Make grand progress today

May 8, 2019 | 23 comments

Progress is thought moving to a better place. To understand that no person or circumstance can limit how far and how fast your thought moves, is to see that there are no limits on how far and fast you can progress.

23 thoughts on “Make grand progress today”

  1. You can’t know how much this has helped me right at the moment I needed it, Evan. I came into my study needing a quiet thought, and found this! Thankyou so much!

  2. Am I worth anything? I’ve never been quite sure. Today I can affirm that I have ifinite value and no one could be more loved. And I can declare it for everyone I see. Today I can KNOW what lies in everyone’s heart. At the heart of every tear,every doubt may be this question Do I matter? Thank you so much Evan !!!

    1. Beautiful! Thank you Charla for sharing your thoughts and your love with us. This is perfect for sharing with folks in jail (and those of us feeling imprisoned by what we accept as our own thinking,) who need the assurance that our dear Father-Mother God loves us and will free us from these doubts and fears to embrace our “infinite value.” You are indeed loved without measure!

  3. Thanks so much, Evan for the unlimited Spiritual View you give us today so clearly. With God, all Good, all things are possible! Am thankfull for the daily uplifting!

    Thank you all for your wonderful and helpful comments!

  4. Progress is a law of God. It is our nature to be obedient to God’s laws because we are obedience.

  5. Love this! Understanding no limits is wonderful. When looking at a seeming problem materially, there’s always a time projection on how long it will take to resolve; but infinite Love cannot be bound! Time is a mortal construct, by its nature limiting; it is so nice to know it’s not real. The only time is now; so there is no limit on our progress.

    1. Fully agree. No substance to (false) belief that time is real with perimeters; thus no substance to diagnosis, prescription, or proscription.

    2. Thank you for the reminder that human time limits regarding how long something will take to resolve are not real and that God’s plans for us are always in operation. I needed to see this today with regard to selling my house.
      Thanks as always also to Evan for his timely and very helpful posts

  6. This is not an exact quote, but something I’ve found encouraging. God’s law is a law of progress and He never asks more of us than He has enabled us to do. He has enabled me to fulfill His will today – not mine. I’m looking forward to His day!

  7. Many years ago when my mother passed on a friend wrote me that she had progressed. I never thought of it in that way until then and have used that all through the years since. I awoke this morning thinking about past things that really are past and realized I have to climb out of the feeling of guilt and regret and move forward in my spiritual being with God ,Love. Then this Spirit View appeared reinforcing my commitment to progress. Thank you Evan and every one of you with all of your wonderful comments. Much Love today and every day.

  8. Thanks for those helpful thoughts on progress. We cannot help but progress when we are striving to let spiritual sense guide us. Progess is indeed the law of God!

  9. What a lift up, after a tumulteous morning, lifting my thought above the human mist, right through to knowing progress is harmonizing the appearance of doubt, fear, rowdy disturbances, homelessness, as well as uneven resources among family.
    This is all in God’s hands, I’m the witness!

  10. Thank you Evan , and all. So very grateful for all these healing messages.
    With God all things are possible. Ellen thanks for sharing the inspiration. “Infinite Love cannot be bound”. No time or limits.
    Lori thanks for sharing this beautiful quote God’s law is a law of progress… I AM looking forward to His day!

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