your loving and healing SpiritView Blog, dear Evan!

    Dear SpiritView friends, thank you very much indeed for your enriching and inspiring comments! ❤️

  14. So nice to read the Resolution for the Day, SpiritView Reader and also for your
    inspiring comment, Uta. What very noble ideals to strive for and with God’s
    divine help, achieve. Uta, sometimes thoughts are misinterpreted and that is
    sad, but am glad you got the insight of how the true meaning was meant. mortal
    mind is good in trying to have us believe in things that aren’t true – all part of the
    lies that cause us to see things the wrong way, rather than the way God, Love wants
    us to see them. Seeing, hearing and repeating only Good is the way to perfection –
    our True perfection – ours and everyone else’s. Always being on the lookout for
    Good is so rewarding if we take what we read as interpreted from Love’s way of
    looking at things.

  15. Thanks a lot, dear Carol for your lovely reply to my comment!♡
    Very interesting and true what you write, ” seeing hearing and repeating (speaking) only Good is the way to perfection, our true perfection…” yes,, Carol, our God given spiritual Perfection – that is wonderful!
    – have a nice and sunny weekend – ❤️

  16. James 1 : 17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and
    cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness,
    neither shadow of turning”. So many Good things to be thankful for today!!
    So grateful for SpiritView and the blessings we have and cherish here. Like
    the sun shines on us – our Father/Mother Love shines on us with such
    enlightenment of peaceful thoughts to brighten our day.

    1. Thank you , Blessed for James 1:17.
      So so true, God shines on us. The Christ , Truth is the light on our path heavenwards and peace on earth!♡♡♡

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